GeoPunk Bus Timetables

959 Bus Route: Shevington High School - Gidlow with Stops and Timetable

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Map of the 959 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 959 - Shevington High School - Gidlow Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

Stop C, Finger Post, Bolton Road, Aspull7:15
nr, Woods Road, Wigan Road, Aspull7:15
opp, Holly Road, Wigan Road, Aspull7:16
opp, Higher Lane, Wigan Road, New Springs7:18
nr, Woodfield Street, Wigan Road, New Springs7:19
nr, Kirklees Street, Wigan Road, New Springs7:20
nr, Kirkwood Close, Wigan Road, New Springs7:21
nr, Cheltenham Street, Whelley, New Springs7:21
opp, Plantation Gates, Whelley7:23
opp, Bradshaw Street, Whelley7:24
opp, Ellis Street, Whelley, Scholes7:24
opp, Coop Street, Scholes7:25
adj, New Market Street, Mesnes Street, Wigan7:29
o/s, Mesnes Park, Bridgeman Terr, Wigan7:30
opp, Hornby Street, Kenyon Road, Wigan7:31
nr, Mesnes Road, Walkden Avenue, Swinley7:32
opp, Queensway, Walkden Avenue, Swinley7:33
adj, Barnsley Street, Buckley Street, Gidlow7:34
opp, Beech Hall Street, Gidlow Lane, Gidlow7:36
cnr, Knowsley Road, Beech Hill Avenue, Beech Hill7:38
o/s, St Anne's Church, Beech Hill Avenue, Beech Hill7:39
nr, Blackthorn Avenue, Beech Hill Avenue, Beech Hill7:40
SW-bound, Scot Lane, Standish Lower Ground7:42
opp, Marsh Green, Scot Lane7:44
opp, Hunter Road, Scot Lane, Laithwaite7:45
nr, Scot Lane, Montrose Avenue, Laithwaite7:46
adj, Greenwood Avenue, Montrose Avenue, Laithwaite7:47
SW-bound, Montrose Avenue, Worsley Hall7:48
opp, Westfield Community School, Montrose Avenue, Norley Hall7:49
opp, Montrose School, Montrose Avenue, Norley Hall7:49
o/s, Norley Hall Post Office, Norley Hall Avenue, Norley Hall7:52
nr, Thorburn Road, Norley Hall Avenue, Norley Hall7:52
opp, School Way, Norley Hall Avenue, Pemberton7:53
opp, Rosehill Avenue, Norley Hall Avenue, Pemberton7:54
opp, Enfield Street, Ormskirk Road, Pemberton7:54
o/s, Pemberton Clinic, Sherwood Drive, Pemberton7:56
opp, Closebrook Road, Sherwood Drive, Worsley Hall7:56
adj, Broom Road, Jasmine Road, Worsley Hall7:57
o/s, Worsley Hall Post Office, Logwood Avenue, Worsley Hall7:59
nr, Primrose Grove, Greenwood Avenue, Worsley Hall7:59
nr, Greenwood Avenue, Montrose Avenue, Laithwaite8:00
nr, Montrose Avenue, Scot Lane, Laithwaite8:00
nr, Hunter Road, Scot Lane, Laithwaite8:01
cnr, Marsh Green, Scot Lane8:02
N-bound, Scot Lane, Standish Lower Ground8:03
nr, Scot Lane, Woodhouse Drive, Standish Lower Ground8:04
nr, St Anne's CE Primary School, Wigan Lower Road, Standish Lower Ground8:05
opp, Woodrush Road, Wigan Lower Road, Standish Lower Ground8:06
o/s, Coronation Road, Wigan Lower Road, Standish Lower Ground8:07
nr, Princess Road, Wigan Lower Road, Crooke8:08
opp 19, Lawns Wood, Wigan Lower Road, Crooke8:09
opp 58, Wigan Road, Shevington8:10
opp, Foxfield Grove, Wigan Road, Shevington8:11
opp, Elnup Avenue, Old Lane, Shevington8:11
opp, Hall Close, Old Lane, Shevington8:12
nr, Old Lane, Shevington Lane, Shevington8:12
opp, Willowbrook Drive, Shevington Lane, Shevington8:13
o/s, Shevington High School, School Grounds, Shevington8:20

