GeoPunk Bus Timetables

SJ13 Bus Route: Newport Bus Station - St Joseph's RC High School via Handpost with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Newport Bus

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Bus Timetable for the SJ13 - Newport Bus Station - St Joseph's RC High School via Handpost Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

in, St Joseph`s RC High School, School Gounds, Duffryn15:30
outside, Asda Petrol Station, Pencarn Way, Duffryn15:30
opposite, Sandpiper Way, Tredegar House Drive, Duffryn15:32
nr, Nightingale Court, Duffryn Drive, Newport15:34
opposite, Kestrel Way, Duffryn Drive, Duffryn15:35
after, Swallow Way, Duffryn Drive, Newport15:35
o/s, Tredegar Park Main Gates, Cardiff Road, Maesglas15:37
after, Park Drive, Cardiff Road, Maesglas15:38
opp, Heron Foods, Cardiff Road, Maesglas15:38
opposite, Lyndhurst Avenue, Gaer Road, Gaer15:40
before, Masefield Vale, Gaer15:41
opp, Gear Baptist Church, Shakespeare Crescent, Gaer15:42
before, Wells Close, Shakespeare Crescent, Gaer15:43
before, Lamb Close, Shakespeare Drive, Gaer15:43
after, Cowper Close, Shakespeare Crescent, Gaer15:45
o/s 77, Ben Johnson Way Steps, Shakespeare Crescent, Gaer15:46
nr, Stratford House, Shakespeare Way, Gaer15:47
outside, Clinc, Gaer Road, Gaer15:47
on, Highfield Road, Stelvio Park15:48
opp, Gaer Park Shops, Bassaleg Road, Stelvio Park15:49
o/s, St Woolo`s Cemetery, Bassaleg Road, Stelvio Park15:50
before, West Park Road, Bassaleg Road, Stelvio Park15:50
opp, Handpost, Risca Road, Stow Park15:52
o/s, Stow Park Church Centre, Stow Hill, Stow Park15:53
opp, St Woolos Cathedral, Clifton Road, Newport15:55
nr, Presbyterian Church, Havelock Street, Newport15:57
outside, North Street Car Park, North Street, Duffryn15:58
at, Queensway Q1, Queensway, Newport16:00
at, Friars Walk 10, Friars Walk, Newport16:05

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

at, Friars Walk 10, Friars Walk, Newport7:57
at, Queensway Q8, Queensway, Newport7:59
Stop N25, North Street, Newport8:00
o/s Club, Havelock Street, Newport8:01
opp, St Woolos Cathedral, Stow Hill, Newport8:03
outside, St Woolos Hospital, Stow Hill, Newport8:04
after, Stow Park Avenue, Stow Hill, Stow Park8:04
adj, The Handpost, Risca Road, Stow Park8:05
after, West Park Road, Bassaleg Road, Stelvio Park8:06
opp, St Woolo`s Cemetery, Bassaleg Road, Stelvio Park8:07
o/s, Gaer Park Shops, Bassaleg Road, Stelvio Park8:08
on, Highfield Road, Stelvio Park8:08
outside, Clinc, Gaer Road, Gaer8:09
opposite, Stratford House, Shakespeare Crescent, Gaer8:09
opp 69, Ben Johnson Way Steps, Shakespeare Crescent, Gaer8:10
before, Keats Close, Shakespeare Crescent, Gaer8:12
before, Dickens Drive, Shakespeare Drive, Gaer8:12
before, Wells Close, Shakespeare Crescent, Gaer8:13
after, Morton Way, Shakespeare Crescent, Gaer8:14
o/s, Gear Baptist Church, Shakespeare Crescent, Gaer8:15
after, Masefield Vale, Gaer8:15
opposite, Cardiff Road Post Office, Cardiff Road, Maesglas8:17
before, Park Drive, Cardiff Road, Maesglas8:19
before, Swallow Way, Duffryn Drive, Newport8:21
nr, Kingfisher Place, Duffryn Drive, Newport8:22
nr, Nightingale Court, Duffryn Drive, Newport8:24
after, Sandpiper Way, Tredegar House Drive, Duffryn8:26
after, Morgraig Avenue, Pencarn Way, Duffryn8:28
in, St Joseph`s RC High School, School Gounds, Duffryn8:30