GeoPunk Bus Timetables

786 Bus Route: Parkend - Bream - Lydney - Gloucester with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by F R Willetts

Operator Details and Contact Information

Bus CompanyFR Willetts Ltd
Telephone01594 837933
AddressThe Coachouse, Crown Park Estate, Edenwall, Gloucestershire GL16 7HW

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Map of the 786 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 786 - Parkend - Bream - Lydney - Gloucester Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

Bay L, Transport Hub, Gloucester13:30
by, St Oswald's Priory Ruins, Priory Road, Gloucester13:30
opp, West End Parade, Westgate Street, Gloucester13:31
opp, Horseshoe Drive, A40, Over13:32
before, Highnam Roundabout, A40, Highnam13:34
by, Middle Moorcroft Farm, A48, Minsterworth13:35
opp, Garage, A48, Minsterworth13:35
by, The Apple Tree, A48, Minsterworth13:36
corner of, Pound Lane, A48, Minsterworth13:36
by, Rosedale House, A48, Minsterworth13:37
nr, Primary School, A48, Minsterworth13:37
before, Church Lane, A48, Minsterworth13:38
opp, Duni Farm, A48, Minsterworth13:38
before, The Dinny, A48, Minsterworth13:39
after, Ley Road, A48 Lower Ley, Minsterworth13:40
o/s, The Severn Bore Inn, A48, Minsterworth13:40
after, Broadway Lane, A48, Walmore Hill13:41
before, County Primary School, A48, Walmore Hill13:41
before, Garage, A48, Chaxhill13:42
opp, Hunt Hill Turn, A48 Hunt Hill, Chaxhill13:43
corner of, Stantway Lane, A48 Wintle's Hill, Stantway13:43
opp, Adsett Lane, A48 Six Bells, Westbury-on-Severn13:44
by, Surgery, High Street, Westbury-on-Severn13:45
before, Blaisdon Road, A48, Westbury-on-Severn13:45
by, Jordan Hill, A48, Elton13:46
opp, Garage, A48, Elton13:46
by, Glevum, A48, Broadoak13:47
by, The White Hart, A48, Broadoak13:48
opp, Silver Fox Cafe, A48, Broadoak13:48
before, Unlawater Lane, High Street, Newnham13:49
o/s, St Peter's Church, High Street, Newnham13:50
opp, Underhill Farm, A48, Newnham13:50
opp, Haie Lodge, A48, Newnham13:50
by, The Old Barn, A48, Bullo13:51
nr, Bullo Cross, A48, Bullo13:52
opp, Underdean House, A48, Blakeney13:53
by, Kingsland, A48, Blakeney13:54
opp, Severn View Garden Centre, A48, Blakeney13:54
o/s, King's Head, High Street, Blakeney13:56
opp, New Road, Nibley Hill, Blakeney13:56
after, Viney Hill Turn, A48, Blakeney13:57
opp, Purlieu End Farm, Lydney13:59
by, The Willows, A48, Lydney14:01
