GeoPunk Bus Timetables

NS1 Bus Route: Oxford - Carterton with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Stagecoach Oxfordshire

Operator Details and Contact Information

Bus CompanyThames Transit Ltd
AddressHorspath Road, Cowley, Oxford OX4 2RY

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Map of the NS1 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the NS1 - Oxford - Carterton Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

adj, Stanmore Crescent, Upavon Way, Carterton1:201:502:20
opp, Dove Trees, Upavon Way, Carterton1:211:512:21
opp, Community College, Upavon Way, Carterton1:221:522:22
adj, Faulder Avenue, Upavon Way, Carterton1:231:532:23
adj, Carr Avenue, Upavon Way, Carterton1:241:542:24
adj, Richens Drive, Upavon Way, Carterton1:251:552:25
opp, Alderley Close, Alvescot Road, Carterton1:261:562:26
opp, Foxcroft Drive, Alvescot Road, Carterton1:271:572:27
opp, Town Hall, Alvescot Road, Carterton1:271:572:27
NE-bound, Crossroads, Brize Norton Road, Carterton1:281:582:28
opp, Wycombe Way, Brize Norton Road, Carterton1:291:592:29
adj, Bovingdon Road, Upavon Way, Carterton1:302:002:30
o/s, Broadshires Health Centre, Monahan Way, Carterton1:312:012:31
adj, Bluebell Way, Monahan Way, Carterton1:322:022:32
adj, Teasel Way, Monahan Way, Carterton1:322:022:32
SE-bound, Brize Norton Roundabout, B4477, Brize Norton1:332:032:33
NE-bound, A40 Flyover, Brize Norton Road, Minster Lovell1:352:052:35
NE-bound, Mary Ellis Way, Centenary Way, Witney1:382:082:38
opp, Isabelle Spencer Way, Centenary Way, Witney1:402:102:40
adj, Centenary Way, Curbridge Road, Witney1:412:112:41
NE-bound, Thorney Leys, Curbridge Road, Witney1:422:122:42
opp, Abbey Road, Burwell Drive, Witney1:432:132:43
adj, Mountfield Road, Burwell Drive, Witney1:432:132:43
adj, Blenheim Drive, Burwell Drive, Witney1:442:142:44
o/s, Burwell Shops, Burwell Drive, Witney1:452:152:45
N-bound, Ducklington Lane, Witney1:452:152:45
o/s, Bus Garage, Corn Street, Witney1:472:172:47
adj, Holloway Road, Corn Street, Witney1:492:192:49
Stop D, Market Square, Witney1:522:222:52
NE-bound, High Street, Witney1:532:232:53
SE-bound, Staple Hall, Newland, Witney1:552:252:55
o/s, King Georges Field, Newland, Witney1:562:262:56
opp, Church Lane, Newland, Witney1:572:272:57
opp, Windrush Cemetery, Oxford Hill, Witney1:582:282:58
NE-bound, A40 Slip Road, A40, Shores Green1:592:292:59
opp, The Evenlode, A40, Eynsham2:062:363:06
opp, Old Witney Road, Witney Road, Eynsham2:072:373:07
o/s, Bartholomew School, Witney Road, Eynsham2:072:373:07
E-bound, Acre End Street, Eynsham2:072:373:07
opp, Swan Hotel, Acre End Street, Eynsham2:082:383:08
opp, Eynsham Church, High Street, Eynsham2:082:383:08
adj, Cassington Turn, A40, Cassington2:112:413:11
adj, Oxford North, Oxford2:162:463:16
just after, Wolvercote Roundabout, Woodstock Road, Summertown2:182:483:18
opp, First Turn, Woodstock Road, Summertown2:192:493:19
adj, Woodstock Close, Woodstock Road, Summertown2:192:493:19
adj, Squitchey Lane west, Woodstock Road, Summertown2:212:513:21
adj, Osberton Road, Woodstock Road, Summertown2:212:513:21
adj, South Parade west, Woodstock Road, Summertown2:222:523:22
adj, Beech Croft Road, Woodstock Road, Summertown2:232:533:23
adj, Lathbury Road west, Woodstock Road, Oxford2:242:543:24
adj, St Margarets Road west, Woodstock Road, Oxford2:252:553:25
adj, Canterbury Road, Woodstock Road, Oxford2:262:563:26
opp, Plantation Road, Woodstock Road, Oxford2:272:573:27
opp, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford2:282:583:28
Stop C6, Magdalen Street East, Oxford City Centre2:303:003:30
Stop A3, George Street, Oxford City Centre2:313:013:31
Stop D5, Park End Street, Oxford City Centre2:343:043:34
Stop R8, Frideswide Square, Oxford City Centre2:353:053:35

