This bus service is run by
Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | |
Bransholme Centre, Goodhart Road, Bransholme | 6:05 | 6:05 | 7:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 8:00 | 9:15 | 9:15 | 10:15 | 10:15 | 11:15 | 11:15 | 12:15 | 12:15 | 13:15 | 13:15 | 14:15 | 14:15 | 15:25 | 16:25 | 16:25 | 17:25 | 17:25 |
Bransholme Health Centre, Goodhart Road, Bransholme | 6:06 | 6:06 | 7:01 | 7:01 | 8:01 | 8:01 | 9:16 | 9:16 | 10:16 | 10:16 | 11:16 | 11:16 | 12:16 | 12:16 | 13:16 | 13:16 | 14:16 | 14:16 | 15:26 | 16:26 | 16:26 | 17:26 | 17:26 |
Goodhart Road, Barnstaple Road, Bransholme | 6:07 | 6:07 | 7:02 | 7:02 | 8:02 | 8:02 | 9:17 | 9:17 | 10:17 | 10:17 | 11:17 | 11:17 | 12:17 | 12:17 | 13:17 | 13:17 | 14:17 | 14:17 | 15:27 | 16:27 | 16:27 | 17:27 | 17:27 |
opp, Madron Close, Barnstaple Road, Bransholme | 6:07 | 6:07 | 7:02 | 7:02 | 8:02 | 8:02 | 9:17 | 9:17 | 10:17 | 10:17 | 11:17 | 11:17 | 12:17 | 12:17 | 13:17 | 13:17 | 14:17 | 14:17 | 15:27 | 16:27 | 16:27 | 17:27 | 17:27 |
opp, Biggin Avenue, Noddle Hill | 6:09 | 6:09 | 7:04 | 7:04 | 8:04 | 8:04 | 9:19 | 9:19 | 10:19 | 10:19 | 11:19 | 11:19 | 12:19 | 12:19 | 13:19 | 13:19 | 14:19 | 14:19 | 15:29 | 16:29 | 16:29 | 17:29 | 17:29 |
Leadhills Way, Noddle Hill Way, Noddle Hill | 6:10 | 6:10 | 7:05 | 7:05 | 8:05 | 8:05 | 9:20 | 9:20 | 10:20 | 10:20 | 11:20 | 11:20 | 12:20 | 12:20 | 13:20 | 13:20 | 14:20 | 14:20 | 15:30 | 16:30 | 16:30 | 17:30 | 17:30 |
Fulmar Close, Noddle Hill Way, Noddle Hill | 6:10 | 6:10 | 7:05 | 7:05 | 8:05 | 8:05 | 9:20 | 9:20 | 10:20 | 10:20 | 11:20 | 11:20 | 12:20 | 12:20 | 13:20 | 13:20 | 14:20 | 14:20 | 15:30 | 16:30 | 16:30 | 17:30 | 17:30 |
Kingfisher Close, Kestrel Avenue, Sutton-on-Hull | 6:11 | 6:11 | 7:06 | 7:06 | 8:06 | 8:06 | 9:21 | 9:21 | 10:21 | 10:21 | 11:21 | 11:21 | 12:21 | 12:21 | 13:21 | 13:21 | 14:21 | 14:21 | 15:31 | 16:31 | 16:31 | 17:31 | 17:31 |
Housemartin Drive, Kestrel Avenue, Sutton-on-Hull | 6:12 | 6:12 | 7:07 | 7:07 | 8:07 | 8:07 | 9:22 | 9:22 | 10:22 | 10:22 | 11:22 | 11:22 | 12:22 | 12:22 | 13:22 | 13:22 | 14:22 | 14:22 | 15:32 | 16:32 | 16:32 | 17:32 | 17:32 |
opp, Mallyan Close, Howdale Road, Sutton-on-Hull | 6:12 | 6:12 | 7:08 | 7:07 | 8:08 | 8:07 | 9:22 | 9:22 | 10:22 | 10:22 | 11:22 | 11:22 | 12:22 | 12:22 | 13:22 | 13:22 | 14:22 | 14:22 | 15:32 | 16:32 | 16:32 | 17:32 | 17:32 |
