GeoPunk Bus Timetables

898 Bus Route: Elton High School - Walmersley with Stops and Timetable

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Map of the 898 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 898 - Elton High School - Walmersley Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

opp, Burnley Road, Walmersley Road, Walmersley7:50
nr, Central Drive, Walmersley Road, Walmersley7:50
nr, Walmersley Post Office, Walmersley Road, Walmersley7:52
nr, Limefield Brow, Walmersley Road, Limefield7:53
opp, Wolstenholme Avenue, Walmersley Road, Limefield7:54
nr, Mosley Avenue, Walmersley Road, Seedfield7:55
opp, The Drive, Walmersley Road, Seedfield7:56
opp, Argyle Street, Walmersley Road, Seedfield7:56
opp, Russell Street, Walmersley Road, Fernhill7:58
nr, Cateaton Street, Walmersley Road, Fernhill7:58
Stop UU, Moorgate Primary Care Centre, Derby Way, Bury8:00
Stop BB, The Rock, Rochdale Road, Bury8:01
Stop DD, Bury Market, Angouleme Way, Bury8:01
Stop QQ, Tenterden Street, Jubilee Way, Bury8:05
nr, Bury Bridge, Bolton Road, Elton8:07
opp, Victoria Street, Bolton Road, Elton8:07
nr, Arthur Street, Bolton Road, Elton8:08
opp, St Stephen's Church, Bolton Road, Elton8:09
opp, Ivy Road, Bolton Road, Elton8:09
nr, Powell Street, Bolton Road, Daisyfield8:10
nr, Buckingham Drive, Bolton Road, Seddons Farm Estate8:11
nr, Kensington Drive, Bolton Road, Seddons Farm Estate8:12
nr, Spen Fold, Bolton Road, Seddons Farm Estate8:13
opp, Longridge Drive, Watling Street, Seddons Farm Estate8:14
opp, Preesall Close, Watling Street, Seddons Farm Estate8:15
opp, Mile Lane, Watling Street, Seddons Farm Estate8:16
nr, Garstang Drive, Watling Street, Seddons Farm Estate8:16
opp, Watling Street, Ainsworth Road, Seddons Farm Estate8:16
nr, Wadebridge Drive, Ainsworth Road, Seddons Farm Estate8:17
opp, Chantlers Avenue, Ainsworth Road, Seddons Farm Estate8:18
opp, Greenhill Road, Ainsworth Road, Elton8:18
opp, Grange Road, Ainsworth Road, Elton8:19
opp, Allen Street, Harvey Street, Woodhill8:22
nr, Redford Street, Walshaw Road, Woodhill8:22
opp, St James' Woolfold Church, Walshaw Road, Woodhill8:23
nr, Chiltern Drive, Walshaw Road, Woolfold8:24
by, Elton High School, Walshaw Road, Walshaw8:25

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

by, Elton High School, Walshaw Road, Walshaw15:25
nr, Brookthorpe Road, Walshaw Road, Walshaw15:25
nr, Walshaw War Memorial, Walshaw Road, Walshaw15:26
o/s, Christ Church Walshaw, Lowercroft Road, Walshaw15:27
nr, Wrigglesworth Close, Lowercroft Road, Starling15:28
nr, Ashington Drive, Lowercroft Road, Starling15:29
nr, Lowercroft Road, Ainsworth Road, Starling15:30
opp, Garstang Drive, Watling Street, Seddons Farm Estate15:30
nr, Mile Lane, Watling Street, Seddons Farm Estate15:31
nr, Preesall Close, Watling Street, Seddons Farm Estate15:32
nr, Longridge Drive, Watling Street, Seddons Farm Estate15:32
opp, Spen Fold, Bolton Road, Seddons Farm Estate15:34
opp, Kensington Drive, Bolton Road, Seddons Farm Estate15:35
opp, Buckingham Drive, Bolton Road, Seddons Farm Estate15:36
opp, Powell Street, Bolton Road, Daisyfield15:37
nr, Ivy Road, Bolton Road, Elton15:38
o/s, St Stephen's Church, Bolton Road, Elton15:39
opp, Arthur Street, Bolton Road, Elton15:39
nr, Victoria Street, Bolton Road, Elton15:41
Stop RR, Bolton Street, Jubilee Way, Bury15:42
Stop PP, Tenterden Street, Jubilee Way, Bury15:43
Stop FF, Bury Market, Angouleme Way, Bury15:45
Stop AA, The Rock, Rochdale Road, Bury15:46
opp, Moorgate Primary Care Centre, Derby Way, Bury15:47
nr, Fox Street, Walmersley Road, Bury15:48
adj, Cateaton Street, Walmersley Road, Fernhill15:49
nr, Russell Street, Walmersley Road, Fernhill15:50
nr, Argyle Street, Walmersley Road, Seedfield15:50
nr, The Drive, Walmersley Road, Seedfield15:51
opp, Mosley Avenue, Walmersley Road, Seedfield15:52
nr, Wolstenholme Avenue, Walmersley Road, Limefield15:53
opp, Limefield Brow, Walmersley Road, Limefield15:54
opp, Walmersley Post Office, Walmersley Road, Walmersley15:56
opp, Central Drive, Walmersley Road, Walmersley15:57
nr, Walmersley Road, Burnley Road, Walmersley15:58