GeoPunk Bus Timetables

902 Bus Route: Notre Dame School - Lowestoft with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by First Norfolk & Suffolk

Operator Details and Contact Information

Bus CompanyFirst Eastern Counties Buses Ltd
AddressFirst Customer Services South, Davey House, 7B Castle Meadow, Norwich NR1 3DE

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Map of the 902 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 902 - Notre Dame School - Lowestoft Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

Stand 3, Bus Station, Gordon Road, Lowestoft7:00
Opposite, Waveney Chambers, Waveney Road, Lowestoft7:02
nr, East Point Pavilion, Lowestoft7:03
adj, Waterloo Road, Victoria Terrace, Lowestoft7:04
Outside, Claremont Pier, Kirkley Cliff, Lowestoft7:05
opp, Cliff Road, Kirkley7:06
S-bound, Rectory Road, Kirkley Cliff Road, Kirkley7:07
adj, Kensington Road, Kirkley Cliff Road, Kirkley7:08
adj, Kendal Road, London Road South, Kirkley7:09
Opposite, The Avenue, London Road South, Kirkley7:10
adj, Tramway Hotel, London Road, Pakefield7:11
Adjacent, London Road Co-Op, Stradbroke Road, Pakefield7:11
Adjacent, Ship Road, Stradbroke Road, Pakefield7:12
adj, Lansdowne Road, Stradbroke Road, Pakefield7:14
N-bound, Elm Tree Roundabout, Elm Tree Road, Carlton Colville7:16
opp, Damask Close, Ashburnham Way, Carlton Colville7:17
adj, Co-Op, Ashburnham Way, Carlton Colville7:18
Opposite, Uplands Community Centre, Ashburnham Way, Carlton Colville7:18
opp, Daffodil Walk, Hollow Grove Way, Carlton Colville7:18
adj, Hollow Grove Way, Beccles Road, Carlton Colville7:19
opp, Marsh Lane, Beccles Road, Carlton Colville7:20
opp, West Cottage, Barnby7:23
Opposite, Nursery, Barnby7:24
opp, Rectory Road, Norwich Road, Stockton7:36
adj, Ranters Row, Beccles Road, Hales7:40
opp, Green Lane, Beccles Road, Hales7:41
opp, Langley Gates, A146 Norwich Road, Thurton7:47
adj, Manor Farm, Norwich Road, Thurton7:49
adj, George & Dragon, Norwich Road, Thurton7:50
adj, Prospect Place, Norwich Road, Thurton7:51
adj, Hellington Corner, Loddon Road, Hellington7:54
opp, Orchard Farm, Loddon Road, Yelverton7:55
adj, Slade Lane, A146 Loddon Road, Framingham Earl7:58
opp, Gull, Loddon Road, Framingham Earl7:59
Stop D, Outside County Hall, Bracondale, Norwich8:09
opp, King Street, Bracondale, Norwich8:11
adj, Corton Road, Bracondale, Norwich8:13
adj, Sentinel House, Surrey Street, Norwich8:20

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

adj, Notre Dame School, Surrey Street, Norwich15:43
Stop C, King Street, Bracondale, Norwich15:47
opp, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich15:48
adj, Gull, Loddon Road, Framingham Earl15:54
opp, Slade Lane, A146 Loddon Road, Framingham Earl15:54
adj, Orchard Farm, Loddon Road, Yelverton15:56
opp, Hellington Corner, Loddon Road, Hellington15:57
opp, Prospect Place, Norwich Road, Thurton15:58
opp, George & Dragon, Norwich Road, Thurton15:59
opp, Manor Farm, Norwich Road, Thurton16:00
adj, Langley Gates, A146 Norwich Road, Thurton16:01
adj, Green Lane, Beccles Road, Hales16:05
adj, Church Lane, Beccles Road, Hales16:06
adj, Rectory Road, Norwich Road, Stockton16:10
Outside, Nursery, Barnby16:22
adj, West Cottage, Barnby16:23
adj, Marsh Lane, Carlton Colville16:26
opp, Hollow Grove Way, Beccles Road, Carlton Colville16:27
adj, Daffodil Walk, Hollow Grove Way, Carlton Colville16:28
Adjacent, Uplands Community Centre, Ashburnham Way, Carlton Colville16:28
Opposite, Co-Op, Ashburnham Way, Carlton Colville16:28
adj, Damask Close, Ashburnham Way, Carlton Colville16:29
S-bound, Elm Tree Roundabout, Elm Tree Road, Carlton Colville16:30
opp, Lansdowne Road, Stradbroke Road, Pakefield16:31
opp, Ship Road, Stradbroke Road, Pakefield16:33
opp, Tramway Hotel, London Road South, Pakefield16:34
adj, The Avenue, London Road South, Kirkley16:35
opp, Kendal Road, London Road South, Kirkley16:35
opp, Kensington Road, London Road South, Kirkley16:36
N-bound, Rectory Road, London Road South, Kirkley16:37
adj, Lorne Park Road, London Road South, Kirkley16:37
adj, Union Place, London Road South, Lowestoft16:38
adj, Freemantle Road, London Road South, Lowestoft16:38
opp, Mill Road, Lowestoft16:39
nr, Asda, Belvedere Road, Lowestoft16:39
adj, Railway Station, Lowestoft16:41
Stand 3, Bus Station, Gordon Road, Lowestoft16:47