Canterbury Drive, Howdale Road, Sutton-on-Hull | 6:13 | 6:13 | 7:09 | 7:08 | 8:09 | 8:08 | 9:23 | 9:23 | 10:23 | 10:23 | 11:23 | 11:23 | 12:23 | 12:23 | 13:23 | 13:23 | 14:23 | 14:23 | 15:33 | 16:33 | 16:33 | 17:33 | 17:33 |
Grosmont Close, Howdale Road, Sutton-on-Hull | 6:13 | 6:13 | 7:09 | 7:08 | 8:09 | 8:08 | 9:23 | 9:23 | 10:23 | 10:23 | 11:23 | 11:23 | 12:23 | 12:23 | 13:23 | 13:23 | 14:23 | 14:23 | 15:33 | 16:33 | 16:33 | 17:33 | 17:33 |
Gragdale Close, Howdale Road, Sutton-on-Hull | 6:14 | 6:14 | 7:09 | 7:09 | 8:09 | 8:09 | 9:24 | 9:24 | 10:24 | 10:24 | 11:24 | 11:24 | 12:24 | 12:24 | 13:24 | 13:24 | 14:24 | 14:24 | 15:34 | 16:34 | 16:34 | 17:34 | 17:34 |
Fossdale Close, Howdale Road, Sutton-on-Hull | 6:14 | 6:14 | 7:10 | 7:09 | 8:10 | 8:09 | 9:24 | 9:24 | 10:24 | 10:24 | 11:24 | 11:24 | 12:24 | 12:24 | 13:24 | 13:24 | 14:24 | 14:24 | 15:34 | 16:34 | 16:34 | 17:34 | 17:34 |
Potterill Lane, Church Street, Sutton-on-Hull | 6:15 | 6:15 | 7:11 | 7:10 | 8:11 | 8:10 | 9:25 | 9:25 | 10:25 | 10:25 | 11:25 | 11:25 | 12:25 | 12:25 | 13:25 | 13:25 | 14:25 | 14:25 | 15:35 | 16:35 | 16:35 | 17:35 | 17:35 |
Highfield, Church Street, Sutton-on-Hull | 6:16 | 6:16 | 7:12 | 7:11 | 8:12 | 8:11 | 9:26 | 9:26 | 10:26 | 10:26 | 11:26 | 11:26 | 12:26 | 12:26 | 13:26 | 13:26 | 14:26 | 14:26 | 15:36 | 16:36 | 16:36 | 17:36 | 17:36 |
opp, Truro Close, Leads Road, Bransholme | 6:17 | 6:17 | 7:13 | 7:12 | 8:13 | 8:12 | 9:27 | 9:27 | 10:27 | 10:27 | 11:27 | 11:27 | 12:27 | 12:27 | 13:27 | 13:27 | 14:27 | 14:27 | 15:37 | 16:37 | 16:37 | 17:37 | 17:37 |
Tweendykes Road, Leads Road, Bransholme | 6:18 | 6:18 | 7:14 | 7:13 | 8:14 | 8:13 | 9:28 | 9:28 | 10:28 | 10:28 | 11:28 | 11:28 | 12:28 | 12:28 | 13:28 | 13:28 | 14:28 | 14:28 | 15:38 | 16:38 | 16:38 | 17:38 | 17:38 |
Brooklands, Leads Road, Bransholme | 6:18 | 6:18 | 7:15 | 7:13 | 8:15 | 8:13 | 9:28 | 9:28 | 10:28 | 10:28 | 11:28 | 11:28 | 12:28 | 12:28 | 13:28 | 13:28 | 14:28 | 14:28 | 15:38 | 16:38 | 16:38 | 17:38 | 17:38 |
The Lambwath, Sutton Road, Cavendish | 6:20 | 6:20 | 7:17 | 7:15 | 8:17 | 8:15 | 9:30 | 9:30 | 10:30 | 10:30 | 11:30 | 11:30 | 12:30 | 12:30 | 13:30 | 13:30 | 14:30 | 14:30 | 15:40 | 16:40 | 16:40 | 17:40 | 17:40 |
Mancklin Avenue, Sutton Road, Cavendish | 6:20 | 6:20 | 7:17 | 7:15 | 8:17 | 8:15 | 9:30 | 9:30 | 10:30 | 10:30 | 11:30 | 11:30 | 12:30 | 12:30 | 13:30 | 13:30 | 14:30 | 14:30 | 15:40 | 16:40 | 16:40 | 17:40 | 17:40 |
