GeoPunk Bus Timetables

C7 Bus Route: Eastleigh - Maybush - Hythe - Brockenhurst College with Stops and Timetable

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Bus Timetable for the C7 - Eastleigh - Maybush - Hythe - Brockenhurst College Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

SE-bound, Brockenhurst College, unnamed, Brockenhurst16:30
E-bound, Harlicks Hill, Hatchet Lane, Beaulieu16:42
NE-bound, Bunkers Hill, Hatchet Lane, Beaulieu16:43
E-bound, Beaulieu Garage, Palace Lane, Beaulieu16:44
NE-bound, Abbey Church, Palace Lane, Beaulieu16:45
NE-bound, Dock Lane, Palace Lane, Beaulieu16:46
NE-bound, Hill Top Gate, Beaulieu Road, Hill Top16:47
NE-bound, Hill Top Farm, Beaulieu Road, Hill Top16:48
opp, The Heath, Beaulieu Road, Dibden Purlieu16:49
NE-bound, St Andrews Church, Beaulieu Road, Dibden Purlieu16:50
NE-bound, Noads Way, Beaulieu Road, Dibden Purlieu16:51
opp, Highlands Way, Beaulieu Road, Dibden Purlieu16:51
NE-bound, Hythe Hospital, Beaulieu Road, Dibden Purlieu16:52
NE-bound, Deerleap Way, Langdown Lawn, Hythe16:53
NW-bound, Hollybank Crescent, Southampton Road, Hythe16:54
NE-bound, Ewart Court, Jones Lane, Hythe16:55
SE-bound, Pier, Prospect Place, Hythe16:57
S-bound, Langdown Hill, South Street, Hythe16:58
NW-bound, Jones Lane, Southampton Road, Hythe16:59
W-bound, West Street, Southampton Road, Hythe17:00
adj, Mountfield, Southampton Road, Dibden17:01
NW-bound, Old Post Office, Main Road, Dibden17:02
N-bound, Garden City, Main Road, Dibden17:03
NW-bound, Veal's Lane, Main Road, Marchwood17:04
NW-bound, North Lodge, Hythe Road, Marchwood17:04
NW-bound, The Pilgrim Inn, Hythe Road, Marchwood17:05
NW-bound, Twiggs Lane, Hythe Road, Marchwood17:06
N-bound, Marchwood Station, Hythe Road, Marchwood17:06
E-bound, St Johns Church, Main Road, Marchwood17:07
N-bound, The White Horse, Main Road, Marchwood17:08
W-bound, Old Magazine Close, Main Road, Marchwood17:09
NE-bound, Rushington Roundabout, Totton-By-Pass, Totton17:16
E-bound, Redbridge Roundabout, Redbridge Causeway, Redbridge17:18
SE-bound, Redbridge School, A33 Redbridge Road, Redbridge17:19
adj, Parkside Avenue, Redbridge Road, Redbridge17:20
SE-bound, Millbrook Roundabout, Millbrook17:21
NW-bound, Arliss Road, Romsey Road, Maybush17:26
NW-bound, Maybush Court, Romsey Road, Maybush17:27
NW-bound, Maybush Corner, Romsey Road, Maybush17:29
NW-bound, Green Lane, Romsey Road, Maybush17:29
NW-bound, Lower Brownhill Road, Romsey Road, Maybush17:30
NW-bound, Oasis Academy, Romsey Road, Lord's Hill17:31
NW-bound, Bakers Drove, Romsey Road, Nursling17:32
NW-bound, The Balmoral, Romsey Road, Rownhams17:33
NW-bound, Balmoral Way, Romsey Road, Rownhams17:34
opp, Upton Cresent, Romsey Road, Rownhams17:36
SE-bound, Scrag Hill, A27 Botley Road, North Baddesley17:43
opp, Firgrove Road, Botley Road, North Baddesley17:44
opp, Infant School, Botley Road, North Baddesley17:45
E-bound, Misslebrook Lane, Castle Lane, North Baddesley17:46
SE-bound, Castle Lane, Templars Way, Valley Park17:48
adj, School Lane, Templars Way, Valley Park17:49
SE-bound, Hampshire Corporate Park, Templars Way, Chandler's Ford17:50
nr, B&Q House, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh17:50
adj, Falkland Road, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh17:51
opp, Avenue Park, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh17:52
E-bound, The Cricketers, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh17:52
opp, Monks Way, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh17:53
o/s, Barton Peveril College, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh17:54
o/s, Eastleigh College, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh17:55
opp, Doncaster Road, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh17:56
adj, Derby Road, Southampton Road, Eastleigh17:57
opp, Campbell Road, Southampton Road, Eastleigh17:58
adj, The Swan Centre, Southampton Road, Eastleigh18:00

