GeoPunk Bus Timetables

656 Bus Route: ASHTON - ARCHBISHOP TEMPLE HS with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Mario Coaches

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Map of the 656 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 656 - ASHTON - ARCHBISHOP TEMPLE HS Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

o/s, St Michaels Church, Tulketh Road, Ashton-on-Ribble7:25
by, Winmarleigh Road, Tulketh Road, Ashton-on-Ribble7:25
opp, St Andrews School, Tulketh Road, Ashton-on-Ribble7:26
by, Ashton Park, Blackpool Road, Ashton-on-Ribble7:26
opp, Clifton Avenue, Blackpool Road, Ashton-on-Ribble7:27
by, Weeton Place, Blackpool Road, Larches7:29
o/s, Police Station, Blackpool Road, Lea7:29
by, The Pig & Whistle, Blackpool Road, Lea7:30
by, Aldfield Avenue, Lea7:32
by, Greenside Avenue, Dodney Drive, Lea7:33
by, Tudor Avenue, Lea7:34
opp, Police Station, Blackpool Road, Lea7:36
opp, Weeton Place, Blackpool Road, Larches7:37
by, Library, West Park Avenue, Savick7:39
by, Greendale Mews, West Park Ave, Savick7:39
by, Turning Circle, Savick Way, Savick7:42
opp, Library, West Park Avenue, Savick7:44
by, Broadway, Blackpool Road, Ashton-on-Ribble7:46
o/s, Post Office, Blackpool Road, Ashton-on-Ribble7:47
opp, Pedders Lane, Blackpool Road, Ashton-on-Ribble7:47
opp, Newton Road, Blackpool Road, Ashton-on-Ribble7:48
Stop 3, Lane Ends, Woodplumpton Road, Ashton-on-Ribble7:50
opp, Drakes Croft, Woodplumpton Road, Ashton-on-Ribble7:52
opp, Dunkirk Avenue, Cadley Causeway, Cadley7:54
by, St Anthonys Drive, Cadley Causeway, Cadley7:56
by, Boys Lane, Black Bull Lane, Fulwood7:59
by, Leisure Centre, Black Bull Lane, Fulwood8:01
by, Janice Drive, Black Bull Lane, Fulwood8:03
o/s, Black Bull, Black Bull Lane, Fulwood8:04
by, Yewlands Drive, Garstang Road, Fulwood8:05
by, Harrison Road, Garstang Road, Fulwood8:07
by, Archbishop Temple CEHS, St Vincents Road, Fulwood8:10