Wembley Park Avenue, Cavendish Road, Cavendish | 6:21 | 6:21 | 7:18 | 7:16 | 8:18 | 8:16 | 9:31 | 9:31 | 10:31 | 10:31 | 11:31 | 11:31 | 12:31 | 12:31 | 13:31 | 13:31 | 14:31 | 14:31 | 15:41 | 16:41 | 16:41 | 17:41 | 17:41 |
Clapham Avenue, Ings Road, Cavendish | 6:22 | 6:22 | 7:19 | 7:17 | 8:19 | 8:17 | 9:32 | 9:32 | 10:32 | 10:32 | 11:32 | 11:32 | 12:32 | 12:32 | 13:32 | 13:32 | 14:32 | 14:32 | 15:42 | 16:42 | 16:42 | 17:42 | 17:42 |
Ings School, Ings Road, Sutton Ings | 6:22 | 6:22 | 7:20 | 7:17 | 8:20 | 8:17 | 9:32 | 9:32 | 10:32 | 10:32 | 11:32 | 11:32 | 12:32 | 12:32 | 13:32 | 13:32 | 14:32 | 14:32 | 15:42 | 16:42 | 16:42 | 17:42 | 17:42 |
East Park, James Reckitt Avenue, Sutton Ings | 6:23 | 6:23 | 7:20 | 7:18 | 8:20 | 8:18 | 9:33 | 9:33 | 10:33 | 10:33 | 11:33 | 11:33 | 12:33 | 12:33 | 13:33 | 13:33 | 14:33 | 14:33 | 15:43 | 16:43 | 16:43 | 17:43 | 17:43 |
Boating Lake, James Reckitt Avenue, East Park | 6:23 | 6:23 | 7:21 | 7:18 | 8:21 | 8:18 | 9:33 | 9:33 | 10:33 | 10:33 | 11:33 | 11:33 | 12:33 | 12:33 | 13:33 | 13:33 | 14:33 | 14:33 | 15:43 | 16:43 | 16:43 | 17:43 | 17:43 |
Birklands Drive, James Reckitt Avenue, East Park | 6:24 | 6:24 | 7:21 | 7:19 | 8:21 | 8:19 | 9:34 | 9:34 | 10:34 | 10:34 | 11:34 | 11:34 | 12:34 | 12:34 | 13:34 | 13:34 | 14:34 | 14:34 | 15:44 | 16:44 | 16:44 | 17:44 | 17:44 |
Hillsway Close, James Reckitt Avenue, East Park | 6:24 | 6:24 | 7:22 | 7:19 | 8:22 | 8:19 | 9:34 | 9:34 | 10:34 | 10:34 | 11:34 | 11:34 | 12:34 | 12:34 | 13:34 | 13:34 | 14:34 | 14:34 | 15:44 | 16:44 | 16:44 | 17:44 | 17:44 |
Gillshill Road, James Reckitt Avenue, East Park | 6:24 | 6:24 | 7:22 | 7:19 | 8:22 | 8:19 | 9:34 | 9:34 | 10:34 | 10:34 | 11:34 | 11:34 | 12:34 | 12:34 | 13:34 | 13:34 | 14:34 | 14:34 | 15:44 | 16:44 | 16:44 | 17:44 | 17:44 |
St Andrews Way, James Reckitt Avenue, East Park | 6:25 | 6:25 | 7:23 | 7:20 | 8:23 | 8:20 | 9:35 | 9:35 | 10:35 | 10:35 | 11:35 | 11:35 | 12:35 | 12:35 | 13:35 | 13:35 | 14:35 | 14:35 | 15:45 | 16:45 | 16:45 | 17:45 | 17:45 |
Dornoch Drive, James Reckitt Avenue, East Park | 6:25 | 6:25 | 7:24 | 7:20 | 8:24 | 8:20 | 9:35 | 9:35 | 10:35 | 10:35 | 11:35 | 11:35 | 12:35 | 12:35 | 13:35 | 13:35 | 14:35 | 14:35 | 15:45 | 16:45 | 16:45 | 17:45 | 17:45 |
Lilac Avenue, James Reckitt Avenue, Garden Village | 6:26 | 6:26 | 7:25 | 7:21 | 8:25 | 8:21 | 9:36 | 9:36 | 10:36 | 10:36 | 11:36 | 11:36 | 12:36 | 12:36 | 13:36 | 13:36 | 14:36 | 14:36 | 15:46 | 16:46 | 16:46 | 17:46 | 17:46 |
