GeoPunk Bus Timetables

19 Bus Route: Mapperley - Arnold - Bestwood Park with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by CT4N

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Map of the 19 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 19 - Mapperley - Arnold - Bestwood Park Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Stop SH96, Winchester Court, Mapperley9:3010:3011:3013:15
Stop SH88, Briarwood Court, Mapperley9:3010:3011:3013:15
Stop SH97, Sherwood Vale Bridge, Sherwood Vale, Mapperley9:3110:3111:3113:16
Stop SH89, Sherwood Vale Middle, Sherwood Vale, Mapperley9:3310:3311:3313:18
Stop SH90, Penarth Rise, Sherwood Vale, Mapperley9:3310:3311:3313:18
SE-bound, Woodthorpe Gardens, Woodthorpe Road, Mapperley9:3310:3311:3313:18
Stop SH91, Woodthorpe Road Top, Woodthorpe Road, Mapperley9:3410:3411:3413:19
Stop MA17, Robinson Road, Woodborough Road, Mapperley9:3410:3411:3413:19
NE-bound, Shops, Plains Road, Mapperley9:3610:3611:3613:21
opp, Steedman Avenue, Plains Road, Mapperley Plains9:3610:3611:3613:21
adj, Newbury Close, Plains Road, Mapperley Plains9:3710:3711:3713:22
NE-bound, Plains Road, Mapperley Plains9:3710:3711:3713:22
opp, Arnold Lane, Plains Road, Mapperley Plains9:3810:3811:3813:23
adj, Plains Farm Close, Mapperley Plains9:3910:3911:3913:24
opp, Podder Lane, Mapperley Plains9:4010:4011:4013:25
o/s 365, Mapperley Plains9:4110:4111:4113:26
opp, Newcombe Drive, Ramsey Drive, Plains Estate9:4310:4311:4313:28
adj, Newcombe Drive, Ramsey Drive, Plains Estate9:4310:4311:4313:28
adj, Hunter Road, Ramsey Drive, Plains Estate9:4310:4311:4313:28
opp, Trueman Gardens, Ramsey Drive, Plains Estate9:4310:4311:4313:28
adj, Banks Close, Ramsey Drive, Plains Estate9:4410:4411:4413:29
adj, Derwent Crescent, Gedling Road, Arno Vale9:4510:4511:4513:30
opp, Clarborough Drive, Gedling Road, Arno Vale9:4510:4511:4513:30
opp, Rolleston Drive, Gedling Road, Arnold9:4510:4511:4513:30
adj, Arnold View School, Gedling Road, Arnold9:4610:4611:4613:31
adj, Gedling Road, Hallams Lane, Arnold9:4610:4611:4613:31
opp, Market Place, Hallams Lane, Arnold9:4710:4711:4713:32
N-bound, High Street, Arnold9:4910:4911:4913:34
SE-bound, Croft Road, Arnold9:5010:5011:5013:35
Stand 4, Front Street, Arnold9:5210:5211:5213:37
adj, James Street, Cross Street, Arnold9:5310:5311:5313:38
opp, Galway Road, Cross Street, Arnold9:5410:5411:5413:39
adj, Furlong Avenue, Cross Street, Arnold9:5510:5511:5513:40
SW-bound, Oxclose Lane, Daybrook9:5610:5611:5613:41
adj, Roundwood Road, Queens Bower Road, Bestwood Park9:5610:5611:5613:41
Stop BP47, Melksham Road, Mildenhall Crescent, Bestwood Park9:5910:5911:5913:44

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

Stop BP47, Melksham Road, Mildenhall Crescent, Bestwood Park10:0011:0012:0013:45
Stop BP48, Capenwray Gardens, Mildenhall Crescent, Bestwood Park10:0011:0012:0013:45
Stop BP49, Milverton Road, Mildenhall Crescent, Bestwood Park10:0111:0112:0113:45
adj, Bestwood Lodge Drive, Queens Bower Road, Bestwood Park10:0211:0212:0213:45
opp, Roundwood Road, Queens Bower Road, Bestwood Park10:0211:0212:0213:45
adj, Queens Bower Road, Oxclose Lane, Bestwood Park10:0311:0312:0313:45
NE-bound, Oxclose Lane, Daybrook10:0311:0312:0313:45
opp, Furlong Avenue, Cross Street, Arnold10:0411:0412:0413:46
adj, Galway Road, Cross Street, Arnold10:0511:0512:0513:46
opp, James Street, Cross Street, Arnold10:0511:0512:0513:46
adj, ASDA, High Street, Arnold10:0711:0712:0713:47
S-bound, High Street, Arnold10:0811:0812:0813:48
o/s, Market Place, Hallams Lane, Arnold10:1011:1012:1013:50
o/s 53, Gedling Road, Arnold10:1011:1012:1013:50
opp, Arnold View School, Gedling Road, Arnold10:1111:1112:1113:51
adj, Rolleston Drive, Gedling Road, Arnold10:1111:1112:1113:51
adj, Clarborough Drive, Gedling Road, Arno Vale10:1211:1212:1213:52
opp, Derwent Crescent, Gedling Road, Arno Vale10:1311:1312:1313:53
adj, Flowers Close, Ramsey Drive, Plains Estate10:1311:1312:1313:53
opp, Banks Close, Ramsey Drive, Plains Estate10:1311:1312:1313:53
adj, Trueman Gardens, Ramsey Drive, Plains Estate10:1311:1312:1313:53
opp, Hunter Road, Ramsey Drive, Plains Estate10:1311:1312:1313:53
SE-bound, Croft Road, Arnold10:1411:1412:1413:54
adj, Newcombe Drive, Ramsey Drive, Plains Estate10:1511:1512:1513:55
o/s 370, Mapperley Plains10:1611:1612:1613:56
adj, Spring Lane Top, Mapperley Plains10:1811:1812:1813:58
adj, Podder Lane, Mapperley Plains10:1811:1812:1813:58
opp, Plains Farm Close, Mapperley Plains10:1911:1912:1913:59
adj, Arnold Lane, Plains Road, Mapperley Plains10:2011:2012:2014:00
SW-bound, Plains Road, Mapperley Plains10:2011:2012:2014:00
opp, Newbury Close, Plains Road, Mapperley Plains10:2111:2112:2114:01
adj, Steedman Avenue, Plains Road, Mapperley Plains10:2211:2212:2214:02
SW-bound, Shops, Plains Road, Mapperley10:2311:2312:2314:03
adj, Whittingham Road, Woodborough Road, Mapperley10:2311:2312:2314:03
Stop SH78, Woodthorpe Road Top, Woodthorpe Road, Mapperley10:2411:2412:2414:04
Stop SH79, Penarth Rise, Sherwood Vale, Mapperley10:2511:2512:2514:05
Stop SH80, Sherwood Vale Middle, Sherwood Vale, Mapperley10:2611:2612:2614:06
Stop SH87, Briarwood Court, Winchester Court, Mapperley10:2711:2712:2714:07
Stop SH96, Winchester Court, Mapperley10:2811:2812:2814:08