GeoPunk Bus Timetables

781 Bus Route: Meanwood - Otley with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Connexions Buses

Operator Details and Contact Information

Bus CompanyConnexions Buses
AddressUnit 3, South Field Lane, Tockwith, York YO26 7QP, , ,

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Map of the 781 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 781 - Meanwood - Otley Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

Otley Bus Stn 02, Otley Bus Station - Crossgate, Otley12:35
Cross Green Dennison Hill, Cross Green, Otley12:36
Cross Green Otley Cemetery, Cross Green, Otley12:37
adj, Pool Road Gallows Hill, Pool Road, Otley12:38
Pool Road Garden Centre, Pool Road, Otley12:39
Pool Road Moor Drive, Pool Road, Otley12:39
stop, Pool Road Knutford, Pool Road, Otley12:40
E bound, Pool Road Caley Lodge, Pool Road, Pool12:41
E bound, Pool Road Wharfe View, Pool Road, Pool12:43
Main Street, Pool12:44
adj, Main St Arthington Lane, Main Street, Pool12:44
opp, Arthington Lane Stonedale Close, Arthington Lane, Pool12:45
Arthington Ln The Tower Drive, Arthington Lane, Pool12:45
adj, The Wharfedale PH, Arthington Lane, Arthington12:46
opp, Creskeld Grange Farm, Arthington Lane, Arthington12:46
opp, Crag View House, Arthington Lane, Arthington12:47
at, Arthington Lane Park Cottages, Arthington Lane, Arthington12:48
opp, Ingfield Farm, Arthington Lane, Arthington12:48
Harewood Bar, Harrogate Road, Harewood12:52
S bound, Harewood Arms, Harrogate Road, Harewood12:54
Wike Lane, Harrogate Road, Wike12:56
opp, Wikefield Farm, Harrogate Road, Wike12:58
at, Eccup Reservoir, Harrogate Road, Alwoodley Gates12:58
after, Alwoodley Lane Sandmoor Ave, Alwoodley Lane, Alwoodley Gates13:00
before, Alwoodley Lane The Fairway, Alwoodley Lane, Alwoodley13:01
before, Alwoodley Lane Mount Dr, Alwoodley Lane, Alwoodley13:01
adj, Alwoodley Lane The Ave, Alwoodley Lane, Alwoodley13:02
Lakeland Crescent, Alwoodley Lane, Alwoodley13:03
before, Alwoodley Lane King Ln, Alwoodley Lane, Alwoodley13:04
adj, King Ln The Lane, King Lane, Alwoodley13:04
The Avenue Bottom, King Lane, Alwoodley13:05
SE bound, King Lane Buck Stone Gdns, King Lane, Moortown13:06
King Ln Nursery Lane, King Lane, Moortown13:06
King Lane P&R B, King Lane, Moortown13:07
Moor Allerton Ctr B, King Lane, Moortown13:08
Ring Rd Lingfield Road, Ring Road Moortown, Moortown13:09
Scott Hall Rd Rdbt, Harrogate Road, Moortown13:10
before, Moortown Corner B, Harrogate Road, Moortown13:11
at, Street Ln Moorland Rise, Street Lane, Moortown13:13
Leafield Close, Stonegate Road, Moortown13:13
at, Castle View, Stonegate Road, Meanwood13:14
West Lea Close, Stonegate Road, Meanwood13:15
opp, Parkland Drive, Stonegate Road, Meanwood13:15
opp, Parklands Gardens, Stonegate Road, Meanwood13:16
opp, Stainbeck Lane, Stonegate Road, Meanwood13:17
Parkside Avenue, Stonegate Road, Meanwood13:17
opp, Northside Retail Pk, Stonegate Road, Meanwood13:18

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

Northside Retail Pk, Stonegate Road, Meanwood9:48
at, Parkside Avenue, Stonegate Road, Meanwood9:49
Stainbeck Lane, Stonegate Road, Meanwood9:49
Parklands Gardens, Stonegate Road, Meanwood9:50
Parkland Drive, Stonegate Road, Meanwood9:50
opp, West Lea Close, Stonegate Road, Meanwood9:51
Castle View, Stonegate Road, Meanwood9:52
Leafield Close, Stonegate Road, Moortown9:53
after, Moortown Corner A, Harrogate Road, Moortown9:54
Scott Hall Rd Rdbt, Harrogate Road, Moortown9:54
Ring Rd Harrogate Road, Ring Road Moortown, Moortown9:55
SW bound, Ring Rd Lingfield Road, Ring Road Moortown, Moortown9:56
Moor Allerton Ctr C, King Lane, Moortown9:57
King Lane Allerton High School, King Lane, Moortown9:57
opp, King Ln Nursery Lane, King Lane, Moortown9:58
NW bound, King Lane Buck Stone Gdns, King Lane, Moortown9:58
N bound, The Avenue Bottom, King Lane, Alwoodley9:58
King Ln The Lane, King Lane, Alwoodley9:59
after, Alwoodley Lane King Ln, Alwoodley Lane, Alwoodley10:00
E bound, Lakeland Crescent, Alwoodley Lane, Alwoodley10:00
opp, Alwoodley Lane The Ave, Alwoodley Lane, Alwoodley10:01
after, Alwoodley Lane Mount Dr, Alwoodley Lane, Alwoodley10:01
after, Alwoodley Lane The Fairway, Alwoodley Lane, Alwoodley10:02
opp, Alwoodley Lane Sandmoor Ave, Alwoodley Lane, Alwoodley Gates10:02
before, Alwoodley Lane Harrogate Rd, Alwoodley Lane, Alwoodley Gates10:04
opp, Eccup Reservoir, Harrogate Road, Alwoodley Gates10:04
adj, Wikefield Farm, Harrogate Road, Wike10:06
Wike Lane, Harrogate Road, Wike10:08
Harewood Arms, Harrogate Road, Harewood10:10
Otley Road, Weardley10:12
Weardley Lane End, Otley Road, Weardley10:14
adj, Ingfield Farm, Arthington Lane, Arthington10:16
adj, Grange Farm, Arthington Lane, Arthington10:17
adj, Crag View House, Arthington Lane, Arthington10:17
adj, Creskeld Grange Farm, Arthington Lane, Arthington10:18
opp, The Wharfedale PH, Arthington Lane, Arthington10:19
at, Arthington Ln The Tower Drive, Arthington Lane, Pool10:19
adj, Arthington Lane Stonedale Close, Arthington Lane, Pool10:19
opp, Main St Arthington Lane, Main Street, Pool10:20
N bound, Main Street, Pool10:20
Pool Bridge, Pool Road, Pool10:20
Pool Road Wharfe View, Pool Road, Pool10:20
Pool Road Caley Lodge, Pool Road, Pool10:22
Pool Road Knutford, Pool Road, Otley10:22
adj, Pool Rd Moor Drive, Pool Road, Otley10:22
Pool Road Garden Centre, Pool Road, Otley10:23
Pool Road Gallows Hill, Pool Road, Otley10:23
opp, Cross Green Otley Cemetery, Cross Green, Otley10:24
opp, Cross Green Dennison Hill, Cross Green, Otley10:25
Otley Bus Stn 02, Otley Bus Station - Crossgate, Otley10:25