Chestnut Grove, James Reckitt Avenue, Garden Village | 6:26 | 6:26 | 7:25 | 7:21 | 8:25 | 8:21 | 9:36 | 9:36 | 10:36 | 10:36 | 11:36 | 11:36 | 12:36 | 12:36 | 13:36 | 13:36 | 14:36 | 14:36 | 15:46 | 16:46 | 16:46 | 17:46 | 17:46 |
Endymion Street, James Reckitt Avenue, Garden Village | 6:27 | 6:27 | 7:26 | 7:22 | 8:26 | 8:22 | 9:37 | 9:37 | 10:37 | 10:37 | 11:37 | 11:37 | 12:37 | 12:37 | 13:37 | 13:37 | 14:37 | 14:37 | 15:47 | 16:47 | 16:47 | 17:47 | 17:47 |
Maye Grove, Mount Pleasant, Garden Village | 6:28 | 6:28 | 7:27 | 7:23 | 8:27 | 8:23 | 9:38 | 9:38 | 10:38 | 10:38 | 11:38 | 11:38 | 12:38 | 12:38 | 13:38 | 13:38 | 14:38 | 14:38 | 15:48 | 16:48 | 16:48 | 17:48 | 17:48 |
Dansom Lane North, Dansom Lane, Wilmington | 6:29 | 6:29 | 7:28 | 7:24 | 8:28 | 8:24 | 9:39 | 9:39 | 10:39 | 10:39 | 11:39 | 11:39 | 12:39 | 12:39 | 13:39 | 13:39 | 14:39 | 14:39 | 15:49 | 16:49 | 16:49 | 17:49 | 17:49 |
Brazil Street, Holderness Road, Drypool | 6:32 | 6:32 | 7:32 | 7:27 | 8:32 | 8:27 | 9:42 | 9:42 | 10:42 | 10:42 | 11:42 | 11:42 | 12:42 | 12:42 | 13:42 | 13:42 | 14:42 | 14:42 | 15:52 | 16:52 | 16:52 | 17:52 | 17:52 |
The Green Man, Holderness Road, Drypool | 6:32 | 6:32 | 7:33 | 7:27 | 8:33 | 8:27 | 9:42 | 9:42 | 10:42 | 10:42 | 11:42 | 11:42 | 12:42 | 12:42 | 13:42 | 13:42 | 14:42 | 14:42 | 15:52 | 16:52 | 16:52 | 17:52 | 17:52 |
Naylors Row, Clarence Street, Drypool | 6:33 | 6:33 | 7:34 | 7:28 | 8:34 | 8:28 | 9:43 | 9:43 | 10:43 | 10:43 | 11:43 | 11:43 | 12:43 | 12:43 | 13:43 | 13:43 | 14:43 | 14:43 | 15:53 | 16:53 | 16:53 | 17:53 | 17:53 |
Great Union Street, Clarence Street, Drypool | 6:34 | 6:34 | 7:36 | 7:29 | 8:36 | 8:29 | 9:44 | 9:44 | 10:44 | 10:44 | 11:44 | 11:44 | 12:44 | 12:44 | 13:44 | 13:44 | 14:44 | 14:44 | 15:54 | 16:54 | 16:54 | 17:54 | 17:54 |
Drypool Bridge, Clarence Street, Hull | 6:36 | 6:36 | 7:37 | 7:31 | 8:37 | 8:31 | 9:46 | 9:46 | 10:46 | 10:46 | 11:46 | 11:46 | 12:46 | 12:46 | 13:46 | 13:46 | 14:46 | 14:46 | 15:56 | 16:56 | 16:56 | 17:56 | 17:56 |
Alfred Gelder Street F, Alfred Gelder Street, Hull | 6:37 | 6:37 | 7:39 | 7:32 | 8:39 | 8:32 | 9:47 | 9:47 | 10:47 | 10:47 | 11:47 | 11:47 | 12:47 | 12:47 | 13:47 | 13:47 | 14:47 | 14:47 | 15:57 | 16:57 | 16:57 | 17:57 | 17:57 |
Alfred Gelder Street G, Alfred Gelder Street, Hull | 6:38 | 6:38 | 7:40 | 7:33 | 8:40 | 8:33 | 9:48 | 9:48 | 10:48 | 10:48 | 11:48 | 11:48 | 12:48 | 12:48 | 13:48 | 13:48 | 14:48 | 14:48 | 15:58 | 16:58 | 16:58 | 17:58 | 17:58 |
