GeoPunk Bus Timetables

622 Bus Route: Basingstoke - Baughurst with Stops and Timetable

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Map of the 622 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 622 - Basingstoke - Baughurst Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

adj, Heathlands, Heath End Road, Inhurst7:55
NW-bound, Portway, Woodlands Road, Baughurst Common7:56
SW-bound, Fairoak Way, Woodlands Road, Baughurst Common7:56
SW-bound, Brimpton Road, Woodlands Road, Baughurst Common7:57
NE-bound, Badgers Wood, Heath End Road, Baughurst Common7:58
E-bound, Sheridan Crescent, Bishopswood Lane, Baughurst Common7:59
E-bound, Hartshill Road, Huntsmoor Road, Baughurst8:00
N-bound, Wigmore Road, Bishopswood Road, Baughurst8:01
NW-bound, Bishopswood Road Shops, Bishopswood Road, Baughurst8:01
NE-bound, Furze Road, Burnham Road, Baughurst8:02
NE-bound, Falcon Triangle, A340, Brimpton Common8:03
adj, Falcon Fields, A340 Mulfords Hill, Brimpton Common8:04
adj, Silchester Road, Mulfords Hill, Tadley8:06
opp, The Parade, Mulfords Hill, Tadley8:06
SE-bound, Mulfords Hill, A340 Mulfords Hill, Tadley8:08
adj, Rowan Road, Mulfords Hill, Tadley8:09
adj, Fairlawn Road, A340 Main Road, Tadley8:10
SE-bound, Manse Lane, Main Road, Tadley8:10
S-bound, Skates Lane, Aldermaston Road, Pamber Green8:11
adj, New Road, Aldermaston Road, Pamber Green8:12
opp, Wakeford Farm, Aldermaston Road, Pamber End8:13
SE-bound, Elm Park Garden Centre, Aldermaston Road, Pamber End8:14
SE-bound, Queens College Arms, Aldermaston Road, Pamber End8:14
SE-bound, Salters Heath Road, Aldermaston Road, Salters Heath8:15
adjacent, Morgaston Road, Aldermaston Road, Monk Sherborne8:17
To Village, West End, A340 West End, Sherborne St John8:18
o/s, Crane's Farm, Cranes Road, Sherborne St John8:19
opp, Spring Close, Cranes Road, Sherborne St John8:19
opp, Manor Road, Cranes Road, Sherborne St John8:20
SE-bound, Tyfield, Cranes Road, Sherborne St John8:20
S-bound, Sherborne Road, Elm Road, Sherborne St John8:21
opp, Manor Road, Elm Road, Sherborne St John8:21
Layby, Parklands & Hospice, The Avenue, Rooksdown8:25
opp, North Hampshire Hospital, access only road, Rooksdown8:25
SE-bound, Priestley Road, Rooksdown8:25
W-bound, Bishop Challoner Grounds, South Ham8:37
E-bound, Queen Marys College, Cliddesden Road, Basingstoke8:50

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

E-bound, Queen Marys College, Cliddesden Road, Basingstoke15:45
opp, Bishop Challoner School, St Michael's Road, South Ham15:58
NW-bound, Priestley Road, Rooksdown16:07
adj, North Hampshire Hospital, access only road, Rooksdown16:07
Opp Layby, Parklands & Hospice, The Avenue, Rooksdown16:08
adj, Manor Road, Elm Road, Sherborne St John16:12
adj, Manor Road, Cranes Road, Sherborne St John16:14
adj, Spring Close, Cranes Road, Sherborne St John16:14
opp, Crane's Farm, Cranes Road, Sherborne St John16:15
adj jct, West End, A340 West End, Sherborne St John16:15
opposite, Morgaston Road, Aldermaston Road, Monk Sherborne16:17
NW-bound, Salters Heath Road, Aldermaston Road, Salters Heath16:18
NW-bound, Queens College Arms, Aldermaston Road, Pamber End16:19
NW-bound, Elm Park Garden Centre, Aldermaston Road, Pamber End16:20
adj, Wakeford Farm, Aldermaston Road, Pamber End16:20
opp, New Road, Aldermaston Road, Pamber Green16:21
N-bound, Skates Lane, Aldermaston Road, Pamber Green16:22
NW-bound, Manse Lane, Main Road, Tadley16:23
nr, Fairlawn Road, Tadley Hill A340, Tadley16:23
NW-bound, Rowan Road, Mulfords Hill, Tadley16:24
NW-bound, Mulfords Hill, A340 Mulfords Hill, Tadley16:25
adj, The Parade, Mulfords Hill, Tadley16:25
opp, Silchester Road, Mulfords Hill, Tadley16:26
opp, Falcon Fields, A340 Mulfords Hill, Brimpton Common16:27
W-bound, Falcon Triangle, A340, Brimpton Common16:27
SW-bound, Furze Road, Burnham Road, Baughurst16:28
SE-bound, Bishopswood Road Shops, Bishopswood Road, Baughurst16:29
SW-bound, Huntsmoor Road, Baughurst16:29
NW-bound, Hartshill Road, Huntsmoor Road, Baughurst16:30
W-bound, Sheridan Crescent, Bishopswood Lane, Baughurst Common16:30
SW-bound, Badgers Wood, Bishopswood Lane, Baughurst Common16:31
adj, Heathlands, Heath End Road, Inhurst16:32
NW-bound, Portway, Woodlands Road, Baughurst Common16:33
SW-bound, Fairoak Way, Woodlands Road, Baughurst Common16:34
SW-bound, Brimpton Road, Woodlands Road, Baughurst Common16:35
NE-bound, Badgers Wood, Heath End Road, Baughurst Common16:37