GeoPunk Bus Timetables

X76 Bus Route: Marlborough - RUH Bath with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Swindon's Bus Company

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Bus Timetable for the X76 - Marlborough - RUH Bath Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

W-bound, Royal United Hospital, Combe Park13:05
Cf, Bath Abbey, Orange Grove, Bath City Centre13:25
Sd, Broad Street, Bath City Centre13:25
Sf, Hilton Hotel, Walcot Street, Bath City Centre13:25
N-bound, Walcot Gate, Walcot13:26
NE-bound, Snow Hill, London Road, Walcot13:27
NE-bound, Morrisons, London Road, Walcot13:27
NE-bound, Balustrade, London Road, Grosvenor13:28
NE-bound, Lambridge, London Road13:29
E-bound, The Crown, Bathford Hill, Bathford13:35
E-bound, British Legion, Bathford Hill, Bathford13:35
E-bound, Stone Wharf, High Street, Bathford13:36
o/s, Swan, Kingsdown13:37
E-bound, Longsplatt, Bathford Road, Chapel Plaister13:40
E-bound, Five Ways, Bathford Road, Chapel Plaister13:41
E-bound, Wormwood Farm, Meksham Road, Box13:42
SE-bound, Neston Park Lodge, Bath Road, Atworth13:43
SE-bound, Bear Garage, Bath Road, Atworth13:44
E-bound, Clock Tower, Bath Road, Atworth13:45
E-bound, Post Office Lane, Bath Road, Atworth13:45
E-bound, Atworth Court, Bath Road, Atworth13:46
opp, Shell Court, Bath Road, Atworth13:46
E-bound, Lowden Garden Centre, Folly Lane, Atworth13:48
SE-bound, Belthane Place, Shaw Hill, Whitley13:49
NE-bound, Lodge, Shaw Hill, Shaw13:50
SE-bound, Church Farm For Church, Bath Road, Shaw13:51
S-bound, George Ward Gardens, Bath Road, Melksham13:52
E-bound, Roundponds, Melksham13:54
opp, Baptist Church, Old Broughton Road, Melksham13:56
opp, The Bear, Bath Road, Melksham13:57
nr, Bud's Bar, Lowbourne, Melksham13:57
N-bound, King George Park, Melksham13:58
E-bound, St Margaret's Gardens, Sandridge Road, Melksham Forest14:00
E-bound, Foresters Arms, Sandridge Road, Melksham14:02
E-bound, Sandridge Garage, Sandridge Road, Melksham14:02
E-bound, Bromham Turn, A3102, Sandridge Common14:04
E-bound, Hunts Mead, Church Hill, Bromham14:06
opp, The Greyhound, High Street, Bromham14:07
NE-bound, The Crescent, Horsepool, Bromham14:07
N-bound, Turn, Devizes Road, Chittoe14:08
NE-bound, Lansdowne Arms, Church Road, Derry Hill14:11
o/s, C of E School, Church Road, Derry Hill14:12
N-bound, Studley Crossroads, Studley Lane, Studley14:12
E-bound, Gurkha Baynjan, New Road, Studley14:14
E-bound, Bremhill Turn, Chilvester Hill, Calne14:17
opp, Springfield Academy, Curzon Street, Calne14:18
SE-bound, St Marys School, Curzon Street, Calne14:19
o/s, Bank House, New Road, Calne14:20
SE-bound, Shelburne Road, London Road, Calne14:20
S-bound, Bentley Lane, Wessington Avenue, Quemerford14:21
o/s, Holy Trinity Church, Wessington Avenue, Quemerford14:22
E-bound, Post Office, Quemerford14:23
E-bound, Common Farm, Quemerford14:23
E-bound, Compton Turn, Quemerford Road, Compton Bassett14:25
E-bound, Cherhill Turn, Labour-in-vain Hill, Cherhill14:25
o/s, Black Horse, Main Road, Cherhill14:26
E-bound, Park Lane, London Road, Cherhill14:26
E-bound, Poachers Croft, A4 Calne Road, Cherhill14:26
opp, Riding Stables, London Road, Beckhampton14:28
nr, Waggon and Horses, London Road, Beckhampton14:29
o/s, Telephone Box, London Road, West Kennett14:34
o/s, The Stables, Bath Road, Fyfield14:37
NW-bound, Beech Cottage, Golding Avenue, Marlborough14:41
N-bound, Aubrey Close, Morris Road, Marlborough14:42
E-bound, Hawkins Meadow, Morris Road, Marlborough14:42
E-bound, Falkner Close, College Fields, Marlborough14:43
E-bound, Edwards Meadow, Marlborough14:43
SE-bound, Irving Way, College Fields, Marlborough14:43
NE-bound, Lloyds Bank, High Street, Marlborough14:47

