GeoPunk Bus Timetables

933 Bus Route: Team Valley - Winaton with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by JH Coaches

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Map of the 933 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 933 - Team Valley - Winaton Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

E-Bound, Marquisway - Kingsway South, Marquisway, Team Valley16:05
N-Bound, Kingsway South, Team Valley16:06
N-Bound, Kingsway-Seventh Avenue, Kingsway South, Team Valley16:06
N-Bound, Team Valley Centre, Kingsway North, Team Valley16:08
N-Bound, Kingsway-Fifth Avenue, Kingsway North, Team Valley16:08
N-Bound, Kingsway-Fourth Avenue, Kingsway North, Team Valley16:09
N-Bound, Kingsway-Second Avenue, Kingsway North, Team Valley16:10
C, Kingsway North, Team Valley16:11
E, Lobley Hill Road - New Road, Lobley Hill Road, Team Valley16:12
W-Bound, Lobley Hill Road - Beechwood Gardens, Lobley Hill Road, Lobley Hill16:15
W-Bound, Lobley Hill Road-Rothbury Gardens, Lobley Hill Road, Lobley Hill16:15
NW-Bound, Whickham Highway-Knightside Gardens, Whickham Highway, Lobley Hill16:17
NW-Bound, Whickham Highway-The Highwayman, Whickham Highway, Lobley Hill16:17
W-Bound, Dunston Hill Hospital, Whickham Highway, Dunston16:19
SW-Bound, Whickham Highway-Coniston Avenue, Whickham Highway, Whickham16:19
W-Bound, Front Street- Dockendale Lane, Front Street, Whickham16:21
W-Bound, Front Street - Rectory Lane, Front Street, Whickham16:21
SW-Bound, Rectory Lane-Millfield Road, Rectory Lane, Whickham16:22
S-Bound, Whaggs Lane-Oakfield Road, B6316, Whickham16:22
S-Bound, Whaggs Lane-Ashfield Road, Whaggs Lane, Whickham16:23
S-Bound, Sunniside Road-Grange Lane, Sunniside Road, Whickham16:23
S-Bound, Sunniside Road-Napier Court, Sunniside Road, Whickham16:24
S-Bound, Sunniside Road-Hole Lane, Sunniside Road, Sunniside16:25
SW-Bound, Gateshead Road, Gateshead Road-Starling Walk, Sunniside16:26
SW-Bound, Church Street-The Crescent, Church Street, Sunniside16:26
SW-Bound, Church Street-St Cuthberts Road, Church Street, Marley Hill16:27
SW-Bound, Church Street-Cuthbert Street, Church Street, Marley Hill16:27
W-Bound, Church Street-Longfield Farm, Lobley Hill Road, Marley Hill16:28
W-Bound, Lobley Hill Road-Schoolhouse Lane, Lobley Hill Road, Marley Hill16:29
W-Bound, Lobley Hill Road-Strathmore Crescent, Lobley Hill Road, Crookgate16:30
SW-Bound, Lobley Hill Road-Sacred Heart, Lobley Hill Road, Crookgate16:30
SW-Bound, Byermoor, Lobley Hill Road, Crookgate16:31
SW-bound, Pack Horse, A692, Crookgate16:32
W-bound, Post Office, Front Street, Burnopfield16:34
NW-bound, Fountain, New Road, Burnopfield16:34
NW-bound, Busty Bank Foot, B6314 - Busty Bank, Burnopfield16:35
NW-bound, Gibside Chapel entrance, B6314, Burnopfield16:36
NW-Bound, Stirling Lane, Rowlands Gill16:37

