GeoPunk Bus Timetables

SH5 Bus Route: St Andrews High School - Kennoway with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Stagecoach East Scotland

Operator Details and Contact Information

Bus CompanyFife Scottish Omnibuses Ltd
AddressCustomer Services, FREEPOST STAGECOACH

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Map of the SH5 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the SH5 - St Andrews High School - Kennoway Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

adj, St Andrews High School, Overton Road, Overton Mains13:0015:20
Stance 5, St Andrews High School, Overton Road, Overton Mains13:1515:35
Stance 6, St Andrews High School, School Grounds, Overton Mains13:1515:35
adj, Carberry Place, Dunnikier Way, Gallatown13:1615:36
Adj, Mitchelston Estate, Dunnikier Way, Gallatown13:1715:37
NE Bound, Randolph Road, Gallatown13:1915:39
adj, Boreland Roundabout, Boreland Road, Boreland13:2015:40
opp, Frances Row, Boreland Road, Boreland13:2015:40
adj, Dysart Road End, A955, Dysart13:2215:42
opp, Frances Industrial Estate, A955, Dysart13:2315:43
adj, Bowhouse Farm, A955, Coaltown of Wemyss13:2615:46
opp, West Wemyss Toll, A955, Coaltown of Wemyss13:2715:47
adj, Hugo Avenue, Main Street, Coaltown of Wemyss13:2815:48
Adj, Primary School, Main Street, Coaltown of Wemyss13:2815:48
adj, Bowling Green, Main Street, Coaltown of Wemyss13:2815:48
opp, South Row, Main Street, Coaltown of Wemyss13:2915:49
opp, The Car Shed, Main Road, East Wemyss13:3215:52
opp, School Wynd, High Road, East Wemyss13:3315:53
Opp, Cemetery, Main Road, East Wemyss13:3415:54
Northbound, McDuff, High Road, East Wemyss13:3415:54
adj, Alexander Street, High Road, McDuff13:3515:55
opp, Rosie Cottages, A955, McDuff13:3515:55
opp, Buck and Hynd, A955, Muiredge13:3615:56
SE Bound, Muiredge Roundabout, Station Road, Muiredge13:3615:56
adj 16, Church Street, Buckhaven13:3715:57
adj 18, College Street, Buckhaven13:3715:57
opp 86, Kenmore Terrace, Wellesley Road, Buckhaven13:3915:59
adj, Randolph Wemyss Hospital, Wellesley Road, Denbeath13:3915:59
adj, Wellesley Inn, Wellesley Road, Denbeath13:4016:00
adj, Cowley Street, Wellesley Road, Denbeath13:4116:01
opp, Memorial Park, Wellesley Road, Methil13:4216:02
adj, Barrie Street, Wellesley Road, Methil13:4316:03
adj, Bayview Bar, Wellesley Road, Methil13:4416:04
opp, Tower Bar, Wellesley Road, Aberhill13:4516:05
opp, Patterson Street, Wellesley Road, Aberhill13:4616:06
adj, Bawbee Service Station, Kinnarchie Brae, Aberhill13:4716:07
adj, Sainsburys Supermarket, Riverside Road, Leven13:4816:08
opp, Co-op Supermarket, Riverside Road, Leven13:4916:09
adj, Midlaw Crescent, Glenlyon Road, Mountfleurie13:5116:11
Opp, Lawrence Drive, Mountfleurie St, Mountfleurie13:5116:11
Opp, Addison Crescent, Robertson Avenue, Mountfleurie13:5216:12
opp, Christie Avenue, Robertson Avenue, Mountfleurie13:5216:12
Adj, Graham Crescent, Graham Ave, Mountfleurie13:5316:13
adj, Levenbank Drive, Windygates Rd, Leven13:5516:15
adj, Spruce Grove, Windygates Rd, Leven13:5516:15
adj, Durie Vale, Leven Road, Windygates13:5816:18
Northbound, Windygates Cross, Kennoway Road, Windygates13:5816:18
adj, Fernhill Drive, Kennoway Road, Windygates13:5916:19
Northbound, Kennoway Burns -Top, Kennoway Road, Windygates14:0016:20
opp, The Burns, Kennoway Burns, Kennoway14:0016:20
opp, Sandy Brae Industrial Estate, Sandy Brae, Kennoway14:0116:21
adj, The Causeway, New Road, Kennoway14:0216:22
adj, Kennoway Shops, Bishops Court, Kennoway14:0316:23
Northbound, New Road, Kennoway14:0416:24
opp, Manse Park, Langside Drive, Denhead14:0416:24
adj 51, Langside Drive, Denhead14:0516:25
adj, Denhead Turning Circle, Hill Road, Denhead14:0616:26
adj 34, Langside Drive, Denhead14:0716:27
adj, Manse Park, Denhead14:0716:27
adj, Kennoway Bowling Club, Cupar Road, Kennoway14:0816:28
adj, Springbank, Cupar Road, Kennoway14:0916:29
adj, Law View Gardens, Cupar Road, Bonnybank14:1016:30
adj, Bus Turning Circle, Cupar Road, Bonnybank14:1016:30