Bond Street E, Bond Street, Hull | 6:39 | 6:39 | 7:42 | 7:34 | 8:42 | 8:34 | 9:49 | 9:49 | 10:49 | 10:49 | 11:49 | 11:49 | 12:49 | 12:49 | 13:49 | 13:49 | 14:49 | 14:49 | 15:59 | 16:59 | 16:59 | 17:59 | 17:59 |
Albion Street D, Albion Street, Hull | 6:40 | 6:40 | 7:43 | 7:35 | 8:43 | 8:35 | 9:50 | 9:50 | 10:50 | 10:50 | 11:50 | 11:50 | 12:50 | 12:50 | 13:50 | 13:50 | 14:50 | 14:50 | 16:00 | 17:00 | 17:00 | 18:00 | 18:00 |
Bay 7, Hull Interchange, Ferensway, Hull | 6:42 | 6:42 | 7:46 | 7:37 | 8:46 | 8:37 | 9:52 | 9:52 | 10:52 | 10:52 | 11:52 | 11:52 | 12:52 | 12:52 | 13:52 | 13:52 | 14:52 | 14:52 | 16:02 | 17:02 | 17:02 | 18:02 | 18:02 |
Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | Days Service Runs MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday | Days Service Runs Saturday | |
Bay 27, Hull Interchange, Ferensway, Hull | 9:30 | 9:30 | 10:30 | 10:30 | 11:30 | 11:30 | 12:30 | 12:30 | 13:30 | 13:30 | 14:30 | 14:30 | 15:30 | 15:30 | 16:30 | 16:30 | 17:00 | 17:00 | 17:30 | 17:30 | 18:00 | 18:00 |
Bond Street D, Bond Street, Hull | 9:34 | 9:34 | 10:34 | 10:34 | 11:34 | 11:34 | 12:34 | 12:34 | 13:34 | 13:34 | 14:34 | 14:34 | 15:34 | 15:34 | 16:36 | 16:34 | 17:06 | 17:04 | 17:36 | 17:34 | 18:04 | 18:04 |
Alfred Gelder Street B, Alfred Gelder Street, Hull | 9:35 | 9:35 | 10:35 | 10:35 | 11:35 | 11:35 | 12:35 | 12:35 | 13:35 | 13:35 | 14:35 | 14:35 | 15:35 | 15:35 | 16:38 | 16:35 | 17:08 | 17:05 | 17:38 | 17:35 | 18:05 | 18:05 |
Alfred Gelder Street E, Alfred Gelder Street, Hull | 9:36 | 9:36 | 10:36 | 10:36 | 11:36 | 11:36 | 12:36 | 12:36 | 13:36 | 13:36 | 14:36 | 14:36 | 15:36 | 15:36 | 16:39 | 16:36 | 17:09 | 17:06 | 17:39 | 17:36 | 18:06 | 18:06 |
Salthouse Lane, Alfred Gelder Street, Hull | 9:37 | 9:37 | 10:37 | 10:37 | 11:37 | 11:37 | 12:37 | 12:37 | 13:37 | 13:37 | 14:37 | 14:37 | 15:37 | 15:37 | 16:40 | 16:37 | 17:10 | 17:07 | 17:40 | 17:37 | 18:07 | 18:07 |
Alma Street, Clarence Street, Drypool | 9:38 | 9:38 | 10:38 | 10:38 | 11:38 | 11:38 | 12:38 | 12:38 | 13:38 | 13:38 | 14:38 | 14:38 | 15:38 | 15:38 | 16:42 | 16:38 | 17:12 | 17:08 | 17:42 | 17:38 | 18:08 | 18:08 |
Blythe Street, Clarence Street, Drypool | 9:39 | 9:39 | 10:39 | 10:39 | 11:39 | 11:39 | 12:39 | 12:39 | 13:39 | 13:39 | 14:39 | 14:39 | 15:39 | 15:39 | 16:43 | 16:39 | 17:13 | 17:09 | 17:43 | 17:39 | 18:09 | 18:09 |
Wilton Street, Holderness Road, Drypool | 9:39 | 9:39 | 10:39 | 10:39 | 11:39 | 11:39 | 12:39 | 12:39 | 13:39 | 13:39 | 14:39 | 14:39 | 15:39 | 15:39 | 16:44 | 16:39 | 17:14 | 17:09 | 17:44 | 17:39 | 18:09 | 18:09 |
