GeoPunk Bus Timetables

112 Bus Route: Inverness [Depot] - Inverness [Culloden Academy] with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Stagecoach Bluebird

Operator Details and Contact Information

Bus CompanyBluebird Buses Ltd
AddressUnion Square Bus Station, Guild Street, Aberdeen AB11 6NA

Bus Route Search

Map of the 112 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 112 - Inverness [Depot] - Inverness [Culloden Academy] Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

Choose Bus Stop

Days Service Runs


Days Service Runs


Days Service Runs


Days Service Runs


Days Service Runs


Days Service Runs

o/s, St Josephs School, King Street, Inverness----15:0015:00
at, Greig Street, Kenneth Street, Inverness----15:0115:01
opp, Planefield Road, Tomnahurich Street, Inverness----15:0215:02
o/s, Council Buildings, Glenurquhart Road, Ballifeary----15:0315:03
at, Bishops Road, Glenurquhart Road, Ballifeary----15:0415:04
o/s, Glenurquhart Road, Ballifeary----15:0515:05
opp, Maxwell Drive, Glenurquhart Road, Ballifeary----15:0515:05
opp, Cemetery Gates, Glenurquhart Road, Ballifeary----15:0615:06
SE-bound, Holm Road, B8082 Holm Road, Holm----15:1715:17
at, Culduthel Farm Layby, Slackbuie Road, Culduthel----15:2015:20
o/s, Bun-sgoil Ghaidhlig, Southern Distributor Road, Culduthel----15:2515:25
at, Hilton Crescent, Old Edinburgh Road, Hilton----15:2815:30
opp, Burnetts Flats, Old Edinburgh Road, Hilton----15:2815:32
at, Wimberley Way, Culcabock Road, Culcabock----15:3015:34
opp, Petrol Station, Old Perth Road, Culcabock----15:3015:35
opp, Tesco, Culloden Road, Inshes----15:3115:36
opp, Vets, B9006, Inshes----15:3215:38
at, Cauldfield Road, Culloden Road, Westhill----15:3315:39
at, Birchwood Road, Culloden Road, Westhill----15:3515:40
opp, Birchwood Road, Culloden Road, Westhill----15:3515:40
at, Towerhill Place, Tower Road, Westhill-8:17--15:3715:42
at, Woodside Gardens, Kessock View, Westhill----15:3815:43
at, Woodside Place, Kessock View, Westhill----15:3915:44
at, Westfield Walk, Kessock View, Westhill----15:4015:44
o/s, Free Church, Smithton----15:4215:46
opp, Primary School, Smithton----15:4315:47
o/s, Shop, Smithton----15:4315:47
opp, Culloden Hall, Smithton----15:4415:48
at, Macgillivary Court, Culloden----15:4515:49
at, Galloway Drive, Culloden----15:4615:50
opp, Duncan Forbes School, Culloden----15:4615:50
at, Hazel Avenue, Culloden----15:4715:51
o/s, Culloden Academy, Culloden--12:3512:3515:4715:51
at, Culloden Academy side, Culloden--12:3512:3515:4715:51
opp, Wellside, Balloch--12:3712:3715:4915:53
NE-bound, Layby, Tornagrain7:54-12:4712:4716:0016:03
at, Mid Coul, Tornagrain--12:5012:5016:0316:06
at, Ardersier Road End, Gollanfield7:57-----
SE-bound, Junction, B9090, Clephanton8:00-----
before, Shop, B9091, Croy8:03-----
at, Ardcroy Road, B9006, Croy8:04-12:5312:5316:0716:15
at, Brae of Cantray Cottage, B9006, Croy8:06-12:5512:5516:0916:18
SW-bound, Cantraybruich, B9006, Croy8:09-12:5812:5816:1316:21
at, Brookfield, B9006, Newlands-8:09----
opp, Sunnyside, B9006, Newlands8:128:1213:0113:0116:1516:25
opp, Brookfield, B9006, Newlands8:128:12--16:1616:26
at, Cumberland Stone, B9006, Culloden Moor8:148:12--16:1916:29
at, Towerhill Place, Tower Road, Westhill------
at, Culloden Moor Inn, B9006, Culloden Moor----16:1916:29
opp, Forest Drive, Culloden Road, Balloch8:19-----
opp, Braeside Park, Culloden Road, Balloch8:20-----
at, Playing Fields, Culloden Road, Balloch8:22-----
opp, Culloden Academy side, Culloden8:24-----
opp, Burn Brae, Tower Road, Westhill-8:18----
o/s, Forestry Commission, Culloden-8:21----
opp, Culloden Academy, Culloden8:258:25----

