GeoPunk Bus Timetables

71s Bus Route: Aughton - Sheffield with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by TM Travel

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Map of the 71s Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 71s - Aughton - Sheffield Route

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at, Aughton Road/Aston Academy, Aughton Road, Aughton15:18
adj, Aughton Road/Aughton Avenue, Aughton Road, Aughton15:18
adj, Aughton Road/Westfield Avenue, Aughton Road, Aughton15:19
adj, Main Street/Coral Drive, Main Street, Aughton15:20
adj, Wood Lane/Treeton Lane, Wood Lane, Treeton15:24
adj, Wood Lane/Bradshaw Avenue, Wood Lane, Treeton15:25
opp, Wood Lane/Pit Lane, Wood Lane, Treeton15:25
adj, Front Street/Washfield Lane, Front Street, Treeton15:26
adj, Station Road/Front Street, Station Road, Treeton15:27
adj, Station Road/Arundel Street, Station Road, Treeton15:27
adj, Treeton Lane/Mill Lane, Treeton Lane, Treeton15:28
adj, Main Street/Treeton Lane, Main Street, Catcliffe15:30
adj, Highfield Lane/Highfield Spring, Highfield Lane, Waverley15:33
adj, Highfield Lane/Castleton Way, Highfield Lane, Waverley15:34
adj, Orgreave Road/Poplar Way, Orgreave Road, Catcliffe15:37
nr, Orgreave Road/Sheffield Lane, Orgreave Road, Catcliffe15:37
opp, Main Street/Treeton Lane, Main Street, Catcliffe15:38
adj, Rotherham Road/St Marys Drive, Rotherham Road, Catcliffe15:39
at, Whitehill Lane/New Brinsworth Road, Whitehill Lane, Catcliffe15:39
opp, Brinsworth Road/Nursery Drive, Brinsworth Road, Catcliffe15:40
adj, Brinsworth Road/High Hazel Crescent, Brinsworth Road, Catcliffe15:42
adj, Brinsworth Road/Green Lane, Brinsworth Road, Brinsworth15:43
adj, Wood Lane/Brinsworth Road, Wood Lane, Catcliffe15:44
at, Europa Court/Europa View, Europa Court, Tinsley Park15:46
at, Europa View/Europa Court, Europa View, Tinsley Park15:46
opp, Europa View/Europa Link, Europa View, Tinsley Park15:47
on, Europa Link/Europa View, Europa Link, Tinsley Park15:48
o/s, Europa Link/Letsby Avenue, Europa Link, Tinsley Park15:50
nr, Shepcote Lane/Europa Link, Shepcote Lane, Darnall15:54
adj, Greenland Road/Shepcote Lane, Greenland Road, Darnall15:56
adj, Greenland Road/Coleford Road, Greenland Road, Darnall15:58
adj, Greenland Road/Catley Road, Greenland Road, Darnall15:58
nr, Main Road/Catley Road, Main Road, Darnall16:00
nr, Main Road/Greenland Road, Main Road, Darnall16:00
opp, Prince of Wales Road/Poole Place, Prince of Wales Road, Darnall16:02
opp, Prince of Wales Road/Halsall Avenue, Prince of Wales Road, Darnall16:03
at, Prince of Wales Road/Bowden Wood Crescent, Prince of Wales Road, Darnall Littledale16:05
adj, Prince of Wales Road/Bowden Wood Crescent, Prince of Wales Road, Darnall Littledale16:06
CG1, Commercial Street/CG1, Commercial Street, Sheffield Centre16:23
at, Flat Street/Fitzalan Square, Flat Street, Sheffield Centre16:24
at, Sheffield Interchange, Pond Street, Sheffield Centre16:25