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North West
492 - Borough Road / Clifton Crescent - Borough Road / Clifton Crescent
492 Bus Route: Borough Road / Clifton Crescent - Borough Road / Clifton Crescent with Stops and Timetable
This bus service is run by Arriva North West
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Bus Timetable for the 492 - Borough Road / Clifton Crescent - Borough Road / Clifton Crescent Route
Outbound Localities Visited
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Birkenhead - PRENTON
Claughton - BIRKENHEAD
Birkenhead Park - PRENTON
Beechwood - PRENTON
Noctorum - PRENTON
Arno Hill - PRENTON
Outbound Timetable
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Adjacent, Clifton Crescent, Borough Road, Birkenhead
Adjacent, Grange Road, Argyle Street, Birkenhead
Stand 2, Birkenhead Bus Station, Birkenhead
Stop B, Catherine Street, Claughton Road, Birkenhead
Adjacent, Cook Street, Oxton Road, Birkenhead
Adjacent, Oak Bank, Oxton Road, Birkenhead
adj, Woodchurch Road, Balls Road, Oxton
Adjacent, Lynn Bank, Balls Road, Oxton
Adjacent, Columbia Road, Shrewsbury Road, Oxton
adj, Arnside Road, Shrewsbury Road, Oxton
Adjacent, Beresford Road, Shrewsbury Road, Oxton
adj, Kingsmead Road, Shrewsbury Road, Oxton
opp, Shrewsbury Close, Shrewsbury Road, Oxton
Adjacent, Tollemache Road, Shrewsbury Road, Claughton
Adjacent, Upton Road, Shrewsbury Road, Claughton
adj, Bidston Avenue, Park Road North, Birkenhead Park
Opposite, Plumer Drive, Laird Street, Birkenhead
adj, Dundonald Street, Laird Street, Birkenhead
adj, Arkle Road, Laird Street, Birkenhead
Opposite, Challis Street, Hoylake Road, Bidston
Adjacent, Hoblyn Road, Hoylake Road, Bidston
opp, Hurrell Road, Hoylake Road, Bidston
adj, Bidston Village Road, Hoylake Road, Bidston
Near, Eleanor Road, Bidston Village Road, Bidston
Adjacent, Fender Way, Bidston View, Beechwood
Adjacent, St Oswalds Avenue, Fender Way, Beechwood
Adjacent, Bidston Green Drive, Fender Way, Beechwood
Adjacent, Beechwood Drive, Fender Way, Beechwood
Adjacent, Fifth Avenue, Fender Way, Beechwood
Adjacent, Third Avenue, Fender Way, Beechwood
Adjacent, Second Avenue, Fender Way, Beechwood
Adjacent, First Avenue, Fender Way, Beechwood
Stop B, Upton Station, Upton By Pass, Noctorum
adj, Beryl Road, Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum
Near, St Peters Way, Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum
Near, Ormond Way, Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum
Adjacent, Westcott Way, Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum
Adjacent, Moorfields Avenue, Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum
Opposite, Hogarth Drive, Noctorum Way, Noctorum
adj, Hargrave Avenue, Townfield Lane, Oxton
opp, Flatt Lane, Townfield Lane, Oxton
nr, Bidston Road, Townfield Lane, Oxton
adj, Village Road, Talbot Road, Oxton
opp, Hillside View, Talbot Road, Oxton
Near, Rose Mount, Ingestre Road, Oxton
Adjacent, Fairview Road, Storeton Road, Arno Hill
opp, Moss Lane, Woodchurch Road, Prenton
Opposite, Gorsefield Road, Woodchurch Road, Arno Hill
Adjacent, Heatherdale Close, Woodchurch Road, Arno Hill
adj, South Hill Road, Woodchurch Road, Oxton
Near, Town View, Oxton Road, Birkenhead
Adjacent, Grange View, Oxton Road, Birkenhead
Adjacent, Barton Street, Oxton Road, Birkenhead
Adjacent, Whetstone Lane, Borough Road, Birkenhead
Adjacent, Clifton Crescent, Borough Road, Birkenhead
Choose Destination
Select Destination
Adjacent, Clifton Crescent, Borough Road, Birkenhead
Adjacent, Grange Road, Argyle Street, Birkenhead
Stand 2, Birkenhead Bus Station, Birkenhead
Stop B, Catherine Street, Claughton Road, Birkenhead
Adjacent, Cook Street, Oxton Road, Birkenhead
Adjacent, Oak Bank, Oxton Road, Birkenhead
adj, Woodchurch Road, Balls Road, Oxton
Adjacent, Lynn Bank, Balls Road, Oxton
Adjacent, Columbia Road, Shrewsbury Road, Oxton
adj, Arnside Road, Shrewsbury Road, Oxton
Adjacent, Beresford Road, Shrewsbury Road, Oxton
adj, Kingsmead Road, Shrewsbury Road, Oxton
opp, Shrewsbury Close, Shrewsbury Road, Oxton
Adjacent, Tollemache Road, Shrewsbury Road, Claughton
Adjacent, Upton Road, Shrewsbury Road, Claughton
adj, Bidston Avenue, Park Road North, Birkenhead Park
Opposite, Plumer Drive, Laird Street, Birkenhead
adj, Dundonald Street, Laird Street, Birkenhead
adj, Arkle Road, Laird Street, Birkenhead
Opposite, Challis Street, Hoylake Road, Bidston
Adjacent, Hoblyn Road, Hoylake Road, Bidston
opp, Hurrell Road, Hoylake Road, Bidston
adj, Bidston Village Road, Hoylake Road, Bidston
Near, Eleanor Road, Bidston Village Road, Bidston
Adjacent, Fender Way, Bidston View, Beechwood
Adjacent, St Oswalds Avenue, Fender Way, Beechwood
Adjacent, Bidston Green Drive, Fender Way, Beechwood
Adjacent, Beechwood Drive, Fender Way, Beechwood
Adjacent, Fifth Avenue, Fender Way, Beechwood
Adjacent, Third Avenue, Fender Way, Beechwood
Adjacent, Second Avenue, Fender Way, Beechwood
Adjacent, First Avenue, Fender Way, Beechwood
Stop B, Upton Station, Upton By Pass, Noctorum
adj, Beryl Road, Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum
Near, St Peters Way, Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum
Near, Ormond Way, Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum
Adjacent, Westcott Way, Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum
Adjacent, Moorfields Avenue, Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum
Opposite, Hogarth Drive, Noctorum Way, Noctorum
adj, Hargrave Avenue, Townfield Lane, Oxton
opp, Flatt Lane, Townfield Lane, Oxton
nr, Bidston Road, Townfield Lane, Oxton
adj, Village Road, Talbot Road, Oxton
opp, Hillside View, Talbot Road, Oxton
Near, Rose Mount, Ingestre Road, Oxton
Adjacent, Fairview Road, Storeton Road, Arno Hill
opp, Moss Lane, Woodchurch Road, Prenton
Opposite, Gorsefield Road, Woodchurch Road, Arno Hill
Adjacent, Heatherdale Close, Woodchurch Road, Arno Hill
adj, South Hill Road, Woodchurch Road, Oxton
Near, Town View, Oxton Road, Birkenhead
Adjacent, Grange View, Oxton Road, Birkenhead
Adjacent, Barton Street, Oxton Road, Birkenhead
Adjacent, Whetstone Lane, Borough Road, Birkenhead
Adjacent, Clifton Crescent, Borough Road, Birkenhead