GeoPunk Bus Timetables

S831 Bus Route: Fewster Square - Emmamuel College with Stops and Timetable

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Map of the S831 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the S831 - Fewster Square - Emmamuel College Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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NE-Bound, Emmanuel College, Lobley Hill Road, Lobley Hill14:37
E-Bound, Lobley Hill Road - Rothbury Gardens, Lobley Hill Road, Lobley Hill14:37
NE-Bound, Lobley Hill Road-Chiltern Gardens, Lobley Hill Road, Lobley Hill14:38
E-Bound, Chowdene Bank - Sainsbury, Chowdene Bank, Team Valley14:44
NE-Bound, Chowdene Bank-Andrews Drive, Chowdene Bank, Chowdene14:46
N-Bound, Chowdene Bank-The Lodges Road, Chowdene Bank, Chowdene14:46
N-Bound, Chowdene Bank-Club, Chowdene Bank, Low Fell14:47
N-Bound, Kells Lane - Pimlico Court, Kells Lane, Low Fell14:47
N-Bound, Kells Lane-Albert Place, Kells Lane, Low Fell14:47
N-Bound, Kells Lane-Lowreys Lane, Kells Lane, Low Fell14:48
N-Bound, Kells Lane-Beaconsfield Road, Kells Lane, Low Fell14:48
NE-Bound, Kells Lane-Dryden Road, Kells Lane, Low Fell14:49
E-Bound, Kells Lane-Beverley Road, Kells Lane, Sheriff Hill14:50
SE-Bound, Sheriff`s Highway-Three Tuns Ph, Old Durham Road, Sheriff Hill14:51
B, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Old Durham Road, Sheriff Hill14:51
C, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Avenue, Sheriff Hill14:53
NE-Bound, Windy Nook Road, Sheriff Hill14:54
C, Windy Nook Road - Stone Street, Windy Nook Road, Windy Nook14:55
F, Albion Street, Windy Nook14:56
E-Bound, Albion Street-Howard Street, Albion Street, Windy Nook14:57
E-Bound, Albion Street-School, Albion Street, Windy Nook14:58
E-Bound, Albion Street-Dornoch Crescent, Albion Street, Windy Nook14:58
E-Bound, Albion Street-Cresthaven, Albion Street, Windy Nook14:59
S-Bound, Whitehill Drive-Laboratory, Whitehill Drive, Whitehills15:00
S-Bound, Whitehills Estate, Whitehills15:02
S-Bound, Staneway-Oakwood, Staneway, Leam Lane15:02
N-Bound, Wealcroft, Leam Lane15:03
N-Bound, Wealcroft-Lecondale Court, Wealcroft, Leam Lane15:04
N-Bound, Wealcroft-Staneway, Wealcroft, Leam Lane15:05
NE-Bound, Wealcroft-The Paddock, Wealcroft, Leam Lane15:06
B, Leam Lane Estate Fewster Sq, Cotemede, Leam Lane15:07