Studley Street, Holderness Road, Drypool | 9:40 | 9:40 | 10:40 | 10:40 | 11:40 | 11:40 | 12:40 | 12:40 | 13:40 | 13:40 | 14:40 | 14:40 | 15:40 | 15:40 | 16:45 | 16:40 | 17:15 | 17:10 | 17:45 | 17:40 | 18:10 | 18:10 |
Mount Pleasant, Garden Village | 9:42 | 9:42 | 10:42 | 10:42 | 11:42 | 11:42 | 12:42 | 12:42 | 13:42 | 13:42 | 14:42 | 14:42 | 15:42 | 15:42 | 16:48 | 16:42 | 17:18 | 17:12 | 17:48 | 17:42 | 18:12 | 18:12 |
The Punchbowl, James Reckitt Avenue, Garden Village | 9:43 | 9:43 | 10:43 | 10:43 | 11:43 | 11:43 | 12:43 | 12:43 | 13:43 | 13:43 | 14:43 | 14:43 | 15:43 | 15:43 | 16:50 | 16:43 | 17:20 | 17:13 | 17:50 | 17:43 | 18:13 | 18:13 |
Dunscombe Park, James Reckitt Avenue, Garden Village | 9:44 | 9:44 | 10:44 | 10:44 | 11:44 | 11:44 | 12:44 | 12:44 | 13:44 | 13:44 | 14:44 | 14:44 | 15:44 | 15:44 | 16:51 | 16:44 | 17:21 | 17:14 | 17:51 | 17:44 | 18:14 | 18:14 |
Chamberlain Road, James Reckitt Avenue, Garden Village | 9:44 | 9:44 | 10:44 | 10:44 | 11:44 | 11:44 | 12:44 | 12:44 | 13:44 | 13:44 | 14:44 | 14:44 | 15:44 | 15:44 | 16:52 | 16:44 | 17:22 | 17:14 | 17:52 | 17:44 | 18:14 | 18:14 |
opp, Dornoch Drive, James Reckitt Avenue, East Park | 9:45 | 9:45 | 10:45 | 10:45 | 11:45 | 11:45 | 12:45 | 12:45 | 13:45 | 13:45 | 14:45 | 14:45 | 15:45 | 15:45 | 16:53 | 16:45 | 17:23 | 17:15 | 17:53 | 17:45 | 18:15 | 18:15 |
Carnoustie Close, James Reckitt Avenue, East Park | 9:45 | 9:45 | 10:45 | 10:45 | 11:45 | 11:45 | 12:45 | 12:45 | 13:45 | 13:45 | 14:45 | 14:45 | 15:45 | 15:45 | 16:54 | 16:45 | 17:24 | 17:15 | 17:54 | 17:45 | 18:15 | 18:15 |
The Pelican, James Reckitt Avenue, East Park | 9:46 | 9:46 | 10:46 | 10:46 | 11:46 | 11:46 | 12:46 | 12:46 | 13:46 | 13:46 | 14:46 | 14:46 | 15:46 | 15:46 | 16:55 | 16:46 | 17:25 | 17:16 | 17:55 | 17:46 | 18:16 | 18:16 |
Deli 1936, James Reckitt Avenue, East Park | 9:46 | 9:46 | 10:46 | 10:46 | 11:46 | 11:46 | 12:46 | 12:46 | 13:46 | 13:46 | 14:46 | 14:46 | 15:46 | 15:46 | 16:56 | 16:46 | 17:26 | 17:16 | 17:56 | 17:46 | 18:16 | 18:16 |
The Nestlings, James Reckitt Avenue, East Park | 9:47 | 9:47 | 10:47 | 10:47 | 11:47 | 11:47 | 12:47 | 12:47 | 13:47 | 13:47 | 14:47 | 14:47 | 15:47 | 15:47 | 16:56 | 16:47 | 17:26 | 17:17 | 17:56 | 17:47 | 18:17 | 18:17 |
Malet Lambert School, James Reckitt Avenue, East Park | 9:47 | 9:47 | 10:47 | 10:47 | 11:47 | 11:47 | 12:47 | 12:47 | 13:47 | 13:47 | 14:47 | 14:47 | 15:47 | 15:47 | 16:57 | 16:47 | 17:27 | 17:17 | 17:57 | 17:47 | 18:17 | 18:17 |
