GeoPunk Bus Timetables

42A Bus Route: Ayr Bus Station - Cumnock Tanyard with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Stagecoach West Scotland

Operator Details and Contact Information

Bus CompanyWestern Buses Ltd
AddressCustomer Services, Stagecoach West Scotland, Sandgate, Ayr KA7 1DD

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Bus Timetable for the 42A - Ayr Bus Station - Cumnock Tanyard Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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4, Bus Stance, Tanyard, Cumnock22:20
after, Holm, Auchinleck Road, Cumnock22:20
opp, Holmhead Road, Auchinleck Road, Holmhead22:21
opp, Hoyle Crescent, Auchinleck Road, Cumnock22:22
opp 12, Main Street, Auchinleck22:24
before, Barony Road, Main Street, Auchinleck22:24
at 99, Main Street, Auchinleck22:25
after, Park Road, Main Street, Auchinleck22:25
opp, Well Road, Main Street, Auchinleck22:25
after, Market Place, Mauchline Road, Auchinleck22:25
opp, Arran Drive, Mauchline Road, Auchinleck22:26
before, The Avenue, Barony road, Auchinleck22:27
opp, Ellen Barony, Barony Road, Auchinleck22:28
before, Burnock Street, Mill Street, Ochiltree22:32
opp, Mauchline Road, Ayr Road, Ochiltree22:32
after, Ayr Road, Main Street, Ochiltree22:33
opp, Gallowlee Avenue, Main Street, Ochiltree22:33
opp, Highfield Place, Main Street, Ochiltree22:33
opp, Killoch Colliery, A70, Ochiltree22:35
opp, Pottery Cottages, Ayr Road, Coalhall22:39
before, Lane Crescent, Watson Terrace, Drongan22:40
before, Taiglum Place, Watson Terrace, Drongan22:40
opp, Taiglum Place, Lane Crescent, Drongan22:41
opp 35, Glencraig Street, Drongan22:41
before, Drumwhill Road, Hannahston Avenue, Drongan22:42
before, Coyle Avenue, Shield Road, Drongan22:42
before, Coronation Road, Coyle Avenue, Drongan22:43
at, Coyle Avenue, Coronation Road, Drongan22:43
opp, Barbieston Avenue, Coronation Road, Drongan22:44
before, Littlemill Road, Barbieston Avenue, Drongan22:45
before, Mill of South Road, Littlemill Road, Drongan22:45
before, Watson Terrace, Littlemill Road, Drongan22:46
opp, Evergreen, A70, Coalhall22:51
before, Carbieston Avenue, A70, Coylton22:53
after, B742, A70, Coylton22:54
At, The Orchard, A70, Coylton22:54
before, Hole Road, A70, Coylton22:55
before, Laighpark Road, A70, Coylton22:57
Opp, Arthurston Terrace, A70, Coylton22:58
opp, Sundrum Castle Holiday Park, Ayr Road, Coylton23:00
At, Sandyhill Road, A70, Ayr23:05
before, Holmston Roundabout, A70, Ayr23:06
Opp, Overmills Road, Holmston Road, Holmston23:07
Opp, Holmston Drive, Holmston Road, Holmston23:08
at, Ayr Cemetery, Holmston Road, Ayr23:09
after, Lothian Road, Holmston Road, Ayr23:09
Opp, Mill Brae, Holmston Road, Ayr23:10
at, Killoch Place, Burns Statue Square, Ayr23:11
Opp, Kyle Street, Alloway Street, Ayr23:11
before, Carrick Street, High Street, Ayr23:12
at, Town Hall, High Street, Ayr23:13
Stance 14, Bus Station , Sandgate, Ayr23:14

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