GeoPunk Bus Timetables

KLB8 Bus Route: Wickwar - Chipping Sodbury - Yate - Rangeworthy - Katharine Lady Berkeley School with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Taylors Travel

Operator Details and Contact Information

Bus CompanyTaylors Travel Limited
Telephone07886 125029
AddressCurlew Cottage, Moseley Green, Parkend, Lydney GL15 4HN

Bus Route Search

Map of the KLB8 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the KLB8 - Wickwar - Chipping Sodbury - Yate - Rangeworthy - Katharine Lady Berkeley School Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

inside, Katharine Lady Berkeley's School, Kingswood14:55
by, Pennwood Lodge, Kingswood14:55
opp, Tennis Court, Charfield Road, Kingswood14:55
opp, Charfield Road, Kingswood14:56
before, New Mills Roundabout, Charfield Road B4062, Kingswood14:57
W-bound, The Limes, Wotton Road, Charfield14:59
W-bound, Railway Tavern, Wotton Road, Charfield14:59
W-bound, Charfield Primary School, Wotton Road, Charfield15:00
SW-bound, Farleigh Lane, Bristol Road, Bibstone15:04
S-bound, Wotton Road, Bristol Road, Cromhall15:05
S-bound, Longcross, Cromhall15:05
S-bound, Heathend Garage, Bristol Road, Cromhall15:05
S-bound, Heath End Cottages, Bristol Road, Cromhall15:06
S-bound, Cowship Lane, Bristol Road, Cromhall15:06
SW-bound, Winpenny Bridge, Bristol Road, Bagstone15:07
S-bound, Whitehouse Farm, Bagstone Road, Bagstone15:08
S-bound, Little Bagstone Farm, Bagstone Road, Bagstone15:09
S-bound, The Rose and Crown, Wotton Road, Rangeworthy15:10
S-bound, New Road, Wotton Road, Rangeworthy15:10
SW-bound, Rangeworthy Chapel, Wotton Road, Rangeworthy15:10
S-bound, Shale Cottage, Wotton Road, Rangeworthy15:12
E-bound, Victoria Garage, Yate Road, Iron Acton15:15
E-bound, Armstrong Way, Iron Acton Way, Yate15:16
E-bound, North Road, Goose Green Way, Yate15:19
N-bound, Longcroft, Randolph Avenue, Yate15:21
N-bound, Randolph Avenue, Yate15:21
SE-bound, Peartree Hey, Eastfield Drive, Yate15:22
E-bound, Lower Moor Road, Eastfield Drive, Yate15:22
S-bound, Barkers Mead, Eastfield Drive, Yate15:23
E-bound, Gravel Hill Road, Yate15:23
SE-bound, Hampshire Way, Greenways Road, Yate15:24
SE-bound, Carmarthen Close, Greenways Road, Yate15:25
W-bound, Dorset Way, Greenways Road, Yate15:26
SW-bound, Ullswater Close, Greenways Road, Yate15:27
W-bound, Templar Road, Greenways Road, Yate15:27
N-bound, Cranleigh Court Road, Greenways Road, Yate15:28
S-bound, Celestine Road, Cranleigh Court Road, Yate15:28
S-bound, Windsor Drive, Cranleigh Court Road, Yate15:29
S-bound, Cranleigh Court Road Shops, Cranleigh Court Road, Yate15:30
E-bound, Mow Barton, Station Road, Yate15:30
SW-bound, Wellstead Avenue, Westerleigh Road, Yate15:32
SW-bound, Longford, Westerleigh Road, Yate15:33
E-bound, Pitchcombe, Rodford Way, Yate15:35
E-bound, Abbotswood, Rodford Way, Yate15:36
E-bound, Bredon, Rodford Way, Yate15:36
E-bound, Dovecote, Rodford Way, Yate15:36
E-bound, Goldcrest Road, Heron Way, Chipping Sodbury15:37
N-bound, Mallard Close, Heron Way, Chipping Sodbury15:38
SE-bound, The Ridge, Station Road, Yate15:42
SE-bound, Bowling Hill, Chipping Sodbury15:43
E-bound, The Clock, High Street, Chipping Sodbury15:45
SE-bound, The Boot, Horse Street, Chipping Sodbury15:46
N-bound, Wickham Close, St Johns Way, Chipping Sodbury15:48
N-bound, Jenner Close, St Johns Way, Chipping Sodbury15:48
NW-bound, Vayre Close, St Johns Way, Chipping Sodbury15:49
W-bound, Dowding Close, St Johns Way, Chipping Sodbury15:51
W-bound, Caroline Close, St Johns Way, Yate15:51
N-bound, Love Lane, Wickwar Road, Yate15:54
N-bound, Hill House, Wickwar Road, Wickwar15:57
N-bound, Horwood Lane, Wickwar Road, Wickwar15:58
N-bound, Poplar Lane, Sodbury Road, Wickwar15:59
N-bound, Youth Centre, Sodbury Road, Wickwar15:59
N-bound, High Street, Wickwar16:00