Clifford Avenue, James Reckitt Avenue, East Park | 9:48 | 9:48 | 10:48 | 10:48 | 11:48 | 11:48 | 12:48 | 12:48 | 13:48 | 13:48 | 14:48 | 14:48 | 15:48 | 15:48 | 16:58 | 16:48 | 17:28 | 17:18 | 17:58 | 17:48 | 18:18 | 18:18 |
Ings Road, James Reckitt Avenue, Sutton Ings | 9:48 | 9:48 | 10:48 | 10:48 | 11:48 | 11:48 | 12:48 | 12:48 | 13:48 | 13:48 | 14:48 | 14:48 | 15:48 | 15:48 | 16:59 | 16:48 | 17:29 | 17:18 | 17:59 | 17:48 | 18:18 | 18:18 |
Clarence Avenue, Ings Road, Sutton Ings | 9:49 | 9:49 | 10:49 | 10:49 | 11:49 | 11:49 | 12:49 | 12:49 | 13:49 | 13:49 | 14:49 | 14:49 | 15:49 | 15:49 | 17:00 | 16:49 | 17:30 | 17:19 | 18:00 | 17:49 | 18:19 | 18:19 |
opp, Clapham Avenue, Ings Road, Cavendish | 9:50 | 9:50 | 10:50 | 10:50 | 11:50 | 11:50 | 12:50 | 12:50 | 13:50 | 13:50 | 14:50 | 14:50 | 15:50 | 15:50 | 17:01 | 16:50 | 17:31 | 17:20 | 18:01 | 17:50 | 18:20 | 18:20 |
Gillshill School, Cavendish Road, Cavendish | 9:51 | 9:51 | 10:51 | 10:51 | 11:51 | 11:51 | 12:51 | 12:51 | 13:51 | 13:51 | 14:51 | 14:51 | 15:51 | 15:51 | 17:02 | 16:51 | 17:32 | 17:21 | 18:02 | 17:51 | 18:21 | 18:21 |
Lambwath Road, Cavendish Road, Cavendish | 9:51 | 9:51 | 10:51 | 10:51 | 11:51 | 11:51 | 12:51 | 12:51 | 13:51 | 13:51 | 14:51 | 14:51 | 15:51 | 15:51 | 17:03 | 16:51 | 17:33 | 17:21 | 18:02 | 17:51 | 18:21 | 18:21 |
Poplar Court, Leads Road, Bransholme | 9:54 | 9:54 | 10:54 | 10:54 | 11:54 | 11:54 | 12:54 | 12:54 | 13:54 | 13:54 | 14:54 | 14:54 | 15:54 | 15:54 | 17:05 | 16:54 | 17:35 | 17:24 | 18:05 | 17:54 | 18:24 | 18:24 |
Tweendykes School, Leads Road, Bransholme | 9:54 | 9:54 | 10:54 | 10:54 | 11:54 | 11:54 | 12:54 | 12:54 | 13:54 | 13:54 | 14:54 | 14:54 | 15:54 | 15:54 | 17:06 | 16:54 | 17:36 | 17:24 | 18:05 | 17:54 | 18:24 | 18:24 |
Truro Close, Leads Road, Bransholme | 9:55 | 9:55 | 10:55 | 10:55 | 11:55 | 11:55 | 12:55 | 12:55 | 13:55 | 13:55 | 14:55 | 14:55 | 15:55 | 15:55 | 17:07 | 16:55 | 17:37 | 17:25 | 18:06 | 17:55 | 18:25 | 18:25 |
Wawne Road, Leads Road, Bransholme | 9:55 | 9:55 | 10:55 | 10:55 | 11:55 | 11:55 | 12:55 | 12:55 | 13:55 | 13:55 | 14:55 | 14:55 | 15:55 | 15:55 | 17:07 | 16:55 | 17:37 | 17:25 | 18:06 | 17:55 | 18:25 | 18:25 |
St James' Church, Church Street, Sutton-on-Hull | 9:56 | 9:56 | 10:56 | 10:56 | 11:56 | 11:56 | 12:56 | 12:56 | 13:56 | 13:56 | 14:56 | 14:56 | 15:56 | 15:56 | 17:08 | 16:56 | 17:38 | 17:26 | 18:07 | 17:56 | 18:26 | 18:26 |