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

o/s, Eastleigh Station, Southampton Road, Eastleigh7:11
nr, Campbell Road, Southampton Road, Eastleigh7:11
opp, Derby Road, Southampton Road, Eastleigh7:12
adj, Doncaster Road, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh7:12
opp, Eastleigh College, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh7:13
opp, Barton Peveril College, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh7:14
adj, Monks Way, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh7:14
W-bound, The Cricketers, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh7:15
o/s, Avenue Park, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh7:15
opp, Falkland Road, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh7:16
adj, B&Q House, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh7:17
near, Asda Superstore, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh7:17
NW-bound, Hampshire Corporate Park, Templars Way, Chandler's Ford7:18
opp, School Lane, Templars Way, Valley Park7:19
NW-bound, Castle Lane, Templars Way, Valley Park7:20
W-bound, Misslebrook Lane, Castle Lane, North Baddesley7:22
outside, Infant School, Botley Road, North Baddesley7:24
adj, Firgrove Road, Botley Road, North Baddesley7:25
NW-bound, Scrag Hill, A27 Botley Road, North Baddesley7:26
adj, Upton Cresent, Romsey Road, Rownhams7:32
SE-bound, Balmoral Way, Romsey Road, Rownhams7:33
SE-bound, The Balmoral, Romsey Road, Rownhams7:34
SE-bound, Bakers Drove, Romsey Road, Nursling7:34
SE-bound, Oasis Academy, Romsey Road, Lord's Hill7:35
SE-bound, Lower Brownhill Road, Romsey Road, Maybush7:36
SE-bound, Green Lane, Romsey Road, Maybush7:37
SE-bound, Maybush Corner, Romsey Road, Maybush7:38
SE-bound, Maybush Court, Romsey Road, Maybush7:38
SE-bound, Arliss Road, Romsey Road, Maybush7:39
NW-bound, Millbrook Roundabout, A33, Millbrook7:45
opp, Parkside Avenue, Redbridge Road, Redbridge7:46
NW-bound, Redbridge Roundabout, Redbridge Causeway, Redbridge7:47
SW-bound, Rushington Roundabout, Totton By-Pass, Totton7:51
SW-bound, Hounsdown Avenue, Spicer's Hill, Rushington7:52
adj, Jacobs Walk, Jacob's Gutter Lane, Hounsdown7:53
adj, Valley Road, Jacob's Gutter Lane, Hounsdown7:54
adj, Marchwood By-pass, Jacob's Gutter Lane, Hounsdown7:55
SE-bound, Old Magazine Close, Main Road, Marchwood8:00
SW-bound, The White Horse, Main Road, Marchwood8:01
SW-bound, St Johns Church, Main Road, Marchwood8:02
S-bound, Marchwood Station, Hythe Road, Marchwood8:02
SE-bound, Twiggs Lane, Hythe Road, Marchwood8:02
SE-bound, The Pilgrim Inn, Hythe Road, Marchwood8:03
E-bound, North Lodge, Hythe Road, Marchwood8:03
S-bound, Veal's Lane, Main Road, Marchwood8:03
S-bound, Garden City, Main Road, Dibden8:04
opp, Mountfield, Southampton Road, Dibden8:06
E-bound, West Street, Southampton Road, Hythe8:07
SE-bound, Jones Lane, Southampton Road, Hythe8:08
NE-bound, Ewart Court, Jones Lane, Hythe8:09
SE-bound, Pier, Prospect Place, Hythe8:10
S-bound, Langdown Hill, South Street, Hythe8:12
SW-bound, Deerleap Way, Langdown Lawn, Hythe8:13
W-bound, Hythe Hospital, Beaulieu Road, Dibden Purlieu8:14
nr, Highlands Way, Beaulieu Road, Dibden Purlieu8:15
SW-bound, Noads Way, Beaulieu Road, Dibden Purlieu8:16
SW-bound, St Andrews Church, Beaulieu Road, Dibden Purlieu8:16
o/s, The Heath, Beaulieu Road, Dibden Purlieu8:17
SW-bound, Hill Top Farm, Beaulieu Road, Hill Top8:18
SW-bound, Hill Top Gate, Beaulieu Road, Hill Top8:19
SW-bound, Dock Lane, Palace Lane, Beaulieu8:20
SW-bound, Abbey Church, Palace Lane, Beaulieu8:21
W-bound, Beaulieu Garage, Palace Lane, Beaulieu8:22
SW-bound, Bunkers Hill, Hatchet Lane, Beaulieu8:23
W-bound, Harlicks Hill, Hatchet Lane, Beaulieu8:24
SE-bound, Brockenhurst College, unnamed, Brockenhurst8:45