GeoPunk Bus Timetables

177 Bus Route: Chesham - Chartridge - Great Missenden with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Red Rose Travel

Operator Details and Contact Information

Bus CompanyRed Rose Travel Ltd
Telephone01296 747926
AddressBlinking Owl Garage, Oxford Road, Dinton, Aylesbury HP17 8TT

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Map of the 177 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 177 - Chesham - Chartridge - Great Missenden Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs


Days Service Runs

adj, Railway Station, Station Approach, Great Missenden-8:55
opp, Library, Link Road, Great Missenden-8:55
Opp, Wood Lane, Kings Lane, South Heath-8:59
adj, Potter Row, Ballinger Road, South Heath7:509:00
Opp, Marriotts Avenue, Ballinger Road, South Heath7:519:00
Opp, Herbert's Hole, Ballinger Road, South Heath7:529:01
NW-bound, Ballinger Bottom, South Heath7:529:01
o/s, Ballinger Farm, Ballinger Bottom Lane, Ballinger Common7:539:02
adj, Blackthorne Lane, Ballinger Bottom Lane, Ballinger Common7:559:03
Opp, Chiltern Road, Ballinger Bottom Lane, Ballinger Common7:559:03
Opp, Sly Corner, Ballinger Bottom Lane, Lee Common7:579:05
NW-bound, Oxford Street, Lee Common7:589:05
Opp, Princes Lane, Oxford Street, Lee Common8:009:07
os, St John's Church, Lee Lane, The Lee8:029:09
Northbound, Crossroads, Lee Lane, Swan Bottom8:109:12
Adj, Gwenfa Farm, Chartridge Lane, The Lee8:119:13
opp, Cherry Tree Farm, Chartridge Lane, Chartridge8:139:15
adj, Chartridge Lodge, Chartridge Lane, Chartridge8:149:16
Opp, Cogdells Lane, Chartridge Lane, Chartridge8:169:17
adj, The Bell PH, Chartridge Lane, Chartridge8:169:17
adj, Old Sax Lane, Chartridge Lane, Chartridge8:179:18
adj, Buslins Lane, Chartridge Lane, Chesham8:189:19
opp, The Warren, Chartridge Lane, Chesham8:189:19
o/s 209, Chartridge Lane, Chesham8:19-
adj, Longfield Road, Berkeley Avenue, Chesham-9:20
adj, Pulpit Close, Berkeley Avenue, Chesham-9:21
adj, Berkeley Avenue, Chartridge Lane, Chesham8:209:22
Opp, Chiltern Hills Academy, Chartridge Lane, Chesham8:209:23
o/s 18, Park Road, Chesham8:219:24
Stop B, Broadway, High Street, Chesham8:229:25
Opp, Police Station, Broad Street, Chesham8:24-
Opp, The Jolly Sportsman PH, Broad Street, Chesham8:25-
eastbound, Eskdale Avenue, Chesham8:28-
Opp 129, Codmore Cross, Eskdale Avenue, Chesham8:29-
o/s, Grammar School, White Hill, Chesham8:30-

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs


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Days Service Runs

o/s, Grammar School, White Hill, Chesham-15:58
Stop B, Broadway, High Street, Chesham12:2516:05
Opp 12, Park Road, Chesham12:2516:05
o/s, Chiltern Hills Academy, Chartridge Lane, Chesham12:2616:06
Opp, Berkeley Avenue, Chartridge Lane, Chesham12:2716:07
o/s 216, Chartridge Lane, Chesham12:2816:08
adj, The Warren, Chartridge Lane, Chesham12:2816:09
opp, Buslins Lane, Chartridge Lane, Chesham12:2916:10
Opp, Old Sax Lane, Chartridge Lane, Chartridge12:3016:10
Opp, The Bell PH, Chartridge Lane, Chartridge12:3116:12
opp, Village Hall, Chartridge Lane, Chartridge12:3216:13
opp, Chartridge Lodge, Chartridge Lane, Chartridge12:3316:13
adj, Cherry Tree Farm, Chartridge Lane, Chartridge12:3316:14
adj, Grove Wood, Chartridge Lane, The Lee12:3516:15
Southbound, Crossroads, Lee Lane, Swan Bottom12:3716:17
Opp, St John's Church, Lee Lane, The Lee12:4016:20
adj, Princes Lane, Oxford Street, Lee Common12:4216:22
SE-bound, Oxford Street, Lee Common12:4216:23
adj, Sly Corner, Ballinger Bottom Lane, Lee Common12:4416:24
opp, Blackthorne Lane, Ballinger Bottom Lane, Ballinger Common12:4616:27
Opp, Ballinger Farm, Ballinger Bottom Lane, Ballinger Common12:4616:28
SE-bound, Ballinger Bottom, South Heath12:4716:29
near, Herbert's Hole, Ballinger Road, South Heath12:4716:29
adj, Marriotts Avenue, Ballinger Road, South Heath12:4816:30
Opp, Potter Row, Kings Lane, South Heath12:4916:32
adj, Library, Link Road, Great Missenden12:53-
adj, Railway Station, Station Approach, Great Missenden12:54-