GeoPunk Bus Timetables

168 Bus Route: Burgess Hill - Wivelsfield - Burgess Hill [Village Rider] with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Compass Travel

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Map of the 168 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 168 - Burgess Hill - Wivelsfield - Burgess Hill [Village Rider] Route

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Inbound Timetable

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Stop A, Church Road, Burgess Hill10:0010:3012:3513:0516:00
S-bound, Civic Way, Burgess Hill----16:01
W-bound, Queen Elizabeth Avenue, Burgess Hill----16:01
adj, Station Road, London Road, Burgess Hill----16:02
o/s 1, London Road, Burgess Hill----16:03
o/s, Tesco, A273, Burgess Hill----16:06
adj, New Close Farmhouse, London Road, Burgess Hill----16:08
opp, Friar's Oak Cottages, London Road, Burgess Hill----16:09
adj, Friars Oak, London Road, Hassocks----16:10
adj, Little Copse Road, London Road, Hassocks----16:10
E-bound, Stonepound Crossroads, Keymer Road, Hassocks----16:12
E-bound, Railway Bridge, Keymer Road, Hassocks----16:13
opp, Post Office, Keymer Road, Hassocks----16:14
opp, Railway Station, Station Road, Burgess Hill10:0110:3112:3513:06-
o/s, Burgess Hill School, Keymer Road, Burgess Hill10:0110:3112:3613:06-
adj, Ferndale Road, Keymer Road, Burgess Hill10:0210:3212:3713:07-
opp, Greenlands Drive, Keymer Road, Burgess Hill--12:37--
S-bound, Ockley Hill, Burgess Hill--12:39--
adj, Ockley Manor Farm, Ockley Lane, Keymer--12:40--
S-bound, Ockley Lane, Keymer--12:41--
W-bound, Thatched Inn, Grand Avenue, Keymer--12:42--
adj, Adastra Avenue, Grand Avenue, Hassocks--12:44--
opp, Queens Drive, Grand Avenue, Hassocks--12:44--
S-bound, Spitalford Bridge, Grand Avenue, Hassocks--12:44--
opp, Orion Parade, Keymer Road, Hassocks--12:45-16:14
adj, Library, Keymer Road, Keymer--12:46-16:15
o/s, St Cosmas Church, Keymer Road, Keymer--12:46-16:15
opp, Beacon Hurst, Keymer Road, Keymer--12:46-16:15
opp, The White Horse, West Street, Ditchling--12:48-16:17
opp, South View, Common Lane, Ditchling--12:49-16:18
opp, Garden Centre, Common Lane, Ditchling--12:49-16:18
opp, Woodwards Close, Folders Lane, Burgess Hill10:0310:33-13:08-
E-bound, Folders Lane Roundabout, Folders Lane, Ditchling Common10:0610:36-13:11-
adj, Folders Lane Car Park, Folders Lane East, Ditchling Common-10:3612:49-16:19
adj, Tidy's Depot, Folders Lane East, Ditchling Common-10:3712:50-16:19
adj, Mid Sussex Golf Club, Spatham Lane, Ditchling--12:50-16:19
opp, Stoneywish Nature Reserve, Spatham Lane, Ditchling--12:51-16:20
opp, South View, Common Lane, Ditchling--12:52--
adj, Church, Lewes Road, Westmeston----16:21
o/s, Middleton Manor, B2116, Westmeston----16:23
o/s, Plumpton College, Lewes Road, Plumpton----16:25
NE-bound, Plumpton Lane, Plumpton---13:4016:26
adj, Railway Station, Station Road, Plumpton Green---13:4416:30
adj, East View Fields, Station Road, Plumpton Green---13:4416:30
adj, Riddens Lane, Station Road, Plumpton Green---13:4416:30
adj, Fountain Inn, Station Road, Plumpton Green---13:4516:31
adj, The Plough, Station Road, Plumpton Crossways---13:4716:33
opp, The Plough, Station Road, Plumpton Crossways-10:42---
adj, All Saints Church, Station Road, Plumpton Green-10:43---
opp, Riddens Lane, Station Road, Plumpton Green-10:44---
opp, East View Fields, Station Road, Plumpton Green-10:44---
opp, Railway Station, Station Road, Plumpton Green-10:45---
