GeoPunk Bus Timetables

659 Bus Route: Gillingham - Hempstead - Rochester Grammar Schools with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Arriva Kent and Surrey

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Map of the 659 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 659 - Gillingham - Hempstead - Rochester Grammar Schools Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

o/s, Grammar Schools, Maidstone Road, Rochester15:30
opp, Hawser Road, The Tideway, Rochester15:32
o/s, Primary Academy, Arethusa Road, Warren Wood15:37
opp, Cloisterham Road, City Way, Rochester15:39
opp, Jiniwin Road, City Way, Rochester15:40
NE-bound, Horsted Way, Rochester15:41
opp, The Ridgeway, Horsted Way, Chatham15:43
adj, Wallace Road, Maidstone Road, Chatham15:44
SE-bound, Huntsmans Corner, Walderslade Road, Chatham15:46
adj, Magpie Hall Road Top, Walderslade Road, Chatham15:48
adj, Snodhurst Bottom, Walderslade Road, Walderslade15:49
opp, Snodhurst Avenue, Walderslade Road, Walderslade15:51
o/s, Poachers Pocket, Walderslade Road, Walderslade15:53
opp, Barrington Close, Walderslade Road, Walderslade15:53
opp, Weeds Wood Road junction, Walderslade Road, Walderslade15:54
adj, Sussex Drive, Walderslade Road, Walderslade15:55
o/s 5, Princes Avenue, Walderslade15:57
opp, Kenwood Avenue, Princes Avenue, Walderslade15:58
adj, Peacock Rise, Princes Avenue, Walderslade15:59
adj, Downland Walk, Princes Avenue, Walderslade16:00
adj, Maundene School, Princes Avenue, Princes Park16:01
adj, Morrisons, Princes Avenue, Princes Park16:03
adj, Kingfisher Drive, Princes Avenue, Princes Park16:04
N-bound, North Dane Way, Lordswood16:06
adj, Recreation Ground, Capstone Road, Luton16:07
adj, Waggon at Hale, Capstone Road, Luton16:08
o/s 25, Dukes Meadow Drive, Hempstead16:11
adj, Greenfinches, Dukes Meadow Drive, Hempstead16:12
adj, Shepherds Gate, Dukes Meadow Drive, Hempstead16:13
adj, Post Office, Dukes Meadow Drive, Hempstead16:14
adj, The Flying Saucer, Hempstead Road, Hempstead16:14
NE-bound, Hempstead Road North, Hempstead Road, Hempstead16:14
adj, Hickory Dell, Hempstead Valley Drive, Hempstead16:15
adj, Green Bank Close, Hempstead Valley Drive, Hempstead16:16
adj, Kingsdown Close, Hempstead Valley Drive, Hempstead16:17
Stop A, Hempstead Valley Shopping Centre, Hempstead16:19
adj, Kenyon Walk, Wigmore Road, Wigmore16:21
adj, Fowler Close, Wigmore Road, Wigmore16:23
E-bound, Deanwood Drive bottom, Deanwood Drive, Parkwood16:23
adj, Hawbeck Road, Deanwood Drive, Parkwood16:24
opp, St Augustine School, Deanwood Drive, Parkwood16:25
adj, Nares Road, Deanwood Drive, Parkwood16:25
adj, Lovelace Close, Deanwood Drive, Parkwood16:26
adj, Shopping Centre, Deanwood Drive, Parkwood16:27
adj, Campleshon Road, Deanwood Drive, Parkwood16:27
W-bound, Deanwood Drive Top, Deanwood Drive, Parkwood16:29
adj, Lyndhurst Avenue, Maidstone Road, Rainham16:29
adj, Highfield Road, Maidstone Road, Rainham16:30
opp, Broadview Shops, Maidstone Road, Rainham16:32
opp, Manor Farm, Maidstone Road, Rainham16:33
adj, Roberts Road, London Road, Rainham16:33
opp, Bloors Lane, London Road, Rainham16:34
opp, Pump Lane, London Road, Rainham16:36
adj, Tesco, London Road, Rainham16:37
opp, Eastcourt Lane, Sovereign Boulevard, Gillingham16:38
opp, Featherby Road South, Sovereign Boulevard, Gillingham16:39
opp, Woodlands Road South end, Watling Street, Darland16:41
opp, Barnsole Road, Watling Street, Darland16:42
W-bound, Jezreels, Watling Street, Gillingham16:43
N-bound, Jezreels Canterbury Street, Canterbury Street, Gillingham16:44
opp, Napier Road, Nelson Road, Gillingham16:45
adj, St Barnabas Church, Nelson Road, Gillingham16:46
opp, Bus Depot, Nelson Road, Gillingham16:47