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

C, Winlaton Bus Station, Winlaton7:00
N-Bound, North Street, Winlaton7:00
SW-Bound, Burn Road-Barlow Lane, Burn Road, Blaydon Burn7:00
SW-Bound, Barlow Lane-Number 43, Barlow Lane, Winlaton7:01
SW-Bound, Barlow Lane-Knobbyends Lane, Barlow Lane, Winlaton7:01
S-Bound, Barlow Road-South Farm, Barlow Road, Barlow7:03
SW-Bound, Barlow Road, Barlow7:04
SW-Bound, Barlow Road-Barlow Fell Road, Barlow Road, Barlow7:04
SW-Bound, Pawston Road, Barlow7:05
SW-Bound, Collingdon Road-Post Office, Collingdon Road, High Spen7:07
S-Bound, Collingdon Road - Hookergate Lane, Collingdon Road, High Spen7:08
S-Bound, Hookergate Lane-School Lane, Hookergate Lane, Hooker Gate7:09
S-Bound, Hookergate Lane-Burnop Terrace, Hookergate Lane, Hooker Gate7:10
SE-Bound, Hookergate Lane-Wood Terrace, Hookergate Lane, Hooker Gate7:11
E-Bound, Smailes Lane-Engel Street, Smailes Lane, Highfield7:12
E-Bound, Smailes Lane - Cowell Grove, Smailes Lane, Highfield7:13
SE-Bound, Smailes Lane-Valley View, Smailes Lane, Highfield7:14
E-Bound, Smailes Lane-Stewartsfield, Smailes Lane, Highfield7:15
E-Bound, Strathmore Road, Rowlands Gill7:16
NE-Bound, Station Road - Stirling Lane, Station Road, Rowlands Gill7:18
SE-bound, Gibside Chapel entrance, B6314, Burnopfield7:19
SE-bound, Busty Bank Foot, B6314 - Busty Bank, Burnopfield7:20
SE-bound, Fountain, New Road, Burnopfield7:21
E-bound, Post Office, Front Street, Burnopfield7:22
NE-bound, Pack Horse, A692, Crookgate7:23
NE-Bound, Byermoor, Lobley Hill Road, Crookgate7:24
NE-Bound, Lobley Hill Road-Sacred Heart, Lobley Hill Road, Crookgate7:24
E-Bound, Lobley Hill Road-Ravensworth Crescent, Lobley Hill Road, Crookgate7:25
NE-Bound, Lobley Hill Road-Schoolhouse Lane, Lobley Hill Road, Marley Hill7:27
NE-Bound, Church Street-Longfield Farm, Lobley Hill Road, Marley Hill7:28
NE-Bound, Church Street-Cuthbert Street, Church Street, Marley Hill7:29
NE-Bound, Church Street-Aged Miners Homes, Church Street, Marley Hill7:29
NE-Bound, Church Street-The Crescent, Church Street, Sunniside7:31
NE-Bound, Gateshead Road, Sunniside7:32
N-Bound, Sunniside Road-Holywell Lane, Sunniside Road, Sunniside7:32
N-Bound, Sunniside Road-Napier Court, Sunniside Road, Whickham7:34
N-Bound, Sunniside Road-Elm Court, Sunniside Road, Whickham7:35
N-Bound, Whaggs Lane-Ashfield Road, Whaggs Lane, Whickham7:35
N-Bound, Whaggs Lane-South View Terrace, Whaggs Lane, Whickham7:36
NE-Bound, Rectory Lane-Millfield Road, Rectory Lane, Whickham7:36
N-Bound, Rectory Lane, Whickham7:37
E-Bound, Front Street - School Lane, Front Street, Whickham7:38
E-Bound, Front Street - Dockendale Lane, B6317, Whickham7:38
E-Bound, Whickham Highway-Coniston Avenue, Whickham Highway, Whickham7:39
E-Bound, Dunston Hill Hospital, Whickham Highway, Dunston7:40
SE-Bound, Whickham Highway-Hillcrest Drive, Whickham Highway, Dunston7:41
SE-Bound, Whickham Highway-Bracken Drive, Whickham Highway, Lobley Hill7:41
SE-Bound, Whickham Highway-Knightside Gardens, Whickham Highway, Lobley Hill7:42
E-Bound, Lobley Hill Road - Rothbury Gardens, Lobley Hill Road, Lobley Hill7:44
NE-Bound, Lobley Hill Road-Chiltern Gardens, Lobley Hill Road, Lobley Hill7:44
D, Kingsway North - First Avenue, Kingsway North, Team Valley7:46
S-Bound, Kingsway-Second Avenue, Kingsway North, Team Valley7:46
S-Bound, Kingsway-Fourth Avenue, Kingsway North, Team Valley7:46
S-Bound, Kingsway-Fifth Avenue, Kingsway, Team Valley7:47
S-Bound, Team Valley Centre, Kingsway, Team Valley7:47
S-Bound, Kingsway-Seventh Avenue, Kingsway, Team Valley7:48
S-Bound, Kingsway South - Ninth Avenue, Kingsway South, Team Valley7:48
S-Bound, Retail World Marquis Way, Marquis Way, Team Valley7:49
E-Bound, Marquisway - Kingsway South, Marquisway, Team Valley7:50