GeoPunk Bus Timetables

N113 Bus Route: with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by East Coast Buses

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Map of the N113 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the N113 - Route

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Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

E-bound, Cross, MAIN STREET, Ormiston2:022:024:084:08
opp, Cross Loan, MAIN STREET, Ormiston2:022:024:084:08
opp, East Mains Road End, B6371, Ormiston2:032:034:094:09
opp, Buxley Farm Road End, B6371, Tranent2:042:044:104:10
opp, Research Centre, Minor Road, Elphinstone2:052:054:114:11
at, Somers Park, CASTLE ROAD, Tranent2:092:094:154:15
nr, Toll House Grove, WATERLOO ROAD, Tranent2:112:114:174:17
adj, Winton Close, Waterloo Road, Tranent2:112:114:174:17
opp, Winton Court, Waterloo Road, Tranent2:122:124:184:18
opp, Muirpark Drive, Ormiston Road, Tranent2:122:124:184:18
adj, Carlaverock Avenue, Ormiston Road, Tranent2:132:134:194:19
at, Blawearie Road, Ormiston Road, Tranent2:132:134:194:19
opp, Ross Crescent, Ormiston Road, Tranent2:132:134:194:19
Police Station, HIGH STREET, Tranent2:142:144:204:20
W-bound, Bridge Street, New Row, Tranent2:142:144:204:20
at, Polson Park, Edinburgh Road, Tranent2:152:154:214:21
adj, Polson Gardens, Edinburgh Road, Tranent2:152:154:214:21
opp, Dolphingstone Farm, A199, Dolphingstone2:182:184:244:24
opp, Kinwegar Recycling Centre, A199, Dolphingstone2:192:194:254:25
opp, St Clements Wells, SALTER'S ROAD, Wallyford2:222:224:284:28
adj, Park Drive, SALTER'S ROAD, Wallyford2:232:234:294:29
opp, Albert Place, SALTER'S ROAD, Wallyford2:242:244:304:30
o/s, Miners Welfare, SALTER'S ROAD, Wallyford2:242:244:304:30
adj, Railway Station, THE LOAN, Wallyford2:252:254:314:31
N-bound, Park & Choose, The Loan, Wallyford2:252:254:314:31
at, Galt Road, MOIR CRESCENT, Musselburgh2:262:264:324:32
adj, Moir Crescent, MOIR CRESCENT, Musselburgh2:262:264:324:32
W-bound, Levenhall Roundabout, LINKFIELD ROAD, Musselburgh2:272:274:334:33
adj, Windsor Park Drive, LINKFIELD ROAD, Musselburgh2:282:284:344:34
near, Ashgrove North, LINKFIELD ROAD, Musselburgh2:282:284:344:34
adj, Beulah, LINKFIELD ROAD, Musselburgh2:292:294:354:35
opp, Loretto Upper School, LINKFIELD ROAD, Musselburgh2:302:304:364:36
o/s, St Peter's Church, HIGH STREET, Musselburgh2:302:304:364:36
Stop C, High Street (Stop C), HIGH STREET, Musselburgh2:312:314:374:37
N-bound, Bridge Street, BRIDGE STREET, Musselburgh2:322:32--
Brunton Theatre Journey Hub, NORTH HIGH STREET, Musselburgh2:322:32--
near, North High Street, NORTH HIGH STREET, Musselburgh2:332:33--
Fisherrow, NORTH HIGH STREET, Musselburgh2:332:33--
adj, Maitland Park Road, EDINBURGH ROAD, Musselburgh2:342:34--
opp 45, Edinburgh Road, EDINBURGH ROAD, Musselburgh2:342:34--
after, Brunstane Mill Road, Milton Road East, Brunstane2:352:35--
opp, Eastfield Gardens, Milton Road East, Brunstane2:352:35--
opp, Milton Terrace, Milton Road East, Brunstane2:352:35--
at, Portobello Cemetery, Milton Road East, Brunstane2:362:36--
o/s, Brunstane Bank, Milton Road East, Brunstane2:362:36--
at, Edinburgh College (Milton Rd), Milton Road East, Brunstane2:362:36--
adj, Magdalene Drive, Milton Road, Magdalene2:372:37--
after, Hope Lane, Milton Road, Magdalene2:372:37--
opp, Portobello High School, Milton Road, Magdalene2:382:38--
after, Milton Gardens North, Milton Road West, Durham2:392:39--
opp, Duddingston Gardens, Milton Road West, Duddingston2:392:39--
opp, Duddingston Avenue, MILTON ROAD WEST, Duddingston2:402:40--
opp, Duddingston Mills, Willowbrae Road, Willowbrae2:402:40--
before, Paisley Drive, Willowbrae Road, Willowbrae2:412:41--
near, Northfield Crescent, Willowbrae Road, Willowbrae2:412:41--
adj, Ulster Drive, Willowbrae Road, Willowbrae2:422:42--
opp, Willowbrae Gardens, Willowbrae Road, Willowbrae2:422:42--
before, Abercorn Road, Willowbrae Road, Willowbrae2:422:42--
opp, Meadowbank House, London Road, Meadowbank2:432:43--
opp, Meadowbank Stadium, London Road, Meadowbank2:432:43--
opp, Wishaw Terrace, London Road, Meadowbank2:442:44--
opp, Marionville Road, London Road, Abbeyhill2:442:44--
W-bound, Abbeyhill, London Road2:452:45--
opp, Calton Terrace Brae, Regent Road, Calton2:452:45--
opp, Regent Terrace, Regent Road, Calton2:462:46--
at, St Andrew's House, REGENT ROAD, Edinburgh2:472:47--
Stop ZJ, Waterloo Place, WATERLOO PLACE, Edinburgh2:472:47--
Stop PP, Princes Street (Waverley Steps), PRINCES STREET, Edinburgh2:472:47--
Stop PT, Princes Street (Scott Mon.), Princes Street, Edinburgh2:482:48--
Stop PY, Princes Street (west), Princes Street, Edinburgh2:502:50--
Stop SE, Shandwick Place, West End2:512:51--
Stop HD, West Maitland Street, Haymarket2:542:54--