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

Stop R7, Frideswide Square, Oxford City Centre1:151:452:152:453:153:45
Stop D1, Park End Street, Oxford City Centre1:171:472:172:473:173:47
Stop B2, George Street, Oxford City Centre1:201:502:202:503:203:50
adj, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford1:231:532:232:533:233:53
adj, Plantation Road, Woodstock Road, Oxford1:241:542:242:543:243:54
opp, Canterbury Road, Woodstock Road, Oxford1:251:552:252:553:253:55
opp, St Margarets Road west, Woodstock Road, Oxford1:261:562:262:563:263:56
opp, Lathbury Road west, Woodstock Road, Oxford1:281:582:282:583:283:58
opp, Beech Croft Road, Woodstock Road, Summertown1:291:592:292:593:293:59
opp, South Parade west, Woodstock Road, Summertown1:302:002:303:003:304:00
opp, Osberton Road, Woodstock Road, Summertown1:302:002:303:003:304:00
opp, Squitchey Lane west, Woodstock Road, Summertown1:312:012:313:013:314:01
opp, Woodstock Close, Woodstock Road, Summertown1:322:022:323:023:324:02
adj, First Turn, Woodstock Road, Summertown1:332:032:333:033:334:03
opp, Oxford North, Oxford1:342:042:343:043:344:04
opp, Cassington Turn, A40, Cassington1:402:102:403:103:404:10
o/s, Eynsham Church, High Street, Eynsham1:442:142:443:143:444:14
o/s, Swan Hotel, Acre End Street, Eynsham1:442:142:443:143:444:14
W-bound, Acre End Street, Eynsham1:452:152:453:153:454:15
opp, Bartholomew School, Witney Road, Eynsham1:452:152:453:153:454:15
adj, Old Witney Road, Witney Road, Eynsham1:452:152:453:153:454:15
o/s, The Evenlode, A40, Eynsham1:462:162:463:163:464:16
SW-bound, A40 Slip Road, A40, High Cogges1:512:212:513:213:514:21
adj, Windrush Cemetery, Oxford Hill, Witney1:522:222:523:223:524:22
adj, Cogges Hill Road, Oxford Hill, Witney1:522:222:523:223:524:22
opp, King Georges Field, Newland, Witney1:532:232:533:233:534:23
NW-bound, Staple Hall, Newland, Witney1:542:242:543:243:544:24
SW-bound, High Street, Witney1:562:262:563:263:564:26
Stop A, Market Square, Witney1:572:272:573:273:574:27
opp, Holloway Road, Witney1:582:282:583:283:584:28
opp, Bus Garage, Corn Street, Witney1:592:292:593:293:594:29
S-bound, Ducklington Lane, Witney2:012:313:013:314:014:31
opp, Burwell Shops, Burwell Drive, Witney2:022:323:023:324:024:32
opp, Blenheim Drive, Burwell Drive, Witney2:022:323:023:324:024:32
opp, Mountfield Road, Burwell Drive, Witney2:032:333:033:334:034:33
adj, Abbey Road, Burwell Drive, Witney2:042:343:043:344:044:34
SW-bound, Thorney Leys, Curbridge Road, Witney2:052:353:053:354:054:35
on, Centenary Way, Witney2:062:363:063:364:064:36
adj, Isabelle Spencer Way, Centenary Way, Witney2:072:373:073:374:074:37
SE-bound, Mary Ellis Way, Centenary Way, Witney2:082:383:083:384:084:38
SW-bound, A40 Flyover, Brize Norton Road, Minster Lovell2:112:413:113:414:114:41
NW-bound, Brize Norton Roundabout, B4477, Brize Norton2:142:443:143:444:144:44
opp, Teasel Way, Monahan Way, Carterton2:162:463:163:464:164:46
opp, Bluebell Way, Monahan Way, Carterton2:162:463:163:464:164:46
opp, Broadshires Health Centre, Monahan Way, Carterton2:172:473:173:474:174:47
adj, Stanmore Crescent, Upavon Way, Carterton2:172:473:173:474:174:47
opp, Dove Trees, Upavon Way, Carterton-2:483:183:484:184:48
opp, Community College, Upavon Way, Carterton-2:493:193:494:194:49
adj, Faulder Avenue, Upavon Way, Carterton-2:503:203:504:204:50
adj, Carr Avenue, Upavon Way, Carterton-2:513:213:514:214:51
adj, Richens Drive, Upavon Way, Carterton-2:523:223:524:224:52
opp, Alderley Close, Alvescot Road, Carterton-2:533:233:534:234:53
opp, Foxcroft Drive, Alvescot Road, Carterton-2:543:243:544:244:54
opp, Town Hall, Alvescot Road, Carterton-2:543:243:544:244:54
NE-bound, Crossroads, Brize Norton Road, Carterton-2:553:253:554:254:55