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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adj, Bus Turning Circle, Cupar Road, Bonnybank7:42
opp, Law View Gardens, Cupar Road, Bonnybank7:42
opp, Springbank, Cupar Road, Kennoway7:43
adj, Cockburn House, Cupar Road, Kennoway7:44
opp, Manse Park, Langside Drive, Denhead7:44
adj 51, Langside Drive, Denhead7:45
adj, Denhead Turning Circle, Hill Road, Denhead7:46
adj 34, Langside Drive, Denhead7:48
adj, Manse Park, Denhead7:49
Southbound, New Road, Kennoway7:50
adj, Kennoway Shops, Bishops Court, Kennoway7:51
Southbound, Sandy Brae - Top, Sandy Brae, Kennoway7:52
adj, Sandy Brae Industrial Estate, Sandy Brae, Kennoway7:53
adj, The Burns, Kennoway Burns, Kennoway7:53
Southbound, Kennoway Burns - Top, Kennoway Road, Windygates7:54
adj, Works Depot, Kennoway Road, Windygates7:54
adj Carpet Shop, Leven Road, Windygates7:55
opp, Levenbank Drive, Windygates Rd, Leven7:57
adj, Diageo, Windygates Road, Leven7:58
opp, Graham Avenue, Lawrence Drive, Mountfleurie7:58
opp, Graham Crescent, Graham Ave, Leven7:58
adj, Mountfleurie Primary School, Robertson Avenue, Mountfleurie7:59
adj, Addison Crescent, Robertson Avenue, Mountfleurie7:59
adj, Lawrence Drive, Mountfleurie Street, Mountfleurie8:00
adj, Co-op Supermarket, Riverside Road, Leven8:01
opp, Bawbee Service Station, Wellesley Road, Aberhill8:03
adj, Patterson Street, Wellesley Road, Aberhill8:04
adj, Tower Bar, Wellesley Road, Aberhill8:05
opp, Bayview Bar, Wellesley Road, Methil8:06
opp, Barrie Street, Wellesley Road, Methil8:07
adj, Memorial Park, Wellesley Road, Methil8:08
adj, Swan Brae, Wellesley Road, Denbeath8:09
opp, Wellesley Inn, Wellesley Road, Denbeath8:10
opp, Randolph Wemyss Hospital, Wellesley Road, Denbeath8:10
opp, Sandwell Street, Wellesley Road, Buckhaven8:11
adj 9, College Street, Buckhaven8:12
opp 20, Church Street, Buckhaven8:12
NW Bound, Muiredge Roundabout, Station Road, Muiredge8:13
Adj, Rosie Cottages, A955, McDuff8:14
opp, Alexander Street, High Road, McDuff8:14
Southbound, McDuff, High Road, East Wemyss8:15
adj, Cemetery, Main Road, East Wemyss8:15
adj, School Wynd, Main Road, East Wemyss8:16
adj, The Car Shed, Main Road, East Wemyss8:18
adj, South Row, Main Street, Coaltown of Wemyss8:21
adj, Post Office, Main Street, Coaltown of Wemyss8:21
opp, Hugo Avenue, Main Street, Coaltown of Wemyss8:22
adj, West Wemyss Toll, A955, Coaltown of Wemyss8:23
opp, Bowhouse Farm, A955, Coaltown of Wemyss8:24
adj, Frances Industrial Estate, A955, Dysart8:27
opp, Dysart Road End, A955, Dysart8:28
adj, Boreland Place, Boreland Road, Boreland8:29
adj, Frances Row, Boreland Road, Boreland8:30
Adj 33, Randolph Road, Gallatown8:31
opp, Mitchelston Estate, Dunnikier Way, Gallatown8:33
opp, Carberry Place, Dunnikier Way, Gallatown8:34
adj, St Andrews High School, Overton Road, Overton Mains8:35