GeoPunk Bus Timetables

AL7 Bus Route: Windmill Lane - St John Fisher Academy with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by A Lyles and Son

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Map of the AL7 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the AL7 - Windmill Lane - St John Fisher Academy Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

adj, Westborough High School, Stockhill Street, Dewsbury15:30
Staincliffe Rd Reservoir Street, Staincliffe Road, Dewsbury Moor15:31
Staincliffe Rd School Lane, Staincliffe Road, Dewsbury Moor15:32
Staincliffe Rd Knowles Hill Road, Staincliffe Road, Staincliffe15:34
opp, Squirrel Hall Reservoir, Staincliffe Road, Staincliffe15:35
Dewsbury Gate Road Occupation Ln, Dewsbury Gate Road, Staincliffe15:36
Halifax Road Butchers Arms, Halifax Road, Staincliffe15:37
White Lee Road Leeside Rd, White Lee Road, White Lee15:40
White Lee Road, Smithies Moor Lane, White Lee15:42
NE bound, Smithies Moor Ln White Lee Road, Smithies Moor Lane, Birstall15:43
Smithies Moor Lane Smithies Moor Rise, Smithies Moor Lane, Birstall15:45
Smithies Moor Lane Bradford Rd, Smithies Moor Lane, Birstall15:47
Smithies Lane John St, Smithies Lane, Birstall15:48
stop A, Market Place, Low Lane, Birstall15:50
stop, Middlegate Church Street, Middlegate, Birstall15:51
adj, Middlegate Kings Drive, Middlegate, Birstall15:53
opp, Field Head Ln Foxglove Road, Field Head Lane, Birstall15:55
on, Field Head Lane Lowood Ln, Lowood Lane, Birstall15:57
opp, Lowood Lane Haworth Rd, Lowood Lane, Birstall15:57
opp, Dark Ln Raikes Lane, Dark Lane, Birstall16:00
S bound, Gelderd Rd Dark Lane, Gelderd Road, Birstall16:01
Gelderd Road The Green, Gelderd Road, Birstall16:03
before, Gelderd Road Nelson St, Gelderd Road, Birstall16:05
adj, Leeds Rd Sovereign Close, Leeds Road, Birstall16:07
Upper Batley Lane Brownhill Rd, Upper Batley Lane, Birstall16:08
adj, Upper Batley Ln Harefield Drive, Upper Batley Lane, Birstall16:10
Windmill La Upper Batley Lane, Windmill Lane, Howden Clough16:10

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

S bound, Windmill La Upper Batley Lane, Windmill Lane, Howden Clough8:00
Upper Batley Ln Harefield Drive, Upper Batley Lane, Birstall8:01
adj, Upper Batley Lane Brownhill Rd, Upper Batley Lane, Birstall8:02
Leeds Rd Sovereign Close, Leeds Road, Birstall8:04
after, Gelderd Road Nelson St, Gelderd Road, Birstall8:05
adj, Gelderd Road The Green, Gelderd Road, Birstall8:07
N bound, Gelderd Rd Dark Lane, Gelderd Road, Birstall8:08
adj, Dark Ln Raikes Lane, Dark Lane, Birstall8:10
before, Lowood Lane Haworth Rd, Lowood Lane, Birstall8:12
adj, Fieldhead Ln Lowood Lane, Field Head Lane, Birstall8:14
Field Head Ln Foxglove Road, Field Head Lane, Birstall8:15
opp, Middlegate Kings Drive, Middlegate, Birstall8:17
Middlegate Church Street, Middlegate, Birstall8:19
stop C, Market Place, Chapel Lane, Birstall8:20
Smithies Lane Bradford Rd, Smithies Lane, Birstall8:21
adj, Smithies Moor Lane Smithies Moor Rise, Smithies Moor Lane, Birstall8:23
Smithies Moor Ln White Lee Road, Smithies Moor Lane, Birstall8:25
S bound, White Lee Rd Carlinghow Lane, White Lee Road, White Lee8:27
White Lee Road, White Lee8:30
adj, Halifax Rd Common Road, Halifax Road, Staincliffe8:33
Dewsbury Gate Road Hilary St, Dewsbury Gate Road, Staincliffe8:34
adj, Squirrel Hall Reservoir, Staincliffe Road, Staincliffe8:36
Staincliffe Rd Healds Road, Staincliffe Road, Staincliffe8:37
Staincliffe Rd Russell Street, Staincliffe Road, Dewsbury Moor8:38
Staincliffe Road Moor Croft, Staincliffe Road, Dewsbury Moor8:39
adj, Westborough High School, Stockhill Street, Dewsbury8:40