GeoPunk Bus Timetables

S854 Bus Route: St Thomas More Rc School - Blackhall Mill with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by JH Coaches

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Map of the S854 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the S854 - St Thomas More Rc School - Blackhall Mill Route

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Inbound Timetable

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SW-Bound, Dipwood Road-Riverside Way, Dipwood Road, Rowlands Gill7:35
SW-Bound, Dipwood Road-Lintzford Close, Dipwood Road, Rowlands Gill7:35
SW-Bound, Lintzford, Lintzford Road, Rowlands Gill7:36
SW-bound, High Hamsterley Road, A694 - Lintzford Road, Hamsterley Mill7:37
W-bound, Hagg Farm, A694 - Lintzford Road, Hamsterley Mill7:37
W-bound, Second Lodge, A694, Hamsterley7:38
W-bound, Derwent Cote Farm, A694, Hamsterley7:38
N-Bound, Chopwell Road - Connolly Terrace, Mill Road, Blackhall Mill7:40
N-Bound, Mill Road-West Crescent, Mill Road, Blackhall Mill7:42
NW-Bound, Mill Road-Pear Tree Terrace, Mill Road, Blackhall Mill7:43
N-Bound, Mill Road-Moorland View, Mill Road, Chopwell7:46
SW-Bound, Mill Road-Chopwell Farm, Mill Road, Chopwell7:47
E-Bound, Derwent Street, Chopwell7:51
N-Bound, Derwent Street, Chopwell7:51
NE-Bound, Hall Farm, Clayton Terrace Road, Chopwell7:52
NE-Bound, Derwent View, Chopwell7:54
N-Bound, Horsegate Bank, Clayton Terrace, High Spen7:55
E-Bound, Clayton Terrace Road-Townley Terrace, Clayton Terrace Road, High Spen7:57
S-Bound, Glossop Street-Howard Terrace, Glossop Street, High Spen7:59
SE-Bound, Glossip Street, Glossop Street, High Spen8:00
S-Bound, Hookergate Lane-School Lane, Hookergate Lane, Hooker Gate8:02
S-Bound, Hookergate Lane-Burnop Terrace, Hookergate Lane, Hooker Gate8:03
SE-Bound, Hookergate Lane-Wood Terrace, Hookergate Lane, Hooker Gate8:05
E-Bound, Smailes Lane-Engel Street, Smailes Lane, Highfield8:07
E-Bound, Smailes Lane - Cowell Grove, Smailes Lane, Highfield8:09
SE-Bound, Smailes Lane-Valley View, Smailes Lane, Highfield8:10
E-Bound, Smailes Lane-Stewartsfield, Smailes Lane, Highfield8:12
E-Bound, Strathmore Road, Rowlands Gill8:13
NE-Bound, Station Road - Stirling Lane, Station Road, Rowlands Gill8:16
NE-Bound, Station Road-Hollydene, Station Road, Rowlands Gill8:16
N-Bound, Lockhaugh Road-Dominies Close, Lockhaugh Road, Rowlands Gill8:17
NE-Bound, Lockhaugh Road-Hollin Hill Lane, Lockhaugh Road, Rowlands Gill8:17
NE-Bound, Lockhaugh Road-Thornley Lane, Lockhaugh Road, Lockhaugh8:18
N-Bound, Thornley Lane-Glamis Crescent, Thornley Lane, Lockhaugh8:18
N-Bound, Thornley Lane-Hollinhill, Thornley Lane, Lockhaugh8:18
N-Bound, Scotland Head-Snook Hill Cottages, Scotland Head, Winlaton8:20
N-Bound, Scotland Head-Stephenson Way, Scotland Head, Winlaton8:21
N-Bound, Scotland Head-Park Lane, Scotland Head, Winlaton8:21
N-Bound, Scotland Head-West Lane, Scotland Head, Winlaton8:22
N-Bound, North Street, Winlaton8:24
NE-Bound, Back Lane-Twizell Avenue, Back Lane, Winlaton8:26
NE-Bound, Back Lane-School, Back Lane, Blaydon8:27
N-Bound, St Thomas More RC Academy, Croftdale Road, Blaydon8:28