High Trees Mount, Church Street, Sutton-on-Hull | 9:57 | 9:57 | 10:57 | 10:57 | 11:57 | 11:57 | 12:57 | 12:57 | 13:57 | 13:57 | 14:57 | 14:57 | 15:57 | 15:57 | 17:09 | 16:57 | 17:39 | 17:27 | 18:08 | 17:57 | 18:27 | 18:27 |
Kildale Close, Howdale Road, Sutton-on-Hull | 9:58 | 9:58 | 10:58 | 10:58 | 11:58 | 11:58 | 12:58 | 12:58 | 13:58 | 13:58 | 14:58 | 14:58 | 15:58 | 15:58 | 17:10 | 16:58 | 17:40 | 17:28 | 18:09 | 17:58 | 18:28 | 18:28 |
Hovingham Close, Howdale Road, Sutton-on-Hull | 9:58 | 9:58 | 10:58 | 10:58 | 11:58 | 11:58 | 12:58 | 12:58 | 13:58 | 13:58 | 14:58 | 14:58 | 15:58 | 15:58 | 17:10 | 16:58 | 17:40 | 17:28 | 18:09 | 17:58 | 18:28 | 18:28 |
Danby Close, Howdale Road, Sutton-on-Hull | 9:59 | 9:59 | 10:59 | 10:59 | 11:59 | 11:59 | 12:59 | 12:59 | 13:59 | 13:59 | 14:59 | 14:59 | 15:59 | 15:59 | 17:11 | 16:59 | 17:41 | 17:29 | 18:10 | 17:59 | 18:29 | 18:29 |
Foxholme Road, Kestrel Avenue, Sutton-on-Hull | 10:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | 15:00 | 16:00 | 16:00 | 17:12 | 17:00 | 17:42 | 17:30 | 18:11 | 18:00 | 18:30 | 18:30 |
Cormorant Close, Kestrel Avenue, Noddle Hill | 10:01 | 10:01 | 11:01 | 11:01 | 12:01 | 12:01 | 13:01 | 13:01 | 14:01 | 14:01 | 15:01 | 15:01 | 16:01 | 16:01 | 17:13 | 17:01 | 17:43 | 17:31 | 18:12 | 18:01 | 18:31 | 18:31 |
Patrington Garth, Noddle Hill Way, Noddle Hill | 10:03 | 10:03 | 11:03 | 11:03 | 12:03 | 12:03 | 13:03 | 13:03 | 14:03 | 14:03 | 15:03 | 15:03 | 16:03 | 16:03 | 17:15 | 17:03 | 17:45 | 17:33 | 18:14 | 18:03 | 18:33 | 18:33 |
Neatshead Garth, Biggin Avenue, Noddle Hill | 10:05 | 10:05 | 11:05 | 11:05 | 12:05 | 12:05 | 13:05 | 13:05 | 14:05 | 14:05 | 15:05 | 15:05 | 16:05 | 16:05 | 17:17 | 17:05 | 17:47 | 17:35 | 18:16 | 18:05 | 18:35 | 18:35 |
Biggin Avenue, Noddle Hill | 10:06 | 10:06 | 11:06 | 11:06 | 12:06 | 12:06 | 13:06 | 13:06 | 14:06 | 14:06 | 15:06 | 15:06 | 16:06 | 16:06 | 17:18 | 17:06 | 17:48 | 17:36 | 18:17 | 18:06 | 18:36 | 18:36 |
Roborough Close, Barnstaple Road, Bransholme | 10:09 | 10:09 | 11:09 | 11:09 | 12:09 | 12:09 | 13:09 | 13:09 | 14:09 | 14:09 | 15:09 | 15:09 | 16:09 | 16:09 | 17:21 | 17:09 | 17:51 | 17:39 | 18:20 | 18:09 | 18:39 | 18:39 |
Bransholme Centre, Goodhart Road, Bransholme | 10:11 | 10:11 | 11:11 | 11:11 | 12:11 | 12:11 | 13:11 | 13:11 | 14:11 | 14:11 | 15:11 | 15:11 | 16:11 | 16:11 | 17:23 | 17:11 | 17:53 | 17:41 | 18:22 | 18:11 | 18:41 | 18:41 |