GeoPunk Bus Timetables

3 Bus Route: Bedingfield Street - Worlingworth - Debenham - Stowmarket with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by High Suffolk Community Transport

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Map of the 3 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 3 - Bedingfield Street - Worlingworth - Debenham - Stowmarket Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

Outside, Argos Store, Stowmarket13:10
Opposite, Railway Station, Station Road East, Stowmarket13:10
opp, The Little Wellington, Station Road, Stowmarket13:10
opp, Laburnham Cottage, Stowupland Road, Stowupland13:11
Opposite, Allotments, Stowmarket Road, Stowupland13:12
opp, Mill Street, Stowupland13:13
adj, Crown, Church Road, Stowupland13:14
o/s, Primary School, Church Road, Stowupland13:14
Adjacent, The Street, A1120, Saxham Street13:16
Opposite, Primrose Cottage, Stowmarket Road, Forward Green13:19
adj, Church, A1120, Earl Stonham13:21
opp, Brewery Farm, Little Stonham13:23
Adjacent, Valley Farm, Stowmarket Road, Little Stonham13:23
adj, Pound Corner, Stonham Aspal13:25
N-bound, The Green, B1115, Mill Green13:27
opp, High School, Debenham13:33
opp, Henry Street, Gracechurch Street, Debenham13:34
adj, Henniker Road, Gracechurch Street, Debenham13:34
opp, Bus Shelter, Debenham13:35
adj, The Butts, Debenham13:35
Adjacent, Church Lane, Kenton13:41
Outside, Garneys Close, Eye Road, Kenton13:43
Opposite, Church Lane, Kenton13:44
Opposite, The Old Crown, Eye Road, Kenton13:45
Opposite, Council Houses, Oakfields Road, Monk Soham13:48
Outside, Old School, School Road, Monk Soham13:51
N-bound, Dog Corner, Cemetery Road, Bedfield Little Green13:54
Opposite, Playing Field, Long Green, Bedfield13:56
Opposite, Tannington Road, Southolt Road, Bedfield13:58
opp, The Cross, Shop Street, Worlingworth14:02
opp, Church, Church Road, Worlingworth14:04
adj, The Cross, Church Road, Worlingworth14:05
opp, Maisies Meadow, Shop Street, Worlingworth14:06
adj, Letter Box, Mill Road, Worlingworth14:08
opp, Church Green, The Street, Southolt14:11
opp, Village Sign, Mill Road, Redlingfield14:15
Opposite, Church, Park Road, Bedingfield14:18
Adjacent, The Pump, The Street, Bedingfield Street14:20

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

Opposite, The Pump, The Street, Bedingfield Street9:22
Adjacent, Church, Park Road, Bedingfield9:24
adj, Village Sign, Mill Road, Redlingfield9:31
adj, Church Green, The Street, Southolt9:35
opp, Letter Box, Mill Road, Worlingworth9:38
adj, Maisies Meadow, Shop Street, Worlingworth9:39
opp, The Cross, Shop Street, Worlingworth9:40
adj, Church, Church Road, Worlingworth9:42
adj, The Cross, Church Road, Worlingworth9:44
Adjacent, Tannington Road, Southolt Road, Bedfield9:48
Adjacent, Playing Field, Long Green, Bedfield9:50
S-bound, Dog Corner, Cemetery Road, Bedfield Little Green9:52
Opposite, Old School, School Road, Monk Soham9:55
Adjacent, Council Houses, Oakfields Road, Monk Soham9:58
Adjacent, The Old Crown, Eye Road, Kenton10:01
Adjacent, Church Lane, Kenton10:01
Outside, Garneys Close, Eye Road, Kenton10:03
Opposite, Church Lane, Kenton10:05
adj, Gardeners Cottage, Debenham10:10
o/s, Bus Shelter, High Street, Debenham10:11
opp, Henniker Road, Gracechurch Street, Debenham10:11
adj, Henry Street, Gracechurch Street, Debenham10:11
o/s, High School, Debenham10:12
S-bound, The Green, B1115, Mill Green10:18
adj, Pound Corner, Stonham Aspal10:20
opp, Valley Farm, Stowmarket Road, Little Stonham10:22
adj, Brewery Farm, Little Stonham10:22
opp, Church, A1120, Earl Stonham10:24
Adjacent, Primrose Cottage, Stowmarket Road, Forward Green10:26
Opposite, The Street, A1120, Saxham Street10:29
opp, Crown, Church Road, Stowupland10:31
Adjacent, Cinema, Ipswich Street, Stowmarket10:35
Outside, Argos Store, Stowmarket10:36