GeoPunk Bus Timetables

19C Bus Route: Moira - Linton - Burton with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Diamond Bus East Midlands

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Map of the 19C Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 19C - Moira - Linton - Burton Route

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Inbound Timetable

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adjacent, Daybell Road, Ashby Road, Moira7:08
adjacent, Keepers Close, Ashby Road, Moira7:08
opposite, Station Drive, Ashby Road, Moira7:09
opposite, Crossroads, Measham Road, Moira7:10
opp, Brooks Close, Moira Road, Donisthorpe7:14
opposite, Masons Arms PH, Measham Road, Donisthorpe7:15
opp, New Street, Measham Road, Oakthorpe7:18
opposite, School Street, Measham Road, Oakthorpe7:19
opp, Blackthorn Way, New Street, Measham7:22
adjacent, The Swan, High Street, Measham7:23
outside, Church, High Street, Measham7:23
adjacent, Navigation Street, High Street, Measham7:24
opposite, Burton Road, High Street, Measham7:24
corner of, Tamworth Road, Burton Road, Measham7:24
The Croft, BURTON ROAD, Measham7:25
adj, Dysons Close, Burton Road, Measham7:25
opposite, Chapel Street, MEASHAM ROAD, Oakthorpe7:27
opposite, Measham Road, Acresford7:32
Opp, St Peters Church, Church Street, Netherseal7:35
Adj, Hollybush, Main Street, Netherseal7:35
Adj, Clifton Road, Main Street, Netherseal7:35
Adj, Hawthorn Avenue, Main Street, Netherseal7:35
Opp, Gorsey Lane, Gunby Hill, Netherseal7:36
Adj, Gunby Farm, Gunby Hill, Netherseal7:37
NE-bound, Gunby Hill, Netherseal7:37
NE-bound, Lullington Road, Overseal7:39
NW-bound, Burton Road, Overseal7:40
Opp, Coronation Street, Burton Road, Overseal7:40
Adj, Green Lane, Burton Road, Overseal7:41
Adj, Burton Road 225, Burton Road, Overseal7:41
Adj, Rickmans Corner, Burton Road, Linton7:42
Opp, Mount Pleasant, Linton Heath, Linton7:42
Adj, Methodist Church, Linton Heath, Linton7:42
Opp, Waterfallows Lane, Linton Heath, Linton7:43
Adj, Off Licence, Linton Heath, Linton7:43
opp, School, Main Street, Linton7:43
Adj, Post Office, Main Street, Linton7:44
Adj, Red Lion, Main Street, Linton7:45
adj, Coton Park Corner, Hillside Road, Linton7:45
NE-bound, Hillside Road, Linton7:45
Adj, Church, Hillside Road, Linton7:46
Opp, Linton Road Shops, Linton Road, Castle Gresley7:48
Opp, Bridge Street, Burton Road, Castle Gresley7:48
Adj, Toons Furnishings, Burton Road, Castle Gresley7:49
Adj, Mount Road, Burton Road, Castle Gresley7:50
Opp, Meynell House, Burton Road, Castle Gresley7:51
N-bound, Cadley Hill Roundabout, Burton Road, Castle Gresley7:52
Opp, Gate Inn, Woodland Road, Stanton7:53
Opp, White Horse, Woodland Road, Stanton7:55
N-bound, Woodland Road, Stanton7:56
Adj, Urban Chef, Woodland Road, Stanton7:57
opp, Bretlands Way, Stanton Road, Edge Hill7:58
opp, House no. 109, Stanton Road, Edge Hill7:59
opp, Bluestone Lane, Stanton Road, Edge Hill8:00
adj, Saxon Street, Stanton Road, Stapenhill8:02
opp, Woods Lane, Stanton Road, Stapenhill8:06
adj, St Peters Church, St Peters Bridge, Stapenhill8:09
opp, Bond Street, Lichfield Street, Burton upon Trent8:16
adj, The Octagon Centre, Lichfield Street, Burton upon Trent8:18
Stand 3, New Street, Burton upon Trent8:20