opp, Centurion Road, Highfield Road, Lydney14:03
before, Kimberley Drive, Highfield Road, Lydney14:03
in, Bus Station, Lydney14:05
by, Car Park, Albert Street, Lydney14:05
by, Methodist Church, Albert Street, Lydney14:06
after, Cherry Walk, Woodland Rise, Primrose Hill14:06
opp, Almond Walk, Primrose Way, Primrose Hill14:07
opp, Lancaster Drive, Primrose Way, Primrose Hill14:08
opp, Lancaster Court, Lancaster Drive, Primrose Hill14:10
opp, Court Road, Allaston Road, Primrose Hill14:10
nr, Grove Lane, Allaston Road, Allaston14:11
opp, Driffield Road, Allaston Road, Allaston14:11
opp, Soilwell Farm, Allaston14:12
corner of, Yorkley Wood Road, Yorkley Lane, Yorkley14:15
nr, Bailey Inn, Lydney Road, Yorkley14:16
by, Health Centre, Bailey Hill, Yorkley Slade14:16
opp, Oldcroft Road, Bailey Hill, Yorkley Slade14:17
opp, Health Centre, Bailey Hill, Yorkley Slade14:17
before, Bailey Inn, Bailey Hill, Yorkley14:18
by, Tremar, Parkend Road, Yorkley14:19
by, Beech Tree Corner, Lower Road, Yorkley14:19
before, Arlin Cottages, Lower Road, Yorkley14:20
nr, Willetts' Garage, Main Road, Pillowell14:22
by, School, Main Road, Pillowell14:22
opp, School Road, Pillowell Road, Pillowell14:23
opp, Top Swan, Pillowell Road, Whitecroft14:23
opp, Grove Road, Pillowell Road, Whitecroft14:24
opp, Post Office, Pillowell Road, Whitecroft14:25
opp, Park Hill, Whitecroft14:25
opp, Elmsleigh, Bowson Road, Bream14:26
by, Bungalows, Bowson Road, Bream14:27
after, Bowson Road Junction, Parkend Road, Bream14:27
corner of, Bowson Square, Parkend Road, Bream14:28
opp, Hang Hill Road, Parkend Road, Bream14:29
nr, Community Centre, High Street, Bream14:29
opp, School, Main Road, Bream14:30
corner of, Sun Rise Road, Oakwood Road, Bream14:30
o/s, Oakwood Mill, Main Road, Bream14:31
on, Elwall Farm Turn, Main Road, Clements End14:33
opp, Bronllys, Main Road, Clements End14:33
after, Montague Inn, Clements End Road, Sling14:33
opp, Marsh Way, Clements End Road, Sling14:34
by, Ellwood Cross, Clements End Road, Ellwood14:35
opp, Smiths Hill, Fetter Hill14:36
by, Arthur's Folly, Coleford Road, Parkend14:39
by, Nagshead Nature Reserve, Coleford Road, Parkend14:40
opp, Whitemead Park, Coleford Road, Parkend14:40
opp, The Fountain, By Railway Cottages, Parkend14:41
opp, Garage, New Road, Parkend14:41
by, The Green, New Road, Parkend14:42
opp, Woodland Road, Fancy Road, Parkend14:44
corner of, The Barracks, Blakeney Road, Parkend14:46