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

Stop HD, West Maitland Street, Haymarket0:510:512:582:58
Stop SB, Shandwick Place, West End0:530:533:003:00
Stop PD, Princes Street (west), Princes Street, Edinburgh0:550:553:023:02
Stop PK, Princes Street (Scott Mon.), Princes Street, Edinburgh0:570:573:043:04
Stop PN, Princes Street (Waverley Steps), PRINCES STREET, Edinburgh0:580:583:053:05
Stop JC, Leith Street, Greenside0:590:593:063:06
Stop EE, Leopold Place, LONDON ROAD, Hillside1:021:023:093:09
near, Brunswick Street, London Road, Hillside1:031:033:103:10
near, Wellington Street, London Road, Hillside1:031:033:103:10
at, Brunton Place, London Road, Hillside1:031:033:103:10
E-bound 1, Abbeyhill, London Road1:041:043:113:11
after, Marionville Road, London Road, Abbeyhill1:051:053:123:12
at, Meadowbank Stadium, LONDON ROAD, Meadowbank1:061:063:133:13
at, Meadowbank House, London Road, Meadowbank1:071:073:143:14
opp, Abercorn Road, Willowbrae Road, Willowbrae1:071:073:143:14
after, Willowbrae Gardens, Willowbrae Road, Willowbrae1:081:083:153:15
opp, Ulster Drive, Willowbrae Road, Willowbrae1:091:093:163:16
adj, Northfield Crescent, Willowbrae Road, Willowbrae1:091:093:163:16
after, Paisley Drive, Willowbrae Road, Willowbrae1:091:093:163:16
o/s, Duddingston Mills, Willowbrae Road, Willowbrae1:091:093:163:16
after, Duddingston Avenue, Milton Road West, Duddingston1:101:103:173:17
before, Duddingston Gardens, Milton Road West, Duddingston1:111:113:183:18
after, Southfield Loan, Milton Road West, Duddingston1:111:113:183:18
opp, Milton Gardens North, Milton Road West, Durham1:121:123:193:19
at, Portobello High School, MILTON ROAD, Magdalene1:121:123:193:19
before, Hope Lane, Milton Road, Magdalene1:131:133:203:20
opp, Magdalene Drive, Milton Road, Magdalene1:131:133:203:20
opp, Edinburgh College (Milton Rd), Milton Road East, Brunstane1:131:133:203:20
opp, Brunstane Bank, Milton Road East, Brunstane1:141:143:213:21
before, Coillesdene Crescent, Milton Road East, Brunstane1:141:143:213:21
opp, Portobello Cemetery, Milton Road East, Brunstane1:151:153:223:22
before, Milton Terrace, Milton Road East, Brunstane1:151:153:223:22
after, Eastfield Gardens, Milton Road East, Brunstane1:151:153:223:22
opp, Brunstane Mill Road, MIlton Road East, Brunstane1:151:153:223:22
o/s 39, Edinburgh Road, EDINBURGH ROAD, Musselburgh1:161:163:233:23
opp, Maitland Park Road, EDINBURGH ROAD, Musselburgh1:161:163:233:23
Fisherow, NORTH HIGH STREET, Musselburgh1:171:173:243:24
Brunton Theatre Journey Hub, NORTH HIGH STREET, Musselburgh1:181:183:253:25
