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North West
144 - Bootle Bus Station - Bootle Bus Station
144 Bus Route: Bootle Bus Station - Bootle Bus Station with Stops and Timetable
This bus service is run by Arriva North West
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Bus Timetable for the 144 - Bootle Bus Station - Bootle Bus Station Route
Inbound Localities Visited
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Seaforth - LIVERPOOL
Litherland - BOOTLE
Hatton Hill Park - LIVERPOOL
Netherton - LIVERPOOL
Inbound Timetable
Choose Bus Stop
Select Start
Stand 1, Bootle Bus Station, Bootle
Adjacent, Washington Parade, Merton Road, Bootle
Stop B, Bootle Strand Shopping Centre, Stanley Road, Bootle
adj, Stanley Road, Marsh Lane, Bootle
adj, Irlam Road, Marsh Lane, Bootle
adj, Marsh Lane, Irlam Road, Bootle
Adjacent, Strand Road, Irlam Road, Bootle
Stop A, Bootle Oriel Road Station, Oriel Road, Bootle
Adjacent, Millers Bridge, Derby Road, Bootle
adj, Grimshaw Street, Derby Road, Bootle
adj, Strand Road, Rimrose Road, Bootle
opp, Vulcan Street, Rimrose Road, Bootle
Opposite, St James Drive, Irlam Road, Bootle
Opposite, Tennyson Street, Marsh Lane, Bootle
Adjacent, Chaucer Street, Marsh Lane, Bootle
opp, Peel Road, Rimrose Road, Bootle
Opposite, Seaforth Road, Crosby Road South, Seaforth
adj, Elm Drive, Crosby Road South, Seaforth
Opposite, Caradoc Road, Church Road, Seaforth
Opposite, Hawarden Grove, Seaforth Road, Seaforth
Stop B, Seaforth Station, Seaforth Road, Seaforth
Adjacent, Ash Road, Church Road, Seaforth
Opposite, Marina Avenue, Hawthorne Road, Litherland
Adjacent, Moss Bank Park, Field Lane, Hatton Hill Park
Opposite, Highfield Road, Field Lane, Hatton Hill Park
adj, Appleton Road, Hatton Hill Road, Hatton Hill Park
Opposite, Watling Avenue, Hatton Hill Road, Hatton Hill Park
Opposite, Alwyn Avenue, Hatton Hill Road, Hatton Hill Park
Opposite, Green Lane, Ford Lane, Hatton Hill Park
Opposite, Ford View, Ford Lane, Ford
Adjacent, Bridge Croft, Ford Lane, Ford
Adjacent, Bowland Drive, Pendle Drive, Netherton
Adjacent, No. 129, Bowland Drive, Netherton
Adjacent, Pendle Drive, Bowland Drive, Netherton
Adjacent, Lonsdale Road, Ford Lane, Ford
Adjacent, Ford View, Ford Lane, Ford
Adjacent, Farm View, Ford Lane, Hatton Hill Park
Adjacent, Kirkstone Road West, Hatton Hill Road, Hatton Hill Park
Adjacent, Sonning Avenue, Hatton Hill Road, Hatton Hill Park
Adjacent, Hatton Hill Road, Appleton Road, Hatton Hill Park
Adjacent, Highfield Road, Field Lane, Hatton Hill Park
opp, Moss Bank Park, Field Lane, Hatton Hill Park
adj, Marina Avenue, Hawthorne Road, Litherland
adj, Hawthorne Road, Church Road, Litherland
Adjacent, Bridge Road, Church Road, Seaforth
Stop A, Seaforth Station, Seaforth Road, Seaforth
adj, Lime Grove, Seaforth Road, Seaforth
Adjacent, Muspratt Road, Seaforth Road, Seaforth
adj, Peel Road, Rimrose Road, Bootle
adj, Marsh Lane, Rimrose Road, Bootle
adj, Atlantic Road, Rimrose Road, Bootle
adj, Pleasant Street, Derby Road, Bootle
adj, Derby Road, Millers Bridge, Bootle
Stop B, Bootle Oriel Road Station, Oriel Road, Bootle