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

Choose Bus Stop

Days Service Runs


Days Service Runs


Days Service Runs

Stance, Bus Station Stance 6, Farraline Park, Inverness7:25--
o/s, Morrisons, Millburn7:26--
opp, Diriebught Road, Millburn7:28--
opp, King Duncans Road, Millburn7:29--
opp, Vets, B9006, Inshes7:33--
at, Cauldfield Road, Culloden Road, Westhill7:34--
opp, Birchwood Road, Culloden Road, Westhill7:35--
at, Cradlehall Park, Culloden Road, Westhill7:35--
opp, Culloden Moor Inn, B9006, Culloden Moor7:4012:4315:55
opp, Cumberland Stone, B9006, Culloden Moor7:4012:4315:55
at, Brookfield, B9006, Newlands7:4112:4415:56
at, Sunnyside, B9006, Newlands7:4212:4515:56
NE-bound, Cantraybruich, B9006, Croy7:4412:4715:58
opp, Brae of Cantray Cottage, B9006, Croy7:4712:5016:00
opp, Ardcroy Road, B9006, Croy7:5012:5316:03
at, Mid Coul, Tornagrain7:53--
SW-bound, Layby, Tornagrain7:56-16:13
at, Wellside, Balloch8:07--
opp, Culloden Academy side, Culloden8:09--
opp, Culloden Academy, Culloden8:10--
opp, Hazel Avenue, Culloden8:10--
opp, Alder Place, Culloden8:11--
o/s, Duncan Forbes School, Culloden8:11--
opp, Galloway Drive, Culloden8:11--
o/s, Culloden Hall, Smithton8:13--
opp, Smithton Villas, Smithton8:13--
opp, Free Church, Smithton8:15--
opp, Westfield Walk, Kessock View, Westhill8:22--
opp, Woodside Gardens, Kessock View, Westhill8:23--
o/s, Culloden Academy, Culloden-12:3515:47
opp, Forestry Commission, Culloden-12:3715:49
opp, Murray Road, Tower Road, Culloden-12:3715:50
at, Burn Brae, Tower Road, Westhill8:2312:3915:51
opp, Towerhill Place, Tower Road, Westhill8:2412:39-
opp, Culloden Moor Inn, B9006, Culloden Moor---
opp, Cumberland Stone, B9006, Culloden Moor---
at, Brookfield, B9006, Newlands---
at, Sunnyside, B9006, Newlands---
NE-bound, Cantraybruich, B9006, Croy---
opp, Brae of Cantray Cottage, B9006, Croy---
opp, Ardcroy Road, B9006, Croy---
NW-bound, Junction, B9090, Clephanton-12:5716:07
opp, Ardersier Road End, Gollanfield--16:09
SW-bound, Layby, Tornagrain---
opp, Culloden Moor Inn, B9006, Culloden Moor---
opp, Cumberland Stone, B9006, Culloden Moor---
at, Brookfield, B9006, Newlands---
at, Sunnyside, B9006, Newlands---
NE-bound, Cantraybruich, B9006, Croy---
opp, Brae of Cantray Cottage, B9006, Croy---
opp, Ardcroy Road, B9006, Croy---
NW-bound, Junction, B9090, Clephanton---
opp, Cradlehall Park, Culloden Road, Westhill8:24--
at, Birchwood Road, Culloden Road, Westhill8:25--
opp, Cauldfield Road, Culloden Road, Westhill8:27--
at, Vets, B9006, Inshes8:29--
at, Tesco, Culloden Road, Inshes8:31--
o/s, Petrol Station, Old Perth Road, Culcabock8:34--
opp, Wimberley Way, Culcabock Road, Culcabock8:35--
opp, Fraser Park, Kingsmills Road, Culcabock8:36--
at, Darnaway Road, Kingsmills Road, Crown8:37--
o/s, Midmills College, Midmills Road, Crown8:38--
o/s, Marks and Spencer, Inverness8:41--
o/s, St Josephs School, King Street, Inverness8:45--
opp, Planefield Road, Tomnahurich Street, Inverness8:45--
o/s, Council Buildings, Glenurquhart Road, Ballifeary8:46--
at, Bishops Road, Glenurquhart Road, Ballifeary8:46--
o/s, Glenurquhart Road, Ballifeary8:46--
opp, Maxwell Drive, Glenurquhart Road, Ballifeary8:47--
opp, Cemetery Gates, Glenurquhart Road, Ballifeary8:47--
SE-bound, Holm Road, B8082 Holm Road, Holm8:51--
at, Culduthel Farm Layby, Slackbuie Road, Culduthel8:53--
o/s, Bun-sgoil Ghaidhlig, Southern Distributor Road, Culduthel8:55--