GeoPunk Bus Timetables

6A Bus Route: Whitton - Ipswich Town Centre - Northgate High School with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Ipswich Buses

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Map of the 6A Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 6A - Whitton - Ipswich Town Centre - Northgate High School Route

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N-Bound, Shopping Parade, Shakespeare Road, Castle Hill7:25
Opposite, Spenser Road, Shakespeare Road, Whitton7:26
Outside, Shakespeare Road, Whitton7:27
o/s 57, Byron Road, Whitton7:28
Opposite, Parnell Road, Defoe Road, Whitton7:30
Opposite, Heathercroft Road, Defoe Road, Whitton7:31
Adjacent, Mitford Close, Defoe Road, Whitton7:32
Adjacent, Chepstow Road, Defoe Road, Whitton7:33
Adjacent, Lincoln Close, Fircroft Road, Castle Hill7:34
Adjacent, Pearcroft Road, Fircroft Road, Castle Hill7:34
Adjacent, Recreation Ground, Congreve Road, Castle Hill7:35
Adjacent, Elmcroft Road, Congreve Road, Castle Hill7:36
opp, Cedarcroft Road, Elmcroft Road, Castle Hill7:36
opp, Willowcroft Road, Elmcroft Road, Castle Hill7:37
opp, Pinecroft Road, Elmcroft Road, Castle Hill7:38
Opposite, Ashcroft Road, Beechcroft Road, Castle Hill7:39
opp, Norbridge Social Club, Norwich Road, Westbourne7:40
Opposite, Springfield Lane, Norwich Road, Westbourne7:41
Opposite, Richmond Road, Norwich Road, Westbourne7:43
Adjacent, Westwood Avenue, Norwich Road, Westbourne7:45
Opposite, YMCA, Norwich Road, Westbourne7:46
Opposite, Granville Street, Norwich Road, Ipswich7:49
Adjacent, Ipswich Furniture Project, St Matthews Street, Ipswich7:52
Stand KK, Tower Ramparts Bus Station, Tower Ramparts, Ipswich7:55 depart8:00
Adjacent, Cobden Place, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich8:01
Adjacent, Lacey Street, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich8:03
Adjacent, Medical Centre, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich8:03
Adjacent, Rivers Street, Rushmere8:05
Adjacent, Khartoum Road, Woodbridge Road, Rushmere8:06
Opposite, Nelson Road, Woodbridge Road, Rushmere8:07
Opposite, Gordon Road, Woodbridge Road, Rushmere8:08
opp, Schreiber Road, Rushmere Road, Rushmere8:09
adj, Bramley Chase, Rushmere Road, Rushmere8:09
Adjacent, Phoenix Road, Woodbridge Road, Rushmere8:10
Opposite, Howard Street, Woodbridge Road, Rushmere8:11
Adjacent, Lattice Barn PH, Woodbridge Road, Rushmere8:12
adj, Crofton Road, Colchester Road, Rushmere8:13
adj, Norbury Road, Colchester Road, Rushmere8:14
adj, Caithness Close, Renfrew Road, Rushmere8:15
adj, Cromarty Road, Renfrew Road, Rushmere8:16
adj, Aberdeen Way, Renfrew Road, Rushmere8:17
adj, Lanark Road, Renfrew Road, Rushmere8:17
opp, Rugby Club, Humber Doucy Lane, Rushmere8:18
adj, Turning Circle, Sidegate Lane, Rushmere8:19
adj, Fairlight Close, Sidegate Lane, Rushmere8:19
Opposite, Northgate School, Sidegate Lane, Rushmere8:21