GeoPunk Bus Timetables

614 Bus Route: Grammar School Lane / Caldy Grammar School - Hoylake Road / Reeds Lane with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Al's Coaches

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Map of the 614 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 614 - Grammar School Lane / Caldy Grammar School - Hoylake Road / Reeds Lane Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

W-bound, Caldy Grammar School, Grammar School Lane, Newton16:00
Opposite, Beacon Drive, Column Road, Grange16:01
Adjacent, Monks Way, Grange Road, West Kirby16:03
opp, Ashburton Road, Grange Road, West Kirby16:04
Stop B, West Kirby Station, Grange Road, West Kirby16:05
adj, Lingdale Road, Meols Drive, West Kirby16:06
Adjacent, West Lodge Drive, Meols Drive, West Kirby16:07
opp, Graham Road, Meols Drive, West Kirby16:08
opp, Winnington Road, Meols Drive, West Kirby16:09
opp, Morpeth Road, Meols Drive, Hoylake16:10
Stop B, Hoylake Station, Market Street, Hoylake16:13
Adjacent, Alderley Road, Market Street, Hoylake16:13
adj, Shaw Street, Market Street, Hoylake16:14
Stop A, Manor Road Station, Birkenhead Road, Hoylake16:15
Opposite, Bertram Drive, Birkenhead Road, Sandhey16:16
Opposite, Bertram Drive, Birkenhead Road, Meols16:18
Adjacent, Brosters Lane, Birkenhead Road, Meols16:19
Stop A, Meols Station, Birkenhead Road, Meols16:21
adj, Barn Hey Crescent, Birkenhead Road, Meols16:22
Outside, Greenfield Kennels, Birkenhead Road, Carr Houses16:23
adj, Millhouse Lane, Hoylake Road, Moreton16:26
Near, Bermuda Road, Hoylake Road, Moreton16:27
Opposite, Meadowbrook Road, Hoylake Road, Moreton16:27
adj, Joan Avenue, Hoylake Road, Moreton16:28
opp, Rosslyn Drive, Hoylake Road, Moreton16:29
Adjacent, Knutsford Road, Hoylake Road, Moreton16:30
opp, Chapelhill Road, Hoylake Road, Moreton16:31
adj, Danger Lane, Hoylake Road, Moreton16:31
Adjacent, Reeds Lane, Hoylake Road, Moreton16:33