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

o/s, Shevington High School, School Grounds, Shevington15:10
nr, Willowbrook Drive, Shevington Lane, Shevington15:10
opp, Hall Close, Old Lane, Shevington15:11
nr, Elnup Avenue, Old Lane, Shevington15:11
nr, Foxfield Grove, Wigan Road, Shevington15:12
o/s 64, Wigan Road, Shevington15:12
o/s 37, Lawns Wood, Wigan Lower Road, Crooke15:14
adj, Princess Road, Wigan Lower Road, Crooke15:14
cnr, Coronation Road, Wigan Lower Road, Standish Lower Ground15:15
o/s, Woodrush Road, Wigan Lower Road, Standish Lower Ground15:15
opp, St Anne's CE Primary School, Wigan Lower Road, Standish Lower Ground15:16
opp, Scot Lane, Woodhouse Drive, Standish Lower Ground15:17
SW-bound, Scot Lane, Standish Lower Ground15:18
opp, Marsh Green, Scot Lane15:19
opp, Hunter Road, Scot Lane, Laithwaite15:19
nr, Scot Lane, Montrose Avenue, Laithwaite15:20
adj, Greenwood Avenue, Montrose Avenue, Laithwaite15:20
opp, Primrose Grove, Greenwood Avenue, Worsley Hall15:21
opp, Worsley Hall Post Office, Ridyard Street, Worsley Hall15:22
opp, Marigold Street, Broom Road, Worsley Hall15:22
nr, Broom Road, Jasmine Road, Worsley Hall15:22
nr, Closebrook Road, Sherwood Drive, Worsley Hall15:23
opp, Pemberton Clinic, Sherwood Drive, Pemberton15:23
nr, Enfield Street, Ormskirk Road, Pemberton15:25
cnr, Rose Hill Avenue, Norley Hall Avenue, Pemberton15:25
nr, School Way, Norley Hall Avenue, Pemberton15:25
opp, Thorburn Road, Norley Hall Avenue, Norley Hall15:26
opp, Norley Hall Post Office, Norley Hall Avenue, Norley Hall15:27
nr, Ambleside, Norley Hall Avenue, Norley Hall15:27
o/s, Montrose School, Montrose Avenue, Norley Hall15:28
NE-bound, Montrose Avenue, Worsley Hall15:29
nr, Greenwood Avenue, Montrose Avenue, Laithwaite15:30
nr, Montrose Avenue, Scot Lane, Laithwaite15:31
nr, Hunter Road, Scot Lane, Laithwaite15:31
cnr, Marsh Green, Scot Lane15:32
N-bound, Scot Lane, Standish Lower Ground15:33
opp, Blackthorn Avenue, Beech Hill Avenue, Beech Hill15:35
opp, St Anne's Church, Beech Hill Avenue, Beech Hill15:35
opp, Knowsley Road, Beech Hill Avenue, Beech Hill15:36
opp, Beech Hill Avenue, Gidlow Lane, Beech Hill15:37
cnr, Beech Hall Street, Gidlow Lane, Gidlow15:40
adj, Barnsley Street, Buckley Street, Gidlow15:41
nr, Queensway, Walkden Avenue, Swinley15:43
cnr, Walkden Avenue East, Kenyon Road, Swinley15:45
nr, Hornby Street, Kenyon Road, Wigan15:46
nr, New Market Street, Mesnes Street, Wigan15:50
cnr, Coop Street, Scholes15:55
nr, Ellis Street, Whelley, Scholes15:57
nr, Bradshaw Street, Whelley15:59
nr, Plantation Gates, Whelley16:00
opp, Cheltenham Street, Whelley, New Springs16:00
opp, Kirkwood Close, Wigan Road, New Springs16:01
opp, Kirklees Street, Wigan Road, New Springs16:02
opp, Woodfield Street, Wigan Road, New Springs16:03
nr, Higher Lane, Wigan Road, New Springs16:04
nr, Holly Road, Wigan Road, Aspull16:06
Stop B, Finger Post, Wigan Road, Aspull16:08