GeoPunk Bus Timetables

403 Bus Route: Aldershot - Yateley with Stops and Timetable

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Map of the 403 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 403 - Aldershot - Yateley Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

opp, The Fox Inn, Chapel Lane, Fox Lane7:28
adj, Derry Road, Chapel Lane, Fox Lane7:29
NE-bound, Hawley Lane, Chapel Lane, Fox Lane7:30
opp, Brookside Park, Hawley Lane7:31
SW-bound, Covey Close, Ley Road, Hawley Lane7:32
opp, Shopping Parade, Churchill Crescent, Hawley Lane7:33
E-bound, Oaken Copse Crescent, Grange Road, Hawley Lane7:34
SE-bound, Prince Charles Crescent, Hawley Lane7:34
SE-bound, Hamesmoor Road, Coleford Bridge Road, Mytchett7:41
adj, Coleford Close, Coleford Bridge Road, Mytchett7:42
S-bound, Crossroads, Mytchett Road, Mytchett7:43
adj, Jubilee Road, Mytchett Road, Mytchett7:44
adj, Glenmount Road, Mytchett Road, Mytchett7:44
opp, Warwick Road, Frimley Road, Ash Vale7:46
opp, Carrington Lane, Frimley Road, Ash Vale7:47
adj, Ash Vale Railway Station, Vale Road, Ash Vale7:48
adj, Heathvale Bridge Road, Vale Road, Ash Vale7:50
opp, St Mary's Road, Vale Road, Ash Vale7:50
adj, Napier Lane, Vale Road, Ash7:52
SE-bound, Shawfield Road, Vale Road, Ash7:53
adj, Winchester Road, Shawfield Road, Ash7:54
adj, Ashdene Road, Shawfield Road, Ash7:56
opp, Shawfield Recreation Ground, Shawfield Road, Ash7:56
opp, Japonica Court, Shawfield Road, Ash7:57
opp, Underwood Avenue, Shawfield Road, Ash7:58
adj, Ash Lodge Drive, Manor Road, Ash7:59
opp, Elm Lane, Manor Road, Tongham8:00
S-bound, Manor Road, Tongham8:01
adj, The Moors, Oxenden Road, Tongham8:02
adj, Phillips Close, Oxenden Road, Tongham8:03
adj, Oxenden Court, Oxenden Road, Ash8:04
S-bound, White Lion, Lower Farnham Road, North Town8:07
opp, Orchard Way, Lower Farnham Road, Tices Meadow8:08
adj, Guildford Road, Lower Farnham Road, Tices Meadow8:09
adj, Gloucester Road, Lower Farnham Road, Tices Meadow8:10
nr, Duke of York, Weybourne Road, Aldershot8:15
opp, Woodlands Avenue, Weybourne Road, Weybourne8:17
o/s, All Hallows School, Weybourne Road, Weybourne8:18

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

o/s, All Hallows School, Weybourne Road, Weybourne15:35
adj, Woodlands Avenue, Weybourne Road, Weybourne15:36
o/s, Duke of York, Weybourne Road, Aldershot15:37
opp, Gloucester Road, Lower Farnham Road, Tices Meadow15:40
opp, Guildford Road, Lower Farnham Road, Tices Meadow15:42
N-bound, White Lion, Lower Farnham Road, North Town15:43
E-bound, North Lane, Ash Road, North Town15:44
opp, Oxenden Court, Oxenden Road, Ash15:46
opp, Phillips Close, Oxenden Road, Tongham15:46
N-bound, Manor Road, Tongham15:48
adj, Elm Lane, Manor Road, Tongham15:48
opp, Ash Lodge Drive, Manor Road, Ash15:50
adj, Underwood Avenue, Shawfield Road, Ash15:50
o/s, Japonica Court, Shawfield Road, Ash15:50
adj, Shawfield Recreation Ground, Shawfield Road, Ash15:51
opp, Ashdene Road, Shawfield Road, Ash15:52
opp, Winchester Road, Shawfield Road, Ash15:52
NE-bound, Shawfield Road, Ash15:53
opp, Napier Lane, Vale Road, Ash15:55
adj, St Mary's Road, Vale Road, Ash Vale15:55
opp, Heathvale Bridge Road, Vale Road, Ash Vale15:56
opp, Ash Vale Railway Station, Frimley Road, Ash Vale15:58
adj, Carrington Lane, Frimley Road, Ash Vale15:59
adj, Warwick Road, Frimley Road, Ash Vale15:59
opp, Glenmount Road, Mytchett Road, Mytchett16:02
opp, Jubilee Road, Mytchett Road, Mytchett16:02
NW-bound, Crossroads, Coleford Bridge Road, Mytchett16:03
opp, Coleford Close, Coleford Bridge Road, Mytchett16:04
NW-bound, Hamesmoor Road, Coleford Bridge Road, Mytchett16:05
NW-bound, Prince Charles Crescent, Hawley Lane16:11
W-bound, Oaken Copse Crescent, Grange Road, Hawley Lane16:12
adj, Shopping Parade, Churchill Crescent, Hawley Lane16:13
NE-bound, Covey Close, Ley Road, Hawley Lane16:15
o/s, Brookside Park, Hawley Lane16:16
SW-bound, Hawley Lane, Chapel Lane, Fox Lane16:16
opp, Derry Road, Chapel Lane, Fox Lane16:17
SW-bound, All Saints Church, Chapel Lane, Fox Lane16:18