S-bound, Bridge Street, BRIDGE STREET, Musselburgh1:181:183:253:25
Stop B, High Street (Stop B), HIGH STREET, Musselburgh1:191:193:263:26
opp, St Peter's Church, LINKFIELD ROAD, Musselburgh1:201:203:273:27
o/s, Loretto Upper School, LINKFIELD ROAD, Musselburgh1:201:203:273:27
opp, Beulah, LINKFIELD ROAD, Musselburgh1:211:213:283:28
opp, Ashgrove North, LINKFIELD ROAD, Musselburgh1:221:223:293:29
opp, Windsor Park Drive, LINKFIELD ROAD, Musselburgh1:221:223:293:29
E-bound, Levenhall Roundabout, HADDINGTON ROAD, Musselburgh1:231:233:303:30
opp, Moir Crescent, HADDINGTON ROAD, Musselburgh1:241:243:313:31
opp, Galt Road, HADDINGTON ROAD, Musselburgh1:241:243:313:31
S-bound, Park & Choose, The Loan, Wallyford1:251:253:323:32
opp, Railway Station, THE LOAN, Wallyford1:251:253:323:32
opp, Miners Welfare, SALTER'S ROAD, Wallyford1:261:263:333:33
adj, Albert Place, SALTER'S ROAD, Wallyford1:261:263:333:33
near, Fa'side Avenue, SALTER'S ROAD, Wallyford1:271:273:343:34
opp, Park Drive, Salters Road, Wallyford1:271:273:343:34
at, St Clements Wells, SALTER'S ROAD, Wallyford1:281:283:353:35
adj, Kinwegar Recycling Centre, A199, Dolphingstone1:321:323:393:39
at, Dolphingstone Farm, A199, Dolphingstone1:331:333:403:40
opp, Polson Gardens, Edinburgh Road, Tranent1:351:353:423:42
opp, Polson Park, Edinburgh Road, Tranent1:361:363:433:43
at, Coal Neuk, Bridge Street, Tranent1:361:363:433:43
E-bound, Bridge Street, Tranent1:361:363:433:43
opp, Police Station, High Street, Tranent1:371:373:443:44
at, Ross Crescent, Ormiston Road, Tranent1:381:383:453:45
opp, Carlaverock Avenue, Ormiston Road, Tranent1:381:383:453:45
at, Muirpark Drive, Ormiston Road, Tranent1:391:393:463:46
adj, Winton Court, Waterloo Road, Tranent1:391:393:463:46
opp, Winton Close, Waterloo Road, Tranent1:401:403:473:47
opp, Toll House Grove, Waterloo Road, Tranent1:411:413:483:48
opp, Somers Park, Waterloo Place, Tranent1:421:423:493:49
at, Research Centre, Minor Road, Elphinstone1:461:463:533:53
adj, Buxley Farm Road End, B6371, Tranent1:471:473:543:54
adj, East Mains Road End, B6371, Ormiston1:491:493:563:56
adj, Cross Loan, MAIN STREET, Ormiston1:501:503:573:57
W-bound, Cross, MAIN STREET, Ormiston1:501:503:573:57
opp 31, Meadowbank, MEADOWBANK, Ormiston1:521:523:593:59
at 23, Limeylands Crescent, LIMEYLANDS CRESCENT, Ormiston1:521:523:593:59
at, George Crescent, LIMEYLANDS ROAD, Ormiston1:531:534:004:00
at, George Street, LIMEYLANDS ROAD, Ormiston1:541:544:014:01
E-bound, Cross, MAIN STREET, Ormiston1:551:554:024:02