GeoPunk Bus Timetables

361 Bus Route: Peasmarsh - Bexhill College with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Rambler Coaches

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Map of the 361 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 361 - Peasmarsh - Bexhill College Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

opp, Bexhill College, Penland Road, Pebsham16:40
adj, Third Avenue, Hastings Road, Pebsham16:41
opp, School Place, Hastings Road, Glyne Gap16:44
adj, Esso Garage, Bexhill Road, Glyne Gap16:46
adj, Bexleigh Avenue, Bexhill Road, Glyne Gap16:47
adj, The Bull, Bexhill Road, Bulverhythe16:48
adj, Abbey Drive, Bexhill Road, Bulverhythe16:49
adj, Freshfields, Bexhill Road, Bulverhythe16:50
opp, Aldi, Bexhill Road, Bulverhythe16:51
opp, Bulverhythe Road, Bexhill Road, Bulverhythe16:52
adj, Harley Shute Road Bottom, Bexhill Road, Bulverhythe16:53
adj, Combe Haven, Harley Shute Road, Harley Shute16:56
adj, Field Way, Harley Shute Road, Harley Shute16:58
adj, Darwell Close, B2092 Harley Shute Road, Harley Shute17:02
opp, Gillsman's Drive, Ironlatch Avenue, Hollington17:04
adj, Ironlatch Close, Ironlatch Avenue, Hollington17:04
adj, Redgeland Rise, Ironlatch Avenue, Hollington17:04
opp, Lewis Road, Blackman Avenue, Hollington17:05
adj, Burden Place, Blackman Avenue, Hollington17:05
opp, Blackman Avenue Shops, Blackman Avenue, Hollington17:06
opp, Rymill Road, Blackman Avenue, Hollington17:06
opp, Mildenhall Drive, Old Harrow Road, Silverhill17:07
adj, Upper Church Road east, Sedlescombe Road North, Silverhill Park17:08
opp, Ledsham Avenue, Sedlescombe Road North, Silverhill Park17:09
adj, Seven Acre Close, Sedlescombe Road North, Silverhill Park17:09
adj, Premier Inn, Sedlescombe Road North, Baldslow17:10
adj, Sainsbury's, Sedlescombe Road North, Baldslow17:11
opp 10, Westfield Lane, Baldslow17:12
adj, Baldslow Down, Westfield Lane, Baldslow17:13
opp, Hole Farm, Westfield Lane, Westfield17:14
adj, Whitegate Caravan Park, Westfield Lane, Westfield17:17
adj, Churchfield, Church Lane, Westfield17:18
opp, Primary School, Main Road, Westfield17:20
adj, Cottage Lane, Main Road, Westfield17:20
opp, The Red Lion, Brede Hill, Brede17:23
NE-bound, Cackle Street17:24
opp, Brede Village Hall, Cackle Street17:24
adj, Oakhill Drive, Northiam Road, Broad Oak17:26
N-bound, Arnold Bridge, A28 Northiam Road, Broad Oak17:27
o/s, Primary School, Main Street, Northiam17:31
adj, Dixter Road, Main Street, Northiam17:32
opp, Goddens Gill, Station Road, Northiam17:33
opp, Dixter Road, Main Street, Northiam17:35
opp, Primary School, Main Street, Northiam17:35
opp, Frewen College, Rye Road, Northiam17:36
o/s, Rose and Crown, Beckley Road, Clayhill17:38
opp, School, B2088, Beckley17:39
opp, Buddens Green, B2088, Beckley17:40
opp, The Coach House, B2088, Four Oaks17:41
opp, Mill Lane, A268 Main Street, Flackley Ash17:43
opp, Farleys Way, Main Street, Peasmarsh17:44
opp, School Lane, Main Street, Peasmarsh17:45

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

adj, School Lane, Main Street, Peasmarsh7:40
adj, Farleys Way, Main Street, Peasmarsh7:40
adj, Mill Lane, A268 Main Street, Flackley Ash7:41
o/s, The Coach House, B2088, Four Oaks7:45
adj, Buddens Green, B2088, Beckley7:45
adj, School, B2088, Beckley7:46
opp, Rose and Crown, Beckley Road, Clayhill7:48
adj, Frewen College, Rye Road, Northiam7:50
o/s, Primary School, Main Street, Northiam7:50
adj, Dixter Road, Main Street, Northiam7:51
adj, Goddens Gill, Station Road, Northiam7:54
opp, Dixter Road, Main Street, Northiam7:54
opp, Primary School, Main Street, Northiam7:55
S-bound, Arnold Bridge, A28 Northiam Road, Broad Oak7:59
opp, Oakhill Drive, Northiam Road, Broad Oak8:01
o/s, Brede Village Hall, Cackle Street8:02
SW-bound, Cackle Street8:02
adj, The Red Lion, Brede Hill, Brede8:04
opp, Cottage Lane, Main Road, Westfield8:07
adj, Primary School, Main Road, Westfield8:08
opp, Churchfield, Church Lane, Westfield8:08
opp, Whitegate Caravan Park, Westfield Lane, Westfield8:10
adj, Hole Farm, Westfield Lane, Westfield8:12
opp, Baldslow Down, Westfield Lane, Baldslow8:14
o/s 8, Westfield Lane, Baldslow8:15
opp, Sainsbury's, Sedlescombe Road North, Baldslow8:16
opp, John Macadam Way, Sedlescombe Road North, Baldslow8:16
opp, Harlequin Gardens, Sedlescombe Road North, Baldslow8:17
opp, Seven Acre Close, Sedlescombe Road North, Silverhill Park8:17
adj, Ledsham Avenue, Sedlescombe Road North, Silverhill Park8:18
opp, Upper Church Road East, Sedlescombe Road North, Silverhill Park8:19
adj, Mildenhall Drive, Old Harrow Road, Silverhill8:20
o/s, Blackman Avenue Shops, Blackman Avenue, Hollington8:22
opp, Burden Place, Blackman Avenue, Hollington8:22
adj, Lewis Road, Blackman Avenue, Hollington8:23
opp, Ford Road, Blackman Avenue, Hollington8:23
opp, Redgeland Rise, Ironlatch Avenue, Hollington8:24
adj, Gillsman's Drive, Ironlatch Avenue, Hollington8:25
opp, Wishing Tree Lane, Harley Shute Road, Harley Shute8:26
adj, Fernside Avenue West, Harley Shute Road, Harley Shute8:27
opp, Field Way, Harley Shute Road, Harley Shute8:29
S-bound, Harley Shute Road Bottom, Harley Shute Road, Bulverhythe8:33
adj, Aldi, Bexhill Road, Bulverhythe8:36
adj, Bridge Way, Bexhill Road, Bulverhythe8:37
opp, Freshfields, Bexhill Road, Bulverhythe8:37
opp, Abbey Drive, Bexhill Road, Bulverhythe8:39
opp, The Bull, Bexhill Road, Bulverhythe8:40
opp, Bexleigh Avenue, Bexhill Road, Glyne Gap8:40
opp, Esso Garage, Hastings Road, Glyne Gap8:41
adj, School Place, Hastings Road, Glyne Gap8:43
opp, Third Avenue, Hastings Road, Pebsham8:46
o/s, Bexhill College, Penland Road, Pebsham8:48