GeoPunk Bus Timetables

24 Bus Route: with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by R G Jamieson & Son

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Map of the 24 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 24 - Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

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Days Service Runs


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Days Service Runs

in, Tesco Car Park, Car Park, Lerwick13:5513:5514:2014:20
at, Gilbert Bain Hospital, South Rd, Lerwick13:5613:5614:2114:21
at, Bell's Road, Scalloway Road, Lerwick13:5613:5614:2114:21
opp, Funeral Director, Scalloway Rd, Lerwick13:5613:5614:2114:21
opp, Annsbrae Gardens, Hillhead, Lerwick13:5713:5714:2214:22
at, Viking Bus Station, Commercial Rd, Lerwick14:0014:0014:2514:25
opp, Toll Clock Shopping Centre, North Road, Lerwick14:0014:0014:2514:25
at, Shetland Hotel, Holmsgarth Rd, Lerwick14:0014:0014:2514:25
at, Port Business Park, Gremista Road, Lerwick14:0114:0114:2614:26
at, Junction, A970, Bridge of Fitch14:0314:0314:2814:28
W-bound, Crossroads, A970, Tingwall14:0614:0614:3114:31
at, Linkster Rd End, A970, Laxfirth14:0614:0614:3114:31
opp, North Road End, A970, Laxfirth14:0714:0714:3214:32
opp, Road End, A970, Wadbister14:0714:0714:3214:32
at, Junction, A970, Girlsta14:0814:0814:3314:33
opp, Brunt Hamarsland Rd End, A970, Girlsta14:0814:0814:3314:33
opp, Junction, A970, South Nesting14:1114:1114:3514:35
at, Road End, A970, Weisdale14:1314:1314:3714:37
opp, Road End, A970, Vidlin Junction14:2114:2114:4614:46
at, Lower Voe Junction, A970, Voe14:2114:2114:4614:46
NW-bound, Junction, A970, Voe14:2314:2314:4814:48
at, Public Hall, A968, Voe14:2314:2314:4814:48
opp, Road End, A968, Collafirth14:2614:2614:5114:51
NW-bound, Junction, A968, Firth14:4514:4515:1015:10
at, Ferry Terminal, A968, Toft14:5014:5015:1515:15
at, Ferry Terminal, A968, Ulsta15:0515:0515:3515:35
opp, Hall Rd End, A968, Ulsta15:0615:0615:3615:36
at, Setter House Rd End, A968, Setter15:0715:0715:3715:37
at, Sound Road End, A968, West Yell15:0915:0915:3915:39
at, Everhoull Rd End, A968, West Yell15:1015:1015:4015:40
at, Village, Minor Road, West Sandwick15:1515:1515:4515:45
at, Hjarkland Rd End, A968, West Sandwick15:1615:1615:4615:46
at, Grimister Rd End, A968, Mid Yell15:1815:1815:4815:48
NE-bound, Junction, A968, Mid Yell15:2015:2015:5015:50
opp, Road End, A968, Camb15:2215:2215:5215:52
opp, Road End, A968, Basta15:2315:2315:5315:53
opp, Road End, A968, Colvister15:2415:2415:5415:54
opp, Junction, A968, Sellafirth15:2715:2715:5715:57
at, Cullivoe Rd End, A968, Gutcher15:3115:3116:0116:01
at, Ferry Terminal, A968, Gutcher15:3215:3216:0216:02
opp, Pier Rd End, B9083, Cullivoe15:4115:4116:1116:11
opp, Beach House Rd End, B9083, Cullivoe15:4215:4216:1216:12
opp, Shop, B9083, Cullivoe15:4415:4416:1416:14
at, Moarfield Garage, B9083, Cullivoe15:4515:4516:1516:15
opp, Primary School, Greenbank Rd, Greenbank15:4715:4716:1716:17

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs


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Days Service Runs

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Days Service Runs

opp, Primary School, Greenbank Rd, Greenbank8:208:208:208:20
opp, Moarfield Garage, B9083, Cullivoe8:228:228:228:22
at, Shop, B9083, Cullivoe8:238:238:238:23
at, Beach House Rd End, B9083, Cullivoe8:258:258:258:25
at, Pier Rd End, B9083, Cullivoe8:268:268:268:26
at, Ferry Terminal, A968, Gutcher8:408:408:408:40
opp, Cullivoe Rd End, A968, Gutcher8:408:408:408:40
at, Junction, A968, Sellafirth8:438:438:438:43
at, Road End, A968, Colvister8:458:458:458:45
at, Road End, A968, Basta8:468:468:468:46
at, Road End, A968, Camb8:488:488:488:48
SW-bound, Junction, A968, Mid Yell8:508:508:508:50
opp, Grimister Rd End, A968, Mid Yell8:518:518:518:51
opp, Hjarkland Rd End, A968, West Sandwick8:538:538:538:53
opp, Village, Minor Road, West Sandwick8:558:558:558:55
opp, Everhoull Rd End, A968, West Yell8:598:598:598:59
opp, Sound Road End, A968, West Yell9:009:009:009:00
opp, Setter House Rd End, A968, Setter9:029:029:029:02
at, Hall Rd End, A968, Ulsta9:039:039:039:03
at, Ferry Terminal, A968, Ulsta9:059:059:059:05
at, Ferry Terminal, A968, Toft9:209:209:209:20
SW-bound, Junction, A968, Firth9:229:229:229:22
at, Road End, A968, Collafirth9:349:349:349:34
opp, Public Hall, A968, Voe9:369:369:369:36
SW-bound, Junction, A968, Voe9:379:379:379:37
opp, Lower Voe Junction, A970, Voe9:389:389:389:38
at, Road End, A970, Vidlin Junction9:389:389:389:38
opp, Road End, A970, Weisdale9:469:469:469:46
at, Junction, A970, South Nesting9:499:499:499:49
at, Brunt Hamarsland Rd End, A970, Girlsta9:519:519:519:51
opp, Junction, A970, Girlsta9:529:529:529:52
at, Road End, A970, Wadbister9:529:529:529:52
at, North Road End, A970, Laxfirth9:539:539:539:53
opp, Linkster Rd End, A970, Laxfirth9:569:569:569:56
E-bound, Crossroads, A970, Tingwall9:589:589:589:58
opp, Junction, A970, Bridge of Fitch10:0110:0110:0110:01
opp, Lower Blackhill, A970, Lerwick10:0610:0610:0610:06
opp, Shetland Hotel, Holmsgarth Rd, Lerwick10:0810:0810:0810:08
at, Co-Op, Holmsgarth Rd, Lerwick10:0810:0810:0810:08
at, Toll Clock Shopping Centre, North Road, Lerwick10:0910:0910:0910:09
at, Freefield Road, North Road, Lerwick10:0910:0910:0910:09
opp, St Magnus Street, Commercial Road, Lerwick10:0910:0910:0910:09
at, Viking Bus Station, Commercial Rd, Lerwick10:1010:1010:1010:10
opp, Harbour Street, Esplanade, Lerwick10:1010:1010:1010:10
at, Esplanade, Lerwick10:1110:1110:1110:11
at, Annsbrae Gardens, Hillhead, Lerwick10:1210:1210:1210:12
at, Funeral Director, Scalloway Rd, Lerwick10:1310:1310:1310:13
opp, Gilbert Bain Hospital, South Road, Lerwick10:1410:1410:1410:14
in, Tesco Car Park, Car Park, Lerwick10:1610:1610:1610:16