GeoPunk Bus Timetables

M1 Bus Route: Darland - Hempstead Valley with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by ASD Coaches

Operator Details and Contact Information

Bus CompanyAjit Singh Dosanjh
Telephone01634 726412
AddressNeptune Close, Medway City Centre Estate, Strood, Rochester ME2 4LT

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Map of the M1 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the M1 - Darland - Hempstead Valley Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs


Days Service Runs

Stop C, Hempstead Valley Shopping Centre, Hempstead12:0013:30
adj, Kenyon Walk, Wigmore Road, Wigmore12:0113:31
adj, Fowler Close, Wigmore Road, Wigmore12:0313:33
adj, Grain Road, Maidstone Road, Parkwood12:0413:34
adj, Georgian Way, Maidstone Road, Parkwood12:0413:34
adj, Fairview Avenue, Maidstone Road, Parkwood12:0413:34
W-bound, Fairview Avenue end, Fairview Avenue, Parkwood12:0513:35
opp, Fairview Avenue Shops, Fairview Avenue, Wigmore12:0513:35
opp 127, Bredhurst Road, Wigmore12:0513:35
opp, Drewery Drive West, Bredhurst Road, Wigmore12:0613:36
opp, Tanglewood Close, Bredhurst Road, Wigmore12:0613:36
N-bound, The Smallholders Club, Springvale, Wigmore12:0713:37
opp, Cambridge Road, Springvale, Rainham12:0713:37
after, Durham Road, Edwin Road, Rainham12:0713:37
opp, Marshall Road, Edwin Road, Rainham12:0813:38
o/s 148b, Edwin Road middle, Edwin Road, Rainham12:0913:39
opp, Sylvan Road, Edwin Road, Rainham12:0913:39
N-bound, Edwin Road, Rainham12:1013:40
adj, Tesco, London Road, Rainham12:1113:41
opp, Eastcourt Lane, Sovereign Boulevard, Gillingham12:1213:42
opp, Featherby Road South, Sovereign Boulevard, Gillingham12:1213:42
opp, Woodlands Road South end, Watling Street, Darland12:1413:44
opp, Barnsole Road, Watling Street, Darland12:1513:45
S-bound, Beechwood Avenue, Darland12:1613:46
SE-bound, Hunters Way West, Darland12:1613:46
adj, Windyridge, Kingsway, Darland12:1713:47
opp, Hamelin Road, Darland Avenue, Darland12:1813:48
adj, Leyton Avenue, Darland Avenue, Darland12:1913:49

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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