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

SW-bound, Ladbrokes, High Street, Marlborough9:10
N-bound, Irving Way, Marlborough9:11
W-bound, Edwards Meadow, Marlborough9:11
W-bound, Falkner Close, College Fields, Marlborough9:12
W-bound, Hawkins Meadow, Morris Road, Marlborough9:12
SW-bound, Aubrey Close, Morris Road, Marlborough9:13
SE-bound, Beech Cottage, Golding Avenue, Marlborough9:13
o/s, The Stables, Bath Road, Fyfield9:17
opp, Telephone Box, London Road, West Kennett9:20
W-bound, Waggon and Horses, London Road, Beckhampton9:24
o/s, Riding Stables, Lndon Road, Beckhampton9:24
W-bound, Poachers Croft, A4 Calne Road, Cherhill9:27
W-bound, Park Lane, London Road, Cherhill9:27
opp, Black Horse, Main Road, Cherhill9:28
W-bound, Cherhill Turn, Labour-in-vain Hill, Cherhill9:28
W-bound, Compton Turn, Quemerford Road, Compton Bassett9:29
W-bound, Common Farm, Quemerford9:30
W-bound, Post Office, Quemerford9:31
opp, Holy Trinity Church, Wessington Avenue, Quemerford9:32
N-bound, Bentley Lane, Wessington Avenue, Quemerford9:33
NW-bound, Shelburne Road, London Road, Calne9:33
o/s, Town Hall, New Road, Calne9:35
NW-bound, Coopers Cars, Curzon Street, Calne9:35
o/s, Springfield Academy, Curzon Street, Calne9:36
W-bound, Bremhill Turn, Chilvester Hill, Calne9:36
W-bound, Gurkha Baynjan, New Road, Studley9:38
S-bound, Studley Crossroads, Studley Lane, Studley9:39
opp, C of E School, Church Road, Derry Hill9:40
nr, Lansdowne Arms, Church Road, Derry Hill9:40
S-bound, Turn, Devizes Road, Chittoe9:43
SW-bound, The Crescent, Horsepool, Bromham9:44
nr, The Greyhound, High Street, Bromham9:45
W-bound, Hunts Mead, Church Hill, Bromham9:45
W-bound, Bromham Turn, A3102, Sandridge Common9:46
o/s, Sandridge Garage, Sandridge Common, Melksham9:47
W-bound, Co-op, Sandridge Road, Melksham Forest9:48
W-bound, St Margaret's Gardens, Sandridge Road, Melksham Forest9:48
S-bound, King George Park, Lowbourne, Melksham9:50
opp, Buds Bar, Lowbourne, Melksham9:51
nr, The Bear, Bath Road, Melksham9:52
W-bound, Avonside Enterprise Park, New Broughton Road, Melksham9:52
W-bound, Roundponds, Melksham9:55
N-bound, George Ward Gardens, Bath Road, Melksham9:57
NW-bound, Church Farm, Bath Road, Shaw9:59
SW-bound, Lodge, Shaw Hill, Shaw10:00
opp, Belthane Place, Shaw Hill, Whitley10:01
o/s, Lowden Garden Centre, Folly Lane, Atworth10:03
nr, Shell Court, Bath Road, Atworth10:04
W-bound, Atworth Court, Bath Road, Atworth10:05
W-bound, Post Office Lane, Bath Road, Atworth10:06
W-bound, Clock Tower, Bath Road, Atworth10:07
NW-bound, Bear Garage, Atworth10:07
NW-bound, Neston Park Lodge, Atworth10:08
W-bound, Wormwood Farm, Meksham Road, Box10:09
W-bound, Five Ways, Bathford Road, Chapel Plaister10:10
W-bound, Longsplatt, Bathford Road, Chapel Plaister10:12
opp, Swan, Kingsdown10:14
W-bound, Stone Wharf, High Street, Bathford10:16
W-bound, British Legion, High Street, Bathford10:17
W-bound, The Crown, Bathford Hill, Bathford10:18
NW-bound, Bathford Bridge, Bradford Road, Bathford10:18
SW-bound, Lambridge, London Road10:25
SW-bound, Balustrade, London Road, Grosvenor10:26
SW-bound, Morrisons, London Road, Walcot10:27
SW-bound, Snow Hill, London Road, Walcot10:27
S-bound, Walcot Gate, London Street, Walcot10:28
Se, Hilton Hotel, Walcot Street, Bath City Centre10:29
Cf, Bath Abbey, Orange Grove, Bath City Centre10:31
W-bound, Royal United Hospital, Combe Park10:46