GeoPunk Bus Timetables

616 Bus Route: Ravenswood - Holbrook Academy with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Ipswich Buses

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Map of the 616 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 616 - Ravenswood - Holbrook Academy Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

Inside, Academy, Holbrook15:30
Outside, Shelter, Ipswich Road, Holbrook15:30
adj, Freston Street, Freston15:33
adj, The Boot, Freston Hill, Freston15:35
adj, Red House, Wherstead15:37
Outside, The Strand, Bourne Bridge15:39
adj, Oyster Reach, The Strand, Bourne Bridge15:39
Opposite, Petrol Station, Wherstead Road, Bourne Bridge15:40
Opposite, Orwells, Wherstead Road, Bourne Bridge15:41
Opposite, T H Moss, Wherstead Road, Bourne Bridge15:41
Opposite, Port Gate 5, Wherstead Road, Bourne Bridge15:41
Adjacent, Subway, Wherstead Road, Stoke15:42
Adjacent, Brooklands, Stoke15:43
Adjacent, Old Bell, Stoke15:45
Adjacent, Fore Street, Grimwade Street, Ipswich15:48
adj, Holy Trinity Church, Fore Hamlet, Rose Hill15:49
adj, Cavendish Street, Bishops Hill, Rose Hill15:51
opp, Holywells Park, Rose Hill15:53
opp, Elmhurst Drive, Nacton Road, Holywells Park15:55
Opposite, Cliff Lane, Clapgate Lane, Holywells Park15:55
adj, Powling Road, Clapgate Lane, Landseer Park15:56
adj, Benacre Road, Clapgate Lane, Landseer Park15:57
adj, Co-op Shops, Clapgate Lane, Gainsborough15:57
opp, Cotman Road, Clapgate Lane, Gainsborough15:58
opp, Hossack Road, Clapgate Lane, Gainsborough15:59
Adjacent, Windermere Close, Clapgate Lane, Gainsborough16:00
opp, Sports Centre, Gainsborough16:00
E-bound, Busway, Ravenswood Way, Ravenswood16:01
adj, Demoiselle Crescent, Ravenswood Avenue, Ravenswood16:02
Opposite, Primary School, Ravenswood Avenue, Ravenswood16:03
Adjacent, The Raven, Ravenswood Avenue, Ravenswood16:04
Opposite, Crane Boulevard, Nacton Road, Priory Heath16:04
Opposite, The Drift, Nacton Road, Priory Heath16:04
opp, Lindbergh Road, Nacton Road, Priory Heath16:05
o/s, Grosvenor Court, Nacton Road, Priory Heath16:06

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

opp, Landseer Road, Nacton Road, Priory Heath7:40
Adjacent, Lindbergh Road, Nacton Road, Priory Heath7:40
Adjacent, The Drift, Nacton Road, Priory Heath7:41
Adjacent, Crane Boulevard, Nacton Road, Priory Heath7:41
Opposite, The Raven, Ravenswood Avenue, Ravenswood7:42
Adjacent, Primary School, Ravenswood7:43
opp, Demoiselle Crescent, Ravenswood Avenue, Ravenswood7:43
W-bound, Busway, Ravenswood Way, Ravenswood7:44
adj, Sports Centre, Gainsborough7:44
Opposite, Windermere Close, Clapgate Lane, Gainsborough7:45
adj, Hossack Road, Clapgate Lane, Gainsborough7:45
adj, Cotman Road, Clapgate Lane, Gainsborough7:47
adj, Landseer Park, Clapgate Lane, Gainsborough7:47
opp, Benacre Road, Clapgate Lane, Landseer Park7:48
opp, Powling Road, Clapgate Lane, Landseer Park7:48
Outside, Cliff Lane, Clapgate Lane, Holywells Park7:49
adj, Elmhurst Drive, Nacton Road, Holywells Park7:50
adj, Holywells Park, Rose Hill7:52
opp, Cavendish Street, Bishops Hill, Rose Hill7:55
opp, Holy Trinity Church, Fore Hamlet, Rose Hill7:56
Adjacent, Old Custom House, Key Street, Ipswich8:00
Opposite, Old Bell, Stoke8:02
Adjacent, Little Whip Street, Stoke8:02
Adjacent, IP-City Centre, Hawes Street, Stoke8:03
Opposite, Subway, Wherstead Road, Stoke8:06
Adjacent, Port Gate 5, Wherstead Road, Bourne Bridge8:07
Outside, T H Moss, Wherstead Road, Bourne Bridge8:07
Adjacent, Orwells, Wherstead Road, Bourne Bridge8:08
Adjacent, Petrol Station, Wherstead Road, Bourne Bridge8:10
Opposite, Oyster Reach, The Strand, Bourne Bridge8:10
Opposite, The Strand, Bourne Bridge8:10
opp, Red House, Wherstead8:12
opp, The Boot, Freston Hill, Freston8:15
opp, Freston Street, Freston8:16
Opposite, Shelter, Ipswich Road, Holbrook8:19
Inside, Academy, Holbrook8:20