GeoPunk Bus Timetables

NX40 Bus Route: Oxford - Wallingford with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Thames Travel

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Map of the NX40 Bus Service

Leaflet | © Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2019

Bus Timetable for the NX40 - Oxford - Wallingford Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs


Days Service Runs

Stop A, Market Place, St Martin's Street, Wallingford0:470:472:172:17
adj, Church, The Street, Crowmarsh Gifford0:480:482:182:18
opp, Village Hall, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford0:490:492:192:19
entrance, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Preston Crowmarsh0:500:502:202:20
adj, Marina, A4074, Benson0:540:542:242:24
NW-bound, Henley Road Roundabout, Henley Road, Shillingford0:560:562:262:26
o/s, The Kingfisher, Henley Road, Shillingford0:560:562:262:26
NW-bound, Dorchester Bypass, A4074, Dorchester0:590:592:292:29
NW-bound, A4074 Layby, A4074, Berinsfield1:011:012:312:31
NW-bound, Golden Ball Roundabout, A4074, Nuneham Courtenay1:021:022:322:32
opp, Baldon Lane, A4074, Nuneham Courtenay1:041:042:342:34
NW-bound, North End, A4074, Nuneham Courtenay1:041:042:342:34
o/s, Catherine Wheel, Henley Road, Sandford-on-Thames1:071:072:372:37
opp, Rock Farm Lane, Henley Road, Sandford-on-Thames1:071:072:372:37
adj, Heyford Hill Lane, Sandford Road, Sandford-on-Thames1:081:082:382:38
o/s, Mental Health Centre, Sandford Road, Littlemore1:081:082:382:38
opp, The George, Sandford Road, Littlemore1:091:092:392:39
adj, Dudgeon Drive, Oxford Road, Littlemore1:091:092:392:39
o/s, Rose Hill Parade, Rose Hill1:111:112:412:41
adj, Courtland Road, Rose Hill1:111:112:412:41
opp, Westbury Crescent, Rose Hill1:111:112:412:41
adj, Iffley Turn, Henley Avenue, Iffley1:121:122:422:42
NW-bound, Henley Avenue, Iffley1:121:122:422:42
adj, Freelands Road, Iffley Road, Iffley1:131:132:432:43
opp, Howard Street west, Iffley Road, Oxford1:141:142:442:44
opp, Magdalen Road west, Iffley Road, Oxford1:141:142:442:44
opp, Henley Street, Iffley Road, Oxford1:151:152:452:45
opp, James Street west, Iffley Road, Oxford1:151:152:452:45
NW-bound, The Plain, Iffley Road, Oxford1:171:172:472:47
Stop J3, Queens Lane, High Street, Oxford City Centre1:181:182:482:48
Stop L3, High Street, Oxford City Centre1:201:202:502:50
Stop S1, Speedwell Street, Oxford City Centre1:211:212:512:51
Stop E1, Westgate, Norfolk Street, Oxford City Centre1:231:232:532:53

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs


Days Service Runs


Days Service Runs


Days Service Runs


Days Service Runs

Stop E1, Westgate, Norfolk Street, Oxford City Centre0:050:051:351:353:053:05
Stop T2, High Street, Oxford City Centre0:060:061:361:363:063:06
Stop K2, Queens Lane, High Street, Oxford City Centre0:070:071:371:373:073:07
SE-bound, The Plain, Iffley Road, Oxford0:090:091:391:393:093:09
adj, James Street west, Iffley Road, Oxford0:100:101:401:403:103:10
adj, Henley Street, Iffley Road, Oxford0:110:111:411:413:113:11
adj, Magdalen Road west, Iffley Road, Oxford0:120:121:421:423:123:12
adj, Howard Street west, Iffley Road, Oxford0:120:121:421:423:123:12
opp, Freelands Road, Iffley Road, Iffley0:140:141:441:443:143:14
opp, Iffley Turn, Henley Avenue, Iffley0:140:141:441:443:143:14
adj, Westbury Crescent, Rose Hill0:160:161:461:463:163:16
opp, Rose Hill Parade, Rose Hill0:170:171:471:473:173:17
o/s, The George, Sandford Road, Littlemore0:200:201:501:503:203:20
opp, Mental Health Centre, Sandford Road, Littlemore0:200:201:501:503:203:20
opp, Heyford Hill Lane, Sandford Road, Sandford-on-Thames0:200:201:501:503:203:20
adj, Rock Farm Lane, Henley Road, Sandford-on-Thames0:210:211:511:513:213:21
opp, Catherine Wheel, Henley Road, Sandford-on-Thames0:210:211:511:513:213:21
SE-bound, North End, A4074, Nuneham Courtenay0:250:251:551:553:253:25
adj, Baldon Lane, A4074, Nuneham Courtenay0:250:251:551:553:253:25
SE-bound, Golden Ball Roundabout, A4074, Nuneham Courtenay0:270:271:571:573:273:27
SE-bound, A4074 Layby, A4074, Berinsfield0:290:291:591:593:293:29
SE-bound, Dorchester Bypass, A4074, Dorchester0:300:302:002:003:303:30
opp, The Kingfisher, Henley Road, Shillingford0:330:332:032:033:333:33
SE-bound, Henley Road Roundabout, Henley Road, Shillingford0:330:332:032:033:333:33
opp, Marina, A4074, Benson0:360:362:062:063:363:36
opp, Benson Lane, A4074, Preston Crowmarsh0:380:382:082:083:383:38
adj, Meadow Lane, The Street, Crowmarsh Gifford0:390:392:092:093:393:39
adj, Home Farm, The Street, Crowmarsh Gifford0:400:402:102:103:403:40
opp, Church, The Street, Crowmarsh Gifford0:400:402:102:103:403:40
Stop C, Market Place, St Mary's Street, Wallingford0:420:422:122:123:423:42