GeoPunk Bus Timetables

967 Bus Route: Bury Church School - Rochdale with Stops and Timetable

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Map of the 967 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 967 - Bury Church School - Rochdale Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

nr, Dane Street, Mellor Street, Rochdale7:20
adj, Mellor Street, Bury Road, Rochdale7:20
nr, Oakenrod Hill, Bury Road, Rochdale7:21
opp, Claremont Road, Bury Road, Broadhalgh7:22
nr, Bury Road, Sandy Lane, Broadhalgh7:22
nr, Greave Avenue, Sandy Lane, Greave7:24
opp, Mons Avenue, Sandy Lane, Greave7:24
opp, Spotland Stadium, Sandy Lane, Spotland7:25
opp, Spotland Library, Ings Lane, Spotland7:26
opp, Phoenix Street, Ings Lane, Spotland7:26
nr, Ings Avenue, Ings Lane, Caldershaw7:27
nr, Wycherley Road, Ings Lane, Caldershaw7:28
nr, Daniel Fold, Ings Lane7:29
opp, Wycherley Road, Ings Lane, Caldershaw7:29
opp, Redfearn Wood, Caldershaw Road, Caldershaw7:31
opp, Keats Avenue, Caldershaw Road, Caldershaw7:33
opp, Cut Lane, Caldershaw Road, Caldershaw7:34
opp, Bagslate Moor Lane, Bagslate Moor Road, Bagslate7:36
opp, Clay Lane, Bagslate Moor Road, Bagslate7:37
opp, Springbank Lane, Norden Road, Bamford7:39
nr, Belgium Street, Norden Road, Bamford7:41
nr, Wordsworth Way, War Office Road, Bamford7:43
opp, Bamford Post Office, War Office Road, Bamford7:43
nr, Sandhole Lane, Bury Road, Bamford7:45
opp, Norden Road, Bury and Rochdale Old Road, Bamford7:46
nr, Queens Park Road, Bury and Rochdale Old Road, Hooley Bridge7:48
nr, Bamford Road, Bury and Rochdale Old Road, Hooley Bridge7:49
opp, Bird at Birtle, Bury and Rochdale Old Road, Hooley Bridge7:52
opp, The Waggon, Bury and Rochdale Old Road, Jericho7:54
nr, Tack Lee Brook, Bury and Rochdale Old Road, Jericho7:55
nr, Smethurst Hall Road, Rochdale Old Road, Jericho7:57
Stop E, Chadwick Street, Rochdale Old Road, Fairfield General Hospital7:58
Stop G, Fairfield General Hospital, Rochdale Old Road8:00
opp, Castle Hill Road, Rochdale Old Road, Fairfield General Hospital8:00
o/s, Fairfield Community Primary School, Rochdale Old Road, Fairfield General Hospital8:02
nr, Cuckoo Lane, Rochdale Old Road, Fairfield General Hospital8:02
opp, Woodgate Hill Road, Rochdale Old Road, Fern Grove8:04
nr, Willow Street, Bell Lane, Bury8:06
nr, Deal Street, Bell Lane, Bury8:07
nr, Bell Lane, Parsonage Street, Bury8:08
adj, Wash Lane, Parsonage Street, Bury8:09
nr, Rochdale Road, Bond Street, Bury8:10
nr, Hurst Street, Heywood Street, Bury8:11
nr, Wilson Street, Heywood Street, Bury8:12
nr, Back Home Street South, Parkhills Road, Fishpool8:17
opp, Parliament Street, Manchester Road, Fishpool8:20

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

opp, Parliament Street, Manchester Road, Fishpool15:30
Stop QQ, Tenterden Street, Jubilee Way, Bury15:32
nr, Brook Street, Bell Lane, Bury15:36
opp, Parsonage Street, Bell Lane, Bury15:38
opp, Deal Street, Bell Lane, Bury15:38
opp, Willow Street, Rochdale Old Road, Bury15:39
nr, Woodgate Hill Road, Rochdale Old Road, Fern Grove15:39
opp, Cuckoo Lane, Rochdale Old Road, Fairfield General Hospital15:40
opp, Fairfield Community Primary School, Rochdale Old Road, Fairfield General Hospital15:41
nr, Castle Hill Road, Rochdale Old Road, Fairfield General Hospital15:41
Stop F, Fairfield General Hospital, Rochdale Old Road15:43
nr, Chadwick Street, Rochdale Old Road, Jericho15:43
opp, Smethurst Hall Road, Rochdale Old Road, Jericho15:44
opp, Tack Lee Brook, Bury and Rochdale Old Road, Jericho15:44
o/s, The Waggon, Bury and Rochdale Old Road, Jericho15:45
o/s, Bird at Birtle, Bury and Rochdale Old Road, Hooley Bridge15:45
nr, Ashworth Road, Bury and Rochdale Old Road, Hooley Bridge15:46
opp, Bamford Road, Bury and Rochdale Old Road, Hooley Bridge15:46
opp, Queens Park Road, Bury and Rochdale Old Road, Hooley Bridge15:47
nr, Norden Road, Bury And Rochdale Old Road, Bamford15:48
opp, Arnside Drive, War Office Road, Bamford15:49
o/s, Bamford Post Office, War Office Road, Bamford15:49
opp, War Office Road, Norden Road, Bamford15:50
opp, Belgium Street, Norden Road, Bamford15:50
nr, Springbank Lane, Bagslate Moor Road, Bamford15:51
nr, Clay Lane, Bagslate Moor Road, Bagslate15:52
nr, Grimes Street, Edenfield Road, Bagslate15:53
nr, Cut Lane, Caldershaw Road, Caldershaw15:53
nr, Keats Avenue, Caldershaw Road, Caldershaw15:54
nr, Redfearn Wood, Caldershaw Road, Caldershaw15:55
nr, Wycherley Road, Ings Lane, Caldershaw15:57
nr, Daniel Fold, Ings Lane15:58
opp, Wycherley Road, Ings Lane, Caldershaw15:58
opp, Ings Avenue, Ings Lane, Caldershaw15:59
nr, Phoenix Street, Ings Lane, Spotland16:00
o/s, Spotland Library, Ings Lane, Spotland16:02
nr, Spotland Stadium, Sandy Lane, Spotland16:03
nr, Mons Avenue, Sandy Lane, Greave16:04
opp, Greave Avenue, Sandy Lane, Greave16:05
opp, Half Acre Drive, Bury Road, Broadhalgh16:08
nr, Claremont Road, Bury Road, Broadhalgh16:09
opp, Oakenrod Hill, Bury Road, Rochdale16:10
nr, Mellor Street, Bury Road, Rochdale16:11
nr, College Road, Mellor Street, Rochdale16:13