GeoPunk Bus Timetables

781 Bus Route: Blakeney - Gloucester with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Newent Community Link

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Map of the 781 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 781 - Blakeney - Gloucester Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

Bay L, Transport Hub, Gloucester13:15
by, St Oswald's Priory Ruins, Priory Road, Gloucester13:16
opp, West End Parade, Westgate Street, Gloucester13:17
opp, Horseshoe Drive, A40, Over13:18
before, Highnam Roundabout, A40, Highnam13:21
opp, Two Mile Lane, A40, Highnam13:22
by, Petol Station, Churcham13:23
after, Business Park, A40, Churcham13:24
opp, Bulley Lane Turn, A40, Churcham13:26
opp, Oakle Street Hotel, Oakle Street13:28
before, The Dinny, A48, Minsterworth13:29
after, Ley Road, A48 Lower Ley, Minsterworth13:30
o/s, The Severn Bore Inn, A48, Minsterworth13:31
after, Broadway Lane, A48, Walmore Hill13:32
before, County Primary School, A48, Walmore Hill13:32
before, Garage, A48, Chaxhill13:34
opp, Hunt Hill Turn, A48 Hunt Hill, Chaxhill13:35
opp, Council Houses, Rock Lane, Stantway13:36
by, Stantway Court Farm, Stantway Lane, Stantway13:36
opp, Stantway Lane, A48 Wintle's Hill, Stantway13:36
opp, The Old Chapel, Hunt Hill, Adsett13:37
by, Junction Inn, Grange Court Road, Grange Court13:38
o/s, The Grange, Northwood Green Road, Grange Court13:40
opp, Mission Church, Blaisdon Road, Northwood Green13:43
before, The Red Hart Inn, Main Street, Blaisdon13:52
nr, War Memorial, Main Street, Blaisdon13:53
opp, The Red Hart Inn, Main Street, Blaisdon13:53
opp, Monk Hill Farm, Blaisdon13:57
by, Village Hall, Flaxley14:02
opp, Blaisdon Turn, Welshbury Road, Flaxley14:02
nr, The Forge, Main Street, Flaxley14:03
opp, St Mary's Church, Welshbury Road, Flaxley14:03
by, Edgehills Plantation, Green Bottom14:05
before, Beech Way, George Lane, Littledean14:08
after, Court Farm, A4151, Littledean14:09
before, Highview Road, Littledean Hill Road, Cinderford14:13
after, Dockham Road, Littledean Hill Road, Cinderford14:13
after, The Oak Field, Cinderford14:14
by, Severn View, Latimer Road, Cinderford14:14
nr, Electric Sub Station, York Road, Cinderford14:15
after, Worcester Road, Meadow Road, Cinderford14:17
Bus Station, Cinderford14:18
o/s, Lidl Store, High Street, Cinderford14:20
by, Rowandean Court, Elmdene, Cinderford14:22
opp, Beechdean, Station Terrace, Cinderford14:24
after, Parragate Road, Station Terrace, Cinderford14:24
after, The Keelings, Station Street, Cinderford14:24
nr, Hastings Road, Valley Road, Cinderford14:26
o/s, Forest View Park, Valley Road, Cinderford14:27
by, Victoria Street, Valley Road, Cinderford14:27
opp, Brook, Valley Road, Cinderford14:28
opp, Railway Road, St White's Road, Cinderford14:28
by, Hart Green, Ruspidge Road, Cinderford14:29
opp, Recreation Ground, Ruspidge Road, Ruspidge14:31
opp, Lower Ruspidge Stores, Ruspidge Road, Ruspidge14:33
opp, Rising Sun, Ruspidge Road, Ruspidge14:33
o/s, The Tump, Top Road, Upper Soudley14:37
by, Littledean Walk, Top Road, Upper Soudley14:37
opp, White Horse Inn, Church Road, Upper Soudley14:38
o/s, Primary School, Church Road, Upper Soudley14:38
opp, Dean Heritage Museum, B4227, Lower Soudley14:39
on, Hyde Park Corner, B4227, Lower Soudley14:40
by, Bradley Cottage, B4227, Lower Soudley14:41
nr, Holly Tuft, Cinderford Road, Lower Soudley14:41
on, Forest Patch, Cinderford Road, Bradley Hill14:43
by, Ayleford Turn, Cinderford Road, Brain's Green14:44
by, Triangle, Cinderford Road, Brain's Green14:45
opp, Hitchings, Cinderford Road, Blakeney14:47
opp, Highfield, Cinderford Road, Blakeney14:47
corner of, Orchard Gate, Cinderford Road, Blakeney14:48