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

S-bound, High Street, Wickwar7:10
S-bound, Youth Centre, Sodbury Road, Wickwar7:10
S-bound, Poplar Lane, Sodbury Road, Wickwar7:10
S-bound, Horwood Lane, Wickwar Road, Wickwar7:10
S-bound, Hill House, Wickwar Road, Wickwar7:12
S-bound, Love Lane, Wickwar Road, Yate7:15
W-bound, Caroline Close, St Johns Way, Yate7:18
E-bound, Dowding Close, St Johns Way, Chipping Sodbury7:19
S-bound, Grace Close, St Johns Way, Chipping Sodbury7:20
S-bound, Jenner Close, St Johns Way, Chipping Sodbury7:21
S-bound, Wickham Close, St Johns Way, Chipping Sodbury7:22
NW-bound, The Boot, Horse Street, Chipping Sodbury7:23
W-bound, The Clock, High Street, Chipping Sodbury7:25
NW-bound, Bowling Hill, Chipping Sodbury7:26
NW-bound, The Ridge, Station Road, Yate7:28
S-bound, Mallard Close, Heron Way, Chipping Sodbury7:32
W-bound, Goldcrest Road, Heron Way, Chipping Sodbury7:32
W-bound, Dovecote, Rodford Way, Yate7:33
W-bound, Bredon, Rodford Way, Yate7:34
W-bound, Abbotswood, Rodford Way, Yate7:35
W-bound, Pitchcombe, Rodford Way, Yate7:35
NE-bound, Longford, Westerleigh Road, Yate7:36
NE-bound, Wellstead Avenue, Westerleigh Road, Yate7:37
NE-bound, Lyndale Road, Westerleigh Road, Yate7:38
W-bound, Mow Barton, Station Road, Yate7:38
N-bound, Cranleigh Court Road Shops, Cranleigh Court Road, Yate7:40
N-bound, Windsor Drive, Cranleigh Court Road, Yate7:40
N-bound, Celestine Road, Cranleigh Court Road, Yate7:41
S-bound, Cranleigh Court Road, Greenways Road, Yate7:41
E-bound, Templar Road, Greenways Road, Yate7:42
E-bound, Cheshire Close, Greenways Road, Yate7:42
E-bound, Rectory Close, Greenways Road, Yate7:43
E-bound, Dorset Way, Greenways Road, Yate7:44
NW-bound, Carmarthen Close, Greenways Road, Yate7:44
NW-bound, Hampshire Way, Greenways Road, Yate7:45
W-bound, Gravel Hill Road, Yate7:46
N-bound, Barkers Mead, Eastfield Drive, Yate7:47
W-bound, Lower Moor Road, Eastfield Drive, Yate7:47
NW-bound, Summers Mead, Eastfield Drive, Yate7:48
NW-bound, Peartree Hey, Eastfield Drive, Yate7:48
S-bound, Randolph Avenue, Yate7:48
S-bound, Longcroft, Randolph Avenue, Yate7:49
W-bound, North Road, Goose Green Way, Yate7:51
W-bound, Armstrong Way, Iron Acton Way, Yate7:52
NW-bound, Victoria Garage, Yate Road, Iron Acton7:55
N-bound, Shale Cottage, Wotton Road, Rangeworthy7:57
NE-bound, Rangeworthy Chapel, Wotton Road, Rangeworthy7:58
N-bound, New Road, Wotton Road, Rangeworthy7:59
N-bound, The Rose and Crown, Wotton Road, Rangeworthy8:00
N-bound, Little Bagstone Farm, Bagstone Road, Bagstone8:00
N-bound, Whitehouse Farm, Bagstone Road, Bagstone8:01
NE-bound, Winpenny Bridge, Bristol Road, Bagstone8:02
N-bound, Cowship Lane, Bristol Road, Cromhall8:03
N-bound, Heath End Cottages, Bristol Road, Cromhall8:03
N-bound, Heathend Garage, Bristol Road, Cromhall8:04
N-bound, Longcross, Cromhall8:04
N-bound, Wotton Road, Bristol Road, Cromhall8:05
NE-bound, Farleigh Lane, Bristol Road, Bibstone8:05
E-bound, Charfield Primary School, Wotton Road, Charfield8:09
E-bound, Railway Tavern, Wotton Road, Charfield8:10
E-bound, The Limes, Wotton Road, Charfield8:10
after, New Mills Roundabout, Charfield Road B4062, Kingswood8:12
by, Charfield Road, Kingswood8:13
o/s, Tennis Court, Charfield Road, Kingswood8:13
opp, War Memorial, Kingswood8:14
o/s, Katharine Lady Berkeley's School, Wotton Road, Kingswood8:15