GeoPunk Bus Timetables

230 Bus Route: Stroud - Randwick - Ruscombe - Stroud (Tues only) with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Cotswold Green

Operator Details and Contact Information

Bus CompanyCotswold Green Ltd
AddressUnit 27 Nailsworth Mills Estate, Avening Road, Nailsworth GL6 0BS

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Map of the 230 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 230 - Stroud - Randwick - Ruscombe - Stroud (Tues only) Route

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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in, Cornhill, Stroud9:4012:35
in, Russell Street, Stroud9:4212:37
Stop C, Merrywalks, Stroud9:4412:39
corner of, Health Centre, Beeches Green, Stroud9:4412:39
before, Tesco, Stratford Road, Stroud9:4512:40
before, SGS College, Stratford Road, Stroud9:4612:41
corner of, Beard's Lane, Stratford Road, Paganhill9:4712:42
before, Church of the Holy Spirit, Stratford Road, Paganhill9:4812:43
opp, Mill Farm Drive, Paganhill Lane, Paganhill9:4812:43
after, Fire Station, Paganhill Lane, Cainscross9:4912:44
o/s, Tricorn House, Westward Road, Cainscross9:4912:44
corner of, Frome Gardens, Ebley9:5012:45
o/s, District Council, Westward Road, Ebley9:5112:46
nr, Huntingdon Close, Foxmoor Lane, Ebley9:5212:47
before, East Drive, Foxmoor Lane, Ebley9:5212:47
after, Devereaux Crescent, Foxmoor Lane, Ebley9:5312:48
by, Sandpits Lane, Westrip9:5412:49
before, Carpenters Arms, Westrip9:5512:50
corner of, Ash Lane, Townsend, Randwick9:5612:51
by, Parish Church, Randwick9:5712:52
opp, The Hill, Randwick9:5712:52
nr, Lightwood Lane, Randwick9:5812:53
nr, Wood Turn, Randwick10:0012:55
nr, Hill Farm, Main Road, Whiteshill10:0312:58
on, Ruscombe Road, Whiteshill10:0513:00
opp, The Throat, Ruscombe10:0713:02
nr, The Close, Ruscombe Road, Ruscombe10:0713:02
opp, Cottages, Ruscombe10:0813:03
on, Primrose Hill, Ruscombe Road, Ruscombe10:0813:03
opp, The Lane, Ruscombe Road, Ruscombe10:0813:03
in, Bread Street, Ruscombe10:1013:05
opp, Humphreys End, Ruscombe Road, Randwick10:1013:05
corner of, More Hall Park, Townsend, Randwick10:1213:07
opp, The Wordens, Westrip Lane, Cashes Green10:1313:08
opp, Redhouse Lane, Westrip Lane, Cashes Green10:1413:09
nr, Devereaux Crescent, Foxmoor Lane, Ebley10:1513:10
after, East Drive, Foxmoor Lane, Ebley10:1513:10
by, Huntingdon Close, Foxmoor Lane, Ebley10:1513:10
corner of, Chapel Lane, Westward Road, Ebley10:1613:11
opp, District Council, Westward Road, Ebley10:1613:11
nr, Frome Gardens, Westward Road, Ebley10:1713:12
before, Fire Station, Paganhill Lane, Cainscross10:1813:13
corner of, Mill Farm Drive, Paganhill Lane, Paganhill10:1913:14
o/s, Church of the Holy Spirit, Stratford Road, Paganhill10:2013:15
after, Beard's Lane, Stratford Road, Paganhill10:2013:15
after, SGS College, Stratford Road, Stroud10:2113:16
opp, Tesco, Stratford Road, Stroud10:2213:17
opp, Health Centre, Beeches Green, Stroud10:2213:17
Stop J, Merrywalks, Stroud10:2313:18
o/s, Waitrose Store, London Road, Stroud10:2413:19
on, Cornhill, Stroud10:2513:20