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

opp, Orchard Gate, Cinderford Road, Blakeney9:05
by, Highfield, Cinderford Road, Blakeney9:05
after, Hitchings, Cinderford Road, Blakeney9:05
on, Triangle, Cinderford Road, Brain's Green9:07
opp, Ayleford Turn, Cinderford Road, Brain's Green9:08
opp, Forest Patch, Cinderford Road, Bradley Hill9:09
by, Holly Tuft, Cinderford Road, Lower Soudley9:11
opp, Bradley Cottage, B4227, Lower Soudley9:11
opp, Hyde Park Corner, B4227, Lower Soudley9:12
by, Dean Heritage Museum, Cinderford Road, Lower Soudley9:13
opp, Primary School, Church Road, Upper Soudley9:14
by, White Horse Inn, Church Road, Upper Soudley9:15
opp, Littledean Walk, Top Road, Upper Soudley9:15
opp, The Tump, Top Road, Upper Soudley9:15
by, Rising Sun, Ruspidge Road, Ruspidge9:19
after, Lower Ruspidge Stores, Ruspidge Road, Ruspidge9:20
after, Recreation Ground, Ruspidge Road, Ruspidge9:21
opp, Hart Green, Ruspidge Road, Cinderford9:23
opp, White Hart, St White's Road, Cinderford9:23
by, Brook, Valley Road, Cinderford9:25
opp, Victoria Street, Valley Road, Cinderford9:28
opp, Forest View Park, Valley Road, Cinderford9:30
opp, Hastings Road, Valley Road, Cinderford9:31
by, The Keelings, Station Street, Cinderford9:33
opp, Parragate Road, Station Terrace, Cinderford9:34
by, Beechdean, Station Terrace, Cinderford9:35
opp, Rowandean Court, Elmdene, Cinderford9:36
opp, Lidl Store, High Street, Cinderford9:37
Bus Station, Cinderford9:40
opp, Worcester Road, Meadow Road, Cinderford9:41
by, Electric Sub Station, York Road, Cinderford9:43
opp, Severn View, Latimer Road, Cinderford9:43
opp, The Oak Field, Littledean Hill Road, Cinderford9:43
opp, Dockham Road, Littledean Hill Road, Cinderford9:44
after, Highview Road, Littledean Hill Road, Cinderford9:45
before, Littledean House Hotel, A4151, Littledean9:48
opp, Beech Way, Littledean9:50
nr, Edgehills Plantation, Green Bottom9:53
nr, Gun Mill, Shapridge9:53
by, St Mary's Church, Welshbury Road, Flaxley9:54
opp, The Forge, Main Lane, Flaxley9:55
by, Blaisdon Turn, Welshbury Road, Flaxley9:55
opp, Village Hall, Flaxley9:55
by, Monk Hill Farm, Blaisdon10:00
before, The Red Hart Inn, Main Street, Blaisdon10:04
nr, War Memorial, Main Street, Blaisdon10:05
opp, The Red Hart Inn, Main Street, Blaisdon10:05
nr, Mission Church, Blaisdon Road, Northwood Green10:15
opp, The Grange, Northwood Green Road, Grange Court10:17
opp, Junction Inn, Grange Court Road, Grange Court10:20
nr, The Old Chapel, Hunt Hill, Adsett10:20
opp, Hunt Hill Turn, A48 Hunt Hill, Chaxhill10:21
by, Council Houses, Rock Lane, Stantway10:22
opp, Stantway Court Farm, Stantway Lane, Stantway10:22
just after, Hunt Hill Turn, A48 Hunt Hill, Chaxhill10:23
opp, Garage, A48, Chaxhill10:24
o/s, County Primary School, A48, Walmore Hill10:25
opp, Broadway Lane, A48, Walmore Hill10:26
opp, The Severn Bore Inn, A48, Minsterworth10:26
corner of, Ley Road, A48 Lower Ley, Minsterworth10:27
after, The Dinny, A48, Minsterworth10:28
by, Oakle Street Hotel, Oakle Street10:30
after, Bulley Lane Turn, Churcham10:31
opp, Business Park, A40, Churcham10:32
opp, Petrol Station, A40, Churcham10:33
corner of, Two Mile Lane, A40, Highnam10:34
after, Highnam Roundabout East, A40, Highnam10:36
corner of, Horseshoe Drive, A40, Over10:37
by, West End Parade, Westgate Street, Gloucester10:39
before, St Nicholas' Church, Westgate Street, Gloucester10:40
nr, Blackfriars Priory, Ladybellegate Street, Gloucester10:41
o/s, The Warehouse, Parliament Street, Gloucester10:42
Stop Z1, Boots, Brunswick Road, Gloucester10:43
at, Transport Hub arrival, Gloucester10:45