GeoPunk Bus Timetables

801 Bus Route: Queens Hospital - Stretton - Winshill - Stanton with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Diamond Bus East Midlands

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Map of the 801 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 801 - Queens Hospital - Stretton - Winshill - Stanton Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

adj, Robert Sutton School, Bluestone Lane, Stapenhill15:05
opp, Bluestone Lane, Stanton Road, Edge Hill15:05
adj, Saxon Street, Stanton Road, Stapenhill15:06
adj, Marston Rise, Violet Way, Stapenhill15:07
opp, Foxglove Avenue, Violet Way, Stapenhill15:08
opp, Claymills Close, Grafton Road, Brizlincote15:09
adj, Sefton Close, Grafton Road, Brizlincote15:10
opp, Winchcombe Drive, Grafton Road, Brizlincote15:10
opp, Dalton Avenue, Beaufort Road, Brizlincote15:11
opp, Hargate Road, Beaufort Road, Brizlincote15:12
opp, Latham Close, Beauford Road, Brizlincote15:13
opp, Bretby Lane, Ashby Road, Brizlincote15:13
opp, Moat Bank, Bretby Lane, Winshill15:14
nr, Bretby Lane, Empire Road, Winshill15:15
opp, Calgary Crescent, Empire Road, Winshill15:15
adj, Empire Road, Hawfield Lane, Winshill15:16
opp, Brough Road, Hawfield Lane, Winshill15:17
opp, Bladon Street, Hawfield Lane, Winshill15:18
opp, St Marks Church, Church Hill Street, Winshill15:19
adj, High Bank Road, Bearwood Hill Road, Winshill15:19
adj, Mount Street, Bearwood Hill Road, Winshill15:20
adj, Oxley Road, Bearwood Hill Road, Winshill15:20
adj, Newton Road, Bearwood Hill Road, Burton upon Trent15:22
opp, Hawkins Lane, Horninglow Street, Burton upon Trent15:25
nr, Derby Turn, Derby Road, Wetmore15:27
adj, The Derby Inn, Derby Road, Wetmore15:27
adj, Sydney Street, Derby Road, Wetmore15:29
adj, Eton Road, Derby Road, Wetmore15:29
adj, Princess Way, Derby Road, Wetmore15:29
adj, Pirelli Sports Club, Derby Road, Wetmore15:30
adj, Battista Road, Derby Road, Wetmore15:31
adj, The Green, Bridge Street, Stretton15:34
adj, The Fountains Primary School, Bitham Lane, Stretton15:35
adj, Bitham Court, Bitham Lane, Stretton15:37
opp, St Andrews Drive, Rolleston Road, Horninglow15:38
opp, Ivy Grove, Rolleston Road, Horninglow15:39
adj, St. Johns Church, Rolleston Road, Horninglow15:40
adj, Morleys Hill, Horninglow Road North, Horninglow15:40
opp, Charnwood Road, Calais Road, Horninglow15:41
adj, Dover Road, Calais Road, Horninglow15:41
opp, Ibstock Street, Calais Road, Outwoods15:42
adj, Osborne Court, Calais Road, Outwoods15:43
opp, Norton Road, Belverdere Road, Outwoods15:44
adj, Queens Hospital, Belvedere Road, Outwoods15:45

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

opp, Queens Hospital, Belvedere Road, Outwoods7:14
adj, Norton Road, Belvedere Road, Outwoods7:14
opp, Osborne Court, Calais Road, Outwoods7:15
adj, Ibstock Street, Calais Road, Outwoods7:16
opp, Dover Road, Calais Road, Horninglow7:17
opp, Morleys Hill, Horninglow Road North, Horninglow7:18
opp, St. Johns Church, Rolleston Road, Horninglow7:19
adj, Ivy Grove, Rolleston Road, Horninglow7:19
adj, St Andrews Drive, Rolleston Road, Horninglow7:20
opp, Silverhill Close, Bitham Lane, Beam Hill7:22
opp, Bitham Court, Bitham Lane, Stretton7:23
opp, The Fountains Primary School, Bitham Lane, Stretton7:24
nr, Britannia Drive, Bitham Lane, Stretton7:25
adj, Craythorne Road, Bitham Lane, Stretton7:26
opp, The Green, Bridge Street, Stretton7:27
opp, Battista Road, Derby Road, Wetmore7:31
opp, Pirelli Sports Club, Derby Road, Wetmore7:32
opp, Princess Way, Derby Road, Wetmore7:33
opp, Eton Road, Derby Road, Wetmore7:34
opp, Sydney Street, Derby Road, Wetmore7:35
opp, The Derby Inn, Derby Road, Wetmore7:36
by, Derby Turn, Derby Road, Wetmore7:37
adj, Hawkins Lane, Horninglow Street, Burton upon Trent7:38
adj, Bridge Street, Wharf Hay Road, Burton upon Trent7:41
nr, Newton Road, Bearwood Hill Road, Burton upon Trent7:43
opp, Oxley Road, Bearwood Hill Road, Winshill7:45
opp, Mount Street, Bearwood Hill Road, Winshill7:46
opp, High Bank Road, Bearwood Hill Road, Winshill7:46
adj, St Marks Church, Church Hill Street, Winshill7:48
adj, Bladon Street, Hawfield Lane, Winshill7:48
adj, Brough Road, Hawfield Lane, Winshill7:49
opp, Empire Road, Hawfield Lane, Winshill7:50
adj, Calgary Crescent, Empire Road, Winshill7:51
adj, Bretby Lane, Empire Road, Winshill7:52
adj, Moat Bank, Bretby Lane, Winshill7:52
adj, Bretby Lane, Ashby Road, Brizlincote7:52
adj, Latham Close, Beauford Road, Brizlincote7:53
adj, Hargate Road, Beaufort Road, Brizlincote7:53
adj, Dalton Avenue, Beaufort Road, Brizlincote7:54
adj, Winchcombe Drive, Grafton Road, Brizlincote7:55
opp, Sefton Close, Grafton Road, Brizlincote7:55
adj, Claymills Close, Grafton Road, Brizlincote7:56
adj, Foxglove Avenue, Violet Way, Stapenhill7:57
opp, Marston Rise, Violet Way, Stapenhill7:58
opp, Saxon Street, Stanton Road, Stapenhill7:59
adj, Robert Sutton School, Bluestone Lane, Stapenhill8:00