GeoPunk Bus Timetables

655 Bus Route: Chineham - Vyne Community School with Stops and Timetable

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Map of the 655 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 655 - Chineham - Vyne Community School Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

o/s, Vyne School Field, Queen Mary Avenue, South View14:55
opp, Warton Road, Queen Mary Avenue, South View14:56
N-bound, Pemerton Road, South View14:56
adj, Walnut Way, Vivian Road, Oakridge14:57
opp, Oakridge Centre, Oakridge Road, Oakridge14:57
W-bound, Oakridge Road Subway, Oakridge Road, Oakridge14:58
adj, Scotney Road, Oakridge Road, Oakridge14:59
SW-bound, Stratfield Road, Oakridge Road, Oakridge14:59
adj, Osborne Close, Oakridge Road, Oakridge15:00
opp, Tintern Close, Popley Way, Popley15:01
opp, Buckfast Close, Popley Way, Popley15:02
adj, Abbey Court, Popley Way, Popley15:02
opp, Tewkesbury Close, Popley Way, Popley15:03
nr, Tobago Close, Carpenter's Down, Popley15:04
nr, Montserrat Road, Carpenters Down, Popley15:04
near, Falkland Road, Carpenters Down, Popley15:05
adj, Community Centre, Carpenter's Down, Popley15:05
opp, Madeira Close, Carpenters Down, Popley15:06
W-bound, Chineham Centre, Unamed Access Road, Chineham15:10
opp, Simons Road, Reading Road, Chineham15:12
opposite, Hartswood, Reading Road, Chineham15:12
opp, Chineham Surgery, Reading Road, Chineham15:13
adjacent, Merrydown Lane, Reading Road, Chineham15:14
opposite, Cibbons Road, Mattock Way, Chineham15:15
opp, Kings Pightle, Mattock Way, Chineham15:15
opposite, Whitewood, Mattock Way, Chineham15:16
adj, Mayflower Close, Mattock Way, Chineham15:16
opp, Southlands, Mattock Way, Chineham15:17
opp, Larchwood, Hanmore Road, Chineham15:18
opp, Four Lanes School, Hanmore Road, Chineham15:18
nr, Bowman Corner, Hanmore Road, Chineham15:19
adj, Thyme Close, Thornhill Way, Chineham15:20
adjacent, Fennel Close, Thornhill Way, Chineham15:20
E-bound, Woodlands, Thornhill Way, Chineham15:21
adj, Belvedere Gardens, Thornhill Way, Chineham15:21
nr, Longstock Close, Thornhill Way, Chineham15:22
nr, Bowman Road, Thornhill Way, Chineham15:23
adj, Village Hall, Thornhill Way, Chineham15:24

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

opposite, Cibbons Road, Mattock Way, Chineham7:22
opp, Kings Pightle, Mattock Way, Chineham7:22
opposite, Whitewood, Mattock Way, Chineham7:23
adj, Mayflower Close, Mattock Way, Chineham7:23
opp, Southlands, Mattock Way, Chineham7:24
opp, Larchwood, Hanmore Road, Chineham7:25
opp, Four Lanes School, Hanmore Road, Chineham7:25
nr, Bowman Corner, Hanmore Road, Chineham7:26
adj, Thyme Close, Thornhill Way, Chineham7:27
adjacent, Fennel Close, Thornhill Way, Chineham7:27
E-bound, Woodlands, Thornhill Way, Chineham7:28
adj, Belvedere Gardens, Thornhill Way, Chineham7:28
nr, Longstock Close, Thornhill Way, Chineham7:29
nr, Bowman Road, Thornhill Way, Chineham7:30
adj, Village Hall, Thornhill Way, Chineham7:31
opposite, Merrydown Lane, Reading Road, Chineham7:32
adj, Chineham Surgery, Reading Road, Chineham7:33
adjacent, Hartswood, Reading Road, Chineham7:34
adj, Simons Road, Reading Road, Chineham7:35
W-bound, Chineham Centre, Unamed Access Road, Chineham7:36
adj, Madeira Close, Carpenter's Down, Popley7:39
opp, Community Centre, Carpenter's Down, Popley7:40
adjacent, Falkland Road, Carpenters Down, Popley7:41
opp, Tobago Close, Carpenter's Down, Popley7:43
adj, Tewkesbury Close, Popley Way, Popley7:44
opp, Abbey Court, Popley Way, Popley7:45
adj, Buckfast Close, Popley Way, Popley7:46
nr, Tintern Close, Popley Way, Popley7:48
opp, Osborne Close, Oakridge Road, Oakridge7:50
SE-bound, Merton Road, Sherborne Road, South View7:51
E-bound, Vyne Road, Cromwell Road, South View7:52
o/s, Vyne School Field, Queen Mary Avenue, South View7:53