GeoPunk Bus Timetables

42A Bus Route: Warrington - Knutsford Road - Lymm, Oughtrington Lane with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Warrington's Own Buses

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Bus Timetable for the 42A - Warrington - Knutsford Road - Lymm, Oughtrington Lane Route

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Inbound Timetable

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Stand 11, Bus Interchange, Winwick Street, Warrington7:21
Stop AE, Legh Street, Warrington7:21
Stop AB, White Hart, Sankey Street, Warrington7:22
Stop BB, Rylands Street, Bridge Street, Warrington7:22
Stop CB, Bridge Street, Warrington7:23
Stop EA, Cenotaph, Knutsford Road, Latchford7:24
opp, St Mary's Street, Knutsford Road, Latchford7:25
opp, Grove Street, Knutsford Road, Latchford7:26
o/s, Victoria Park, Knutsford Road, Latchford7:28
cnr, Raddon Court, Knutsford Road, Latchford7:29
o/s, Cheshire Cheese, Thelwall Lane, Latchford7:30
nr, Kingsway South, Thelwall Lane, Latchford7:30
opp, Powell Street, Kingsway South, Latchford7:31
nr, Pilling Gardens, Knutsford Road, Grappenhall7:36
opp, Albert Road, Knutsford Road, Grappenhall7:36
o/s, Dog & Dart, Knutsford Road, Grappenhall7:39
opp, Ollerton Close, Bradshaw Lane, Grappenhall7:39
o/s, Latchford Locks, Thelwall New Road, Grappenhall7:40
opp, Richmond Avenue, Thelwall New Road, Thelwall7:41
opp, Buntingford Road, Thelwall New Road, Thelwall7:41
opp, Stanton Road, Thelwall New Road, Thelwall7:42
opp, Selworthy Drive, Stanton Road, Thelwall7:43
cnr, All Saints Drive, Stockport Road, Thelwall7:44
cnr, Bell Lane, Stockport Road, Thelwall7:45
NE-bound, Deans Lane, Stockport Road, Thelwall7:46
SE-bound, Thelwall Bridge, Stockport Road, Thelwall7:46
E-bound, M6 Bridge, Camsley Lane, Booth's Hill7:47
opp, Massey Brook Lane, Booth's Hill Road, Statham7:49
cnr, Barsbank Lane, Booth's Hill Road, Statham7:50
o/s, Welfare Centre, Church Road, Lymm7:51
adj, Lymm Church, Church Road, Church Green7:52
opp, Lymm Church, Church Road, Church Green7:52
cnr, Grammar School Road, Higher Lane, Church Green7:54
cnr, Woodlands Avenue, Higher Lane, Church Green7:54
o/s, Lymm High School, off Oughtrington Lane, Lymm8:00