GeoPunk Bus Timetables

983 Bus Route: Aylesham - Dover with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Stagecoach South East

Operator Details and Contact Information

Bus CompanyEast Kent Road Car Co Ltd
AddressSt. George's Lane, Canterbury CT1 2SY

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Map of the 983 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 983 - Aylesham - Dover Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

Bay D2, Bus Station, Canterbury6:57
adj, Waitrose, St George's Place, Canterbury6:57
adj, St Augustine's Road, New Dover Road, Canterbury6:58
opp, St Lawrence Road, New Dover Road, Canterbury6:58
adj, Barton Road, New Dover Road, Canterbury6:59
opp, School Passage, New Dover Road, Canterbury6:59
SE-bound, Old Gate Inn, New Dover Road, Canterbury7:00
opp, Renville Cottages, A2 New Dover Road, Canterbury7:01
opp, Kingston Turning, Dover Road, Barham Downs7:07
opp, Out Elmstead Lane East, Dover Road, Barham Downs7:07
opp, Rectory Lane East, Dover Road, Barham Downs7:08
adj, Cemetery, Adisham Road, Aylesham7:09
SE-bound, Industrial Estate, Cooting Road, Aylesham7:12
adj, Baptist Church, Dorman Avenue South, Aylesham7:13
adj, Eastry Court, Boulevard Courrieres, Aylesham7:15
adj, Hawthorn Close, Boulevard Courrieres, Aylesham7:15
adj, Elm Road, Hill Crescent, Aylesham7:16
NE-bound, Oakside Road, Aylesham7:16
NE-bound, Attlee Avenue, Aylesham7:17
NE-bound, Cornwallis Avenue, Aylesham7:18
adj, Grasmere Way, Cornwallis Avenue, Aylesham7:19
SE-bound, Kings Road, Aylesham7:20
SW-bound, Kings Road Middle, Kings Road, Aylesham7:20
adj, Health Centre, Queens Road, Aylesham7:22
E-bound, Queens Road, Aylesham7:22
adj, Miners Way, Ackholt Road, Aylesham7:23
S-bound, Railway Station, Aylesham Road, Snowdown7:25
opp, Telephone Exchange, Holt Street, Nonington7:27
adj, The Royal Oak, Easole Street, Nonington7:28
opp, Village Hall, Easole Street, Nonington7:29
adj, The Green, St Johns Road, Elvington7:37
o/s, Milner Road Church, Milner Road, Elvington7:39
opp, EKLR Station, Shooters Hill, Eythorne7:42
after, Post Office, Chapel Hill, Eythorne7:43
adj, Monkton Court Lane, Kennel Hill, Eythorne7:44
opp, Kennel Gate, Kennel Hill, Eythorne7:45
adj, The Cider Works, Sandwich Road, Eythorne7:46
opp, Waldershare Park Gates, Sandwich Road, Eythorne7:48
opp, Forge Path, Sandwich Road, Whitfield7:52
adj, Fire Station, Sandwich Road, Whitfield7:54
adj, Manley Close, Sandwich Road, Whitfield7:55
o/s, Sandwich Road The Archer, Sandwich Road, Whitfield7:57
opp, Old Park Barracks, Honeywood Road, Whitfield7:58
adj, Honeywood Close, Honeywood Parkway, Whitfield8:00
adj, Tesco, Tesco Store, Whitfield8:01
opp, Honeywood Close, Honeywood Parkway, Whitfield8:02
opp, Aspen Drive, Melbourne Avenue, Whitfield8:03
adj, Christ Church Academy, Melbourne Avenue, Buckland Valley8:04
adj, Natal Road, Melbourne Avenue, Buckland Valley8:06
adj, Auckland Crescent, Melbourne Avenue, Buckland Valley8:06
opp, Selkirk Road, Melbourne Avenue, Buckland Valley8:06
adj, Dunedin Drive, Melbourne Avenue, Buckland Valley8:07
opp, Winant Way, Green Lane, Buckland Valley8:08
opp, Buckland Bridge, Crabble Hill, Buckland8:10
before, Cherry Tree Avenue, Buckland Avenue, Buckland8:12
o/s, Charlton Primary School, Barton Road, Dover8:14
adj, Dofras Place, Maison Dieu Road, Dover8:17
arrivals, Pencester Road, Dover8:19

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

adj, Dover Girls' Grammar School, Frith Road, Dover15:40
adj, Templar Street, London Road, Dover15:42
adj, Shooter's Hill, London Road, Dover15:44
opp, Cherry Tree Avenue, London Road, Buckland15:45
adj, Eric Road, London Road, Buckland15:46
NE-bound, Buckland Bridge, Whitfield Avenue, Buckland15:48
adj, Winant Way, Green Lane, Buckland Valley15:49
opp, Dunedin Drive, Melbourne Avenue, Buckland Valley15:50
adj, Selkirk Road, Melbourne Avenue, Buckland Valley15:51
opp, Auckland Crescent, Melbourne Avenue, Buckland Valley15:51
opp, Natal Road, Melbourne Avenue, Buckland Valley15:52
opp, Christ Church Academy, Melbourne Avenue, Buckland Valley15:54
adj, Aspen Drive, Melbourne Avenue, Whitfield15:55
adj, Honeywood Close, Honeywood Parkway, Whitfield15:57
adj, Tesco, Tesco Store, Whitfield15:58
opp, Honeywood Close, Honeywood Parkway, Whitfield15:59
adj, Old Park Barracks, Honeywood Road, Whitfield16:00
opp, Sandwich Road The Archer, Sandwich Road, Whitfield16:01
opp, Manley Close, Sandwich Road, Whitfield16:02
opp, Fire Station, Sandwich Road, Whitfield16:02
adj, Forge Path, Sandwich Road, Whitfield16:03
adj, Waldershare Park Gates, Sandwich Road, Eythorne16:07
opp, The Cider Works, Sandwich Road, Eythorne16:08
adj, Kennel Gate, Kennel Hill, Eythorne16:09
opp, Monkton Court Lane, The Street, Eythorne16:10
before, Post Office, Chapel Hill, Eythorne16:11
adj, EKLR Station, Shooters Hill, Eythorne16:12
opp, Primary School, Adelaide Road, Eythorne16:13
adj, The Green, St Johns Road, Elvington16:16
o/s, Milner Road Church, Milner Road, Elvington16:16
adj, The White Horse, Wigmore Lane, Eythorne16:16
adj, Village Hall, Easole Street, Nonington16:23
opp, The Royal Oak, Holt Street, Nonington16:24
adj, Telephone Exchange, Holt Street, Nonington16:25
N-bound, Railway Station, Aylesham Road, Snowdown16:27
adj, Baptist Church, Dorman Avenue South, Aylesham16:30