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

adj, Bus Depot, Nelson Road, Gillingham6:39
opp, St Barnabas Church, Nelson Road, Gillingham6:39
adj, Napier Road, Nelson Road, Gillingham6:40
adj, Gillingham Park, Canterbury Street, Gillingham6:40
SE-bound, Jezreels Canterbury Street, Canterbury Street, Gillingham6:40
E-bound, Jezreels, Watling Street, Gillingham6:41
adj, Barnsole Road, Watling Street, Darland6:41
adj, Woodlands Road South end, Sovereign Boulevard, Darland6:42
adj, Featherby Road South, Sovereign Boulevard, Gillingham6:43
adj, Eastcourt Lane, Sovereign Boulevard, Gillingham6:44
opp, Tesco, London Road, Rainham6:45
adj, Caldew Avenue, London Road, Rainham6:46
adj, Pump Lane, London Road, Rainham6:46
adj, Bloors Lane, London Road, Rainham6:47
adj, Manor Farm, Maidstone Road, Rainham6:50
adj, Broadview Shops, Maidstone Road, Rainham6:52
opp, Highfield Road, Maidstone Road, Rainham6:52
opp, Lyndhurst Avenue, Maidstone Road, Rainham6:54
E-bound, Deanwood Drive Top, Deanwood Drive, Parkwood6:56
opp, Campleshon Road, Deanwood Drive, Parkwood6:57
opp, Shopping Centre, Deanwood Drive, Parkwood6:59
opp, Lovelace Close, Deanwood Drive, Parkwood6:59
opp, Nares Road, Deanwood Drive, Parkwood6:59
adj, St Augustine School, Deanwood Drive, Parkwood7:00
opp, Hawbeck Road, Deanwood Drive, Parkwood7:01
W-bound, Deanwood Drive bottom, Deanwood Drive, Parkwood7:01
opp, Fowler Close, Wigmore Road, Wigmore7:03
opp, Kenyon Walk, Wigmore Road, Wigmore7:04
Stop A, Hempstead Valley Shopping Centre, Hempstead7:08
opp, Kingsdown Close, Hempstead Valley Drive, Hempstead7:10
opp, Hickory Dell, Hempstead Valley Drive, Hempstead7:11
SW-bound, Hempstead Road North, Hempstead Road, Hempstead7:12
opp, The Flying Saucer, Hempstead Road, Hempstead7:12
opp, Post Office, Dukes Meadow Drive, Hempstead7:13
opp, Shepherds Gate, Dukes Meadow Drive, Hempstead7:13
opp, Greenfinches, Dukes Meadow Drive, Hempstead7:14
o/s 18, Dukes Meadow Drive, Hempstead7:15
opp, Waggon at Hale, Capstone Road, Luton7:19
opp, Recreation Ground, Capstone Road, Luton7:19
adj, North Dane Way, Capstone Road, Luton7:20
S-bound, North Dane Way, Lordswood7:22
opp, Kingfisher Drive, Princes Avenue, Princes Park7:23
adj, Swift Crescent, Princes Avenue, Princes Park7:24
opp, Morrisons, Princes Avenue, Princes Park7:26
opp, Maundene School, Princes Avenue, Princes Park7:27
opp, Downland Walk, Princes Avenue, Walderslade7:30
opp, Peacock Rise, Princes Avenue, Walderslade7:31
adj, Kenwood Avenue, Princes Avenue, Walderslade7:32
opp 15, Princes Avenue, Walderslade7:35
opp, Sussex Drive, Walderslade Road, Walderslade7:38
adj, Weeds Wood Road junction, Walderslade Road, Walderslade7:40
opp, Poachers Pocket, Walderslade Road, Walderslade7:43
adj, Snodhurst Avenue, Walderslade Road, Walderslade7:45
opp, Snodhurst Bottom, Walderslade Road, Walderslade7:47
opp, Magpie Hall Road Top, Walderslade Road, Chatham7:49
S-bound, Huntsmans Corner, Maidstone Road, Chatham7:51
opp, Wallace Road, Maidstone Road, Chatham7:51
adj, The Ridgeway, Horsted Way, Chatham7:53
opp, Horsted Way, City Way, Rochester7:54
o/s 27, Arethusa Road, Warren Wood7:56
opp, The Thomas Aveling School, Arethusa Road, Warren Wood7:58
opp, Binnacle Road, The Tideway, Warren Wood8:00
o/s 164, The Tideway, Rochester8:02
adj, Hawser Road, The Tideway, Rochester8:03
opp, Grammar Schools, Maidstone Road, Rochester8:07