GeoPunk Bus Timetables

906 Bus Route: Herne Bay - Canterbury Schools with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Stagecoach South East

Operator Details and Contact Information

Bus CompanyEast Kent Road Car Co Ltd
AddressSt. George's Lane, Canterbury CT1 2SY

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Map of the 906 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 906 - Herne Bay - Canterbury Schools Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

adj, Simon Langton Girls' School, Old Dover Road, Canterbury15:33
adj, Kent Cricket Ground, Old Dover Road, Canterbury15:35
opp, Cowdrey Place, Old Dover Road, Canterbury15:36
adj, Ethelbert Road, Old Dover Road, Canterbury15:38
adj, Health Centre, Old Dover Road, Canterbury15:40
adj, Canterbury East Railway Station, Rhodaus Town (A28), Canterbury15:42
opp, Queens Avenue, Rheims Way, Canterbury15:47
opp, Garden Close, Rough Common Road, Rough Common15:57
opp, Churchwood Close, Rough Common Road, Rough Common15:58
opp, Lovell Road, Rough Common Road, Rough Common15:58
opp, Ravenscourt Road, Rough Common Road, Rough Common15:59
NW-bound, Rough Common Turn, Whitstable Road, Rough Common16:00
opp, Blean School, Tile Kiln Hill, Blean16:01
opp, Blean Tavern, Blean Hill, Blean16:02
opp, Hillside Farm, Blean Hill, Blean16:02
opp, Tyler Hill Road, Blean Common, Blean16:03
opp, Chapel Lane, Blean Common, Blean16:04
opp, The Royal Oak, Blean Common, Blean16:04
opp, Druidstone, Honey Hill, Blean16:05
opp, Red Lion House, Honey Hill, Pean Hill16:06
NW-bound, Greycot, Pean Hill16:07
NW-bound, Court Lees, Pean Hill16:08
N-bound, Pye Alley, Clapham Hill, Pean Hill16:09
N-bound, Clapham Hill, Whitstable16:11
adj, Long Reach, Clapham Hill, Whitstable16:11
N-bound, Borstal Hill, Whitstable16:12
NE-bound, Tollgate, Canterbury Road, Whitstable16:15
opp, Harwich Street, Canterbury Road, Whitstable16:16
opp, Library, Oxford Street, Whitstable16:17
opp, St Alphege Church, High Street, Whitstable16:18
adj, Horsebridge, Horsebridge Road, Whitstable16:19
adj, Harbour, Harbour Street, Whitstable16:21
adj, Beach Walk, Tower Parade, Whitstable16:21
adj, Telephone Exchange, Tankerton Road, Tankerton16:22
E-bound, Tankerton Circus, Tankerton Road, Tankerton16:24
E-bound, Graystone Road, Tankerton Road, Tankerton16:25
E-bound, Pier Avenue, Tankerton Road, Tankerton16:26
E-bound, Priest and Sow, Herne Bay Road, Tankerton16:27
opp, Kemp Road, Herne Bay Road, Swalecliffe16:28
o/s, The Wheatsheaf, Herne Bay Road, Swalecliffe16:29
opp, Goodwin Avenue, St John's Road, Swalecliffe16:29
opp, The Plough, St John's Road, Swalecliffe16:30
opp, Woodman Avenue, Colewood Road, Swalecliffe16:31
adj, Riley Avenue, Whitstable Road, Studd Hill16:32
adj, Daimler Avenue, Whitstable Road, Herne Bay16:33
opp, Westbrook Farm, Sea Street, Herne Bay16:34
opp, Sea Street Gas Works, Sea Street, Herne Bay16:36

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

adj, Sea Street Gas Works, Sea Street, Herne Bay7:19
adj, Westbrook Farm, Sea Street, Herne Bay7:20
opp, Daimler Avenue, Whitstable Road, Herne Bay7:21
opp, Riley Avenue, Whitstable Road, Studd Hill7:22
adj, Woodman Avenue, Colewood Road, Swalecliffe7:24
adj, The Plough, St John's Road, Swalecliffe7:25
adj, Goodwin Avenue, St John's Road, Swalecliffe7:26
opp, The Wheatsheaf, Herne Bay Road, Swalecliffe7:26
adj, Kemp Road, Herne Bay Road, Swalecliffe7:27
W-bound, Priest and Sow, Tankerton Road, Tankerton7:28
W-bound, Pier Avenue, Tankerton Road, Tankerton7:29
W-bound, Graystone Road, Tankerton Road, Tankerton7:30
W-bound, Tankerton Circus, Tankerton Road, Tankerton7:31
opp, Telephone Exchange, Tankerton Road, Tankerton7:32
opp, Beach Walk, Tower Parade, Whitstable7:34
opp, Harbour, Harbour Street, Whitstable7:35
S-bound, Harbour Street, Whitstable7:36
adj, St Alphege Church, High Street, Whitstable7:37
o/s, Library, Oxford Street, Whitstable7:38
adj, Harwich Street, Canterbury Road, Whitstable7:40
SW-bound, Tollgate, Canterbury Road, Whitstable7:41
S-bound, Borstal Hill, Whitstable7:44
opp, Long Reach, Clapham Hill, Whitstable7:45
S-bound, Clapham Hill, Whitstable7:46
S-bound, Pye Alley, Pean Hill7:47
S-bound, Court Lees, Pean Hill7:48
SE-bound, Greycot, Pean Hill7:50
o/s, Red Lion House, Honey Hill, Pean Hill7:51
adj, Druidstone, Honey Hill, Blean7:52
adj, The Royal Oak, Blean Common, Blean7:52
adj, Chapel Lane, Blean Common, Blean7:53
adj, Tyler Hill Road, Blean Common, Blean7:54
adj, Blean Tavern, Blean Hill, Blean7:56
adj, Blean School, Tile Kiln Hill, Blean7:57
SW-bound, Rough Common Turn, Rough Common Road, Rough Common7:59
adj, Ravenscourt Road, Rough Common Road, Rough Common8:00
adj, Lovell Road, Rough Common Road, Rough Common8:01
adj, Churchwood Close, Rough Common Road, Rough Common8:02
adj, Garden Close, Rough Common Road, Rough Common8:03
adj, Queens Avenue, Rheims Way, Canterbury8:08
opp, Canterbury East Railway Station, Pin Hill, Canterbury8:12
adj, Waitrose, St George's Place, Canterbury8:14
adj, St Augustine's Road, New Dover Road, Canterbury8:16
opp, St Lawrence Road, New Dover Road, Canterbury8:17
adj, Barton Road, New Dover Road, Canterbury8:19
opp, School Passage, New Dover Road, Canterbury8:20
SE-bound, Old Gate Inn, New Dover Road, Canterbury8:21
adj, St Anselm's School, Old Dover Road, Canterbury8:22
adj, Simon Langton Girls' School, Old Dover Road, Canterbury8:23