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

opp, The Barracks, Blakeney Road, Parkend9:10
before, Woodland Road, Parkend9:12
opp, The Green, New Road, Parkend9:14
by, Garage, New Road, Parkend9:14
by, The Fountain, Opposite Railway Cottages, Parkend9:14
by, Whitemead Park, Coleford Road, Parkend9:15
opp, Nagshead Nature Reserve, Coleford Road, Parkend9:15
opp, Arthur's Folly, Coleford Road, Parkend9:16
by, Smiths Hill, Fetter Hill9:19
nr, Ellwood Cross, Clements End Road, Ellwood9:20
nr, Marsh Way, Clements End Road, Sling9:22
opp, Montague Inn, Clements End Road, Sling9:22
nr, Bronllys, Main Road, Clements End9:23
opp, Elwall Farm Turn, Main Road, Clements End9:24
opp, Oakwood Mill, Main Road, Bream9:25
opp, Sun Rise Road, Oakwood Road, Bream9:26
o/s, School, Main Road, Bream9:27
opp, Community Centre, High Street, Bream9:27
nr, Hang Hill Road, Parkend Road, Bream9:27
opp, Bowson Square, Parkend Road, Bream9:28
opp, Bowson Road Junction, Parkend Road, Bream9:29
opp, Bungalows, Bowson Road, Bream9:30
by, Elmsleigh, Bowson Road, Bream9:30
on, Park Hill, Whitecroft9:31
by, Post Office, Pillowell Road, Whitecroft9:32
corner of, Grove Road, Pillowell Road, Whitecroft9:33
by, Top Swan, Whitecroft9:33
corner of, School Road, Pillowell Road, Pillowell9:34
nr, School, Main Road, Pillowell9:35
opp, Willetts' Garage, Main Road, Pillowell9:37
after, Arlin Cottages, Lower Road, Yorkley9:38
nr, Beech Tree Corner, Lower Road, Yorkley9:38
opp, Tremar, Parkend Road, Yorkley9:38
after, Bailey Inn, Bailey Hill, Yorkley9:39
by, Health Centre, Bailey Hill, Yorkley Slade9:39
by, Oldcroft Road, Bailey Hill, Yorkley Slade9:40
opp, Health Centre, Bailey Hill, Yorkley Slade9:40
by, Bailey Inn, Lydney Road, Yorkley9:41
opp, Yorkley Wood Road, Yorkley Lane, Yorkley9:41
o/s, Soilwell Farm, Yorkley Lane, Allaston9:44
nr, Driffield Road, Allaston Road, Allaston9:45
opp, Grove Lane, Allaston Road, Allaston9:45
before, Court Road, Allaston Road, Primrose Hill9:46
after, Lancaster Court, Lancaster Drive, Primrose Hill9:47
after, Lancaster Drive, Primrose Way, Primrose Hill9:48
corner of, Almond Walk, Primrose Way, Primrose Hill9:50
opp, Cherry Walk, Woodland Rise, Primrose Hill9:51
opp, Methodist Church, Albert Street, Lydney9:52
opp, Car Park, Albert Street, Lydney9:53
in, Bus Station, Lydney9:55
opp, Kimberley Drive, Highfield Road, Lydney9:55
before, Cross Hands, Highfield Road, Lydney9:56
nr, The Willows, Lydney9:57
nr, Purlieu End Farm, Lydney9:59
before, Viney Hill Turn, Blakeney10:00
corner of, New Road, Nibley Hill A48, Blakeney10:01
opp, King's Head, High Street, Blakeney10:02
by, Severn View Garden Centre, A48, Blakeney10:03
opp, Kingsland, A48, Blakeney10:03
by, Underdean House, A48, Blakeney10:04
by, Bullo Cross, A48, Bullo10:05
opp, The Old Barn, A48, Bullo10:06
after, Haie Lodge, A48, Newnham10:07
o/s, Underhill Farm, A48, Newnham10:07
after, St Peter's Church, High Street, Newnham10:08
after, Unlawater Lane, Newnham10:08
after, Silver Fox Cafe, A48, Broadoak10:09
after, The White Hart, A48, Broadoak10:10
opp, Glevum, A48, Broadoak10:10
after, Garage, A48, Elton10:11
on, Jordan Hill, A48, Elton10:11
after, Blaisdon Road, A48, Westbury-on-Severn10:12
by, Bay Tree House, High Street, Westbury-on-Severn10:13
before, Adsett Lane, A48 Six Bells, Westbury-on-Severn10:13
opp, Stantway Lane, A48 Wintle's Hill, Stantway10:14
just after, Hunt Hill Turn, A48 Hunt Hill, Chaxhill10:14
opp, Garage, A48, Chaxhill10:15
o/s, County Primary School, A48, Walmore Hill10:16
opp, Broadway Lane, A48, Walmore Hill10:16
opp, The Severn Bore Inn, A48, Minsterworth10:17
corner of, Ley Road, A48 Lower Ley, Minsterworth10:17
after, The Dinny, A48, Minsterworth10:18
nr, Duni Farm, A48, Minsterworth10:19
after, Church Lane, A48, Minsterworth10:19
opp, Primary School, A48, Minsterworth10:20
opp, Rosedale House, A48, Minsterworth10:20
opp, Pound Lane, A48, Minsterworth10:21
opp, The Apple Tree, A48, Minsterworth10:21
by, Garage, A48, Minsterworth10:22
opp, Middle Moorcroft Farm, A48, Minsterworth10:22
after, Highnam Roundabout East, A40, Highnam10:23
corner of, Horseshoe Drive, A40, Over10:25
by, West End Parade, Westgate Street, Gloucester10:26
opp, St Oswald's Priory Ruins, Priory Road, Gloucester10:27
at, Transport Hub arrival, Gloucester10:28