Adjacent, Church Gardens, Irlam Road, Bootle
adj, Rimrose Road, Marsh Lane, Bootle
Adjacent, Tennyson Street, Marsh Lane, Bootle
adj, Marsh Lane, Irlam Road, Bootle
Near, Irlam Road, Strand Road, Bootle
Stop, Bootle New Strand Station, Vermont Way, Bootle
Choose Destination
Select Destination
Stand 1, Bootle Bus Station, Bootle
Adjacent, Washington Parade, Merton Road, Bootle
Stop B, Bootle Strand Shopping Centre, Stanley Road, Bootle
adj, Stanley Road, Marsh Lane, Bootle
adj, Irlam Road, Marsh Lane, Bootle
adj, Marsh Lane, Irlam Road, Bootle
Adjacent, Strand Road, Irlam Road, Bootle
Stop A, Bootle Oriel Road Station, Oriel Road, Bootle
Adjacent, Millers Bridge, Derby Road, Bootle
adj, Grimshaw Street, Derby Road, Bootle
adj, Strand Road, Rimrose Road, Bootle
opp, Vulcan Street, Rimrose Road, Bootle
Opposite, St James Drive, Irlam Road, Bootle
Opposite, Tennyson Street, Marsh Lane, Bootle
Adjacent, Chaucer Street, Marsh Lane, Bootle
opp, Peel Road, Rimrose Road, Bootle
Opposite, Seaforth Road, Crosby Road South, Seaforth
adj, Elm Drive, Crosby Road South, Seaforth
Opposite, Caradoc Road, Church Road, Seaforth
Opposite, Hawarden Grove, Seaforth Road, Seaforth
Stop B, Seaforth Station, Seaforth Road, Seaforth
Adjacent, Ash Road, Church Road, Seaforth
Opposite, Marina Avenue, Hawthorne Road, Litherland
Adjacent, Moss Bank Park, Field Lane, Hatton Hill Park
Opposite, Highfield Road, Field Lane, Hatton Hill Park
adj, Appleton Road, Hatton Hill Road, Hatton Hill Park
Opposite, Watling Avenue, Hatton Hill Road, Hatton Hill Park
Opposite, Alwyn Avenue, Hatton Hill Road, Hatton Hill Park
Opposite, Green Lane, Ford Lane, Hatton Hill Park
Opposite, Ford View, Ford Lane, Ford
Adjacent, Bridge Croft, Ford Lane, Ford
Adjacent, Bowland Drive, Pendle Drive, Netherton
Adjacent, No. 129, Bowland Drive, Netherton
Adjacent, Pendle Drive, Bowland Drive, Netherton
Adjacent, Lonsdale Road, Ford Lane, Ford
Adjacent, Ford View, Ford Lane, Ford
Adjacent, Farm View, Ford Lane, Hatton Hill Park
Adjacent, Kirkstone Road West, Hatton Hill Road, Hatton Hill Park
Adjacent, Sonning Avenue, Hatton Hill Road, Hatton Hill Park
Adjacent, Hatton Hill Road, Appleton Road, Hatton Hill Park
Adjacent, Highfield Road, Field Lane, Hatton Hill Park
opp, Moss Bank Park, Field Lane, Hatton Hill Park
adj, Marina Avenue, Hawthorne Road, Litherland
adj, Hawthorne Road, Church Road, Litherland
Adjacent, Bridge Road, Church Road, Seaforth
Stop A, Seaforth Station, Seaforth Road, Seaforth
adj, Lime Grove, Seaforth Road, Seaforth
Adjacent, Muspratt Road, Seaforth Road, Seaforth
adj, Peel Road, Rimrose Road, Bootle
adj, Marsh Lane, Rimrose Road, Bootle
adj, Atlantic Road, Rimrose Road, Bootle
adj, Pleasant Street, Derby Road, Bootle
adj, Derby Road, Millers Bridge, Bootle
Stop B, Bootle Oriel Road Station, Oriel Road, Bootle
Adjacent, Church Gardens, Irlam Road, Bootle
adj, Rimrose Road, Marsh Lane, Bootle
Adjacent, Tennyson Street, Marsh Lane, Bootle
adj, Marsh Lane, Irlam Road, Bootle
Near, Irlam Road, Strand Road, Bootle
Stop, Bootle New Strand Station, Vermont Way, Bootle