SW-bound, Plumpton Lane, Plumpton-10:48---
adj, Novington Lane, B2116, Plumpton-10:49---
adj, Chapel Lane, Novington Lane, East Chiltington-10:53---
adj, Mill Lane, Lewes Road, South Chailey-10:59-13:28-
opp, Horns Lodge Inn, A275, South Street-11:00-13:30-
opp, Mill Lane, Lewes Road, South Chailey-11:02-13:31-
o/s, Chailey School, Mill Lane, South Chailey-11:02-13:31-
o/s, The Plough, South Road, Plumpton Crossways-11:07---
opp, Downsview Drive, South Road, Wivelsfield Green-11:09--16:35
opp, Coppards Close, South Road, Wivelsfield Green-11:09--16:35
opp, St George's Park, B2112, Burgess Hill---13:14-
adj, Bethel Baptist Chapel, Ditchling Road, Wivelsfield---13:14-
opp, Ote Hall Chapel, B2112 Ditchling Road, Wivelsfield---13:15-
opp, Playing Fields, Green Road, Wivelsfield---13:16-
adj, Village Hall, Eastern Road, Wivelsfield-11:11-13:1716:37
adj, Playing Fields, Green Road, Wivelsfield-11:12--16:38
adj, Ote Hall Chapel, B2112 Ditchling Road, Wivelsfield-11:14--16:41
opp, Bethel Baptist Chapel, Ditchling Road, Wivelsfield-11:15--16:42
o/s, St George's Park, B2112, Burgess Hill-11:17--16:44
S-bound, Folders Lane Roundabout, Ditchling Road, Ditchling Common-11:21--16:48
o/s, Garden Centre, Common Lane, Ditchling10:06----
adj, South View, Common Lane, Ditchling10:07----
adj, The Sandrock Inn, High Street, Ditchling10:09----
N-bound, Long Park Corner, Ditchling10:11-12:53--
adj, Stoneywish Nature Reserve, Spatham Lane, Ditchling--12:54--
opp, Mid Sussex Golf Club, Spatham Lane, Ditchling--12:54--
opp, Tidy's Depot, Folders Lane East, Ditchling Common--12:54--
adj, Coppards Close, South Road, Wivelsfield Green---13:18-
adj, Downsview Drive, South Road, Wivelsfield Green---13:18-
nr, The Plough, South Road, Plumpton Crossways---13:21-
adj, Mill Lane, Lewes Road, South Chailey-----
opp, Horns Lodge Inn, A275, South Street-----
opp, Mill Lane, Lewes Road, South Chailey-----
o/s, Chailey School, Mill Lane, South Chailey-----
opp, Chapel Lane, Novington Lane, East Chiltington---13:35-
opp, Novington Lane, B2116, Plumpton---13:38-
NE-bound, Plumpton Lane, Plumpton-----
adj, Railway Station, Station Road, Plumpton Green-----
adj, East View Fields, Station Road, Plumpton Green-----
adj, Riddens Lane, Station Road, Plumpton Green-----
adj, Fountain Inn, Station Road, Plumpton Green-----
adj, The Plough, Station Road, Plumpton Crossways-----
W-bound, Folders Lane Roundabout, Folders Lane, Ditchling Common-11:2212:5513:5316:49
W-bound, Folders Lane, Burgess Hill-11:2212:5513:5316:49
adj, Woodwards Close, Folders Lane, Burgess Hill-11:2412:5613:5516:51
o/s, The White Horse, West Street, Ditchling10:13----
opp, Library, Keymer Road, Keymer10:15----
adj, Orion Parade, Keymer Road, Hassocks10:15----
N-bound, Spitalford Bridge, Grand Avenue, Hassocks10:16----
opp, The Close, Grand Avenue, Hassocks10:16----
opp, Adastra Avenue, Grand Avenue, Hassocks10:17----
E-bound, Thatched Inn, Grand Avenue, Keymer10:19----
N-bound, Ockley Lane, Keymer10:19----
opp, Ockley Manor Farm, Ockley Lane, Keymer10:19----
N-bound, Ockley Hill, Burgess Hill10:19----
opp, Ferndale Road, Keymer Road, Burgess Hill10:2011:2512:5613:5616:52
adj, Greenlands Drive, Keymer Road, Burgess Hill10:25----
opp, Burgess Hill School, Keymer Road, Burgess Hill10:2511:2512:5713:5616:52
adj, Railway Station, Station Road, Burgess Hill10:2511:2612:5713:5716:53
Stop A, Church Road, Burgess Hill10:2611:2712:5813:5816:54