GeoPunk Bus Timetables

137 Bus Route: Langley - Belper Primary School with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Notts and Derby

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Map of the 137 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 137 - Langley - Belper Primary School Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

adj, St Elizabeths Primary School, School access road, Belper15:40
Opp, Mill, Matlock Road, Belper15:42
adj, The Lion Hotel, Bridge Street, Belper15:45
Stop A, King Street, Belper15:50
Adj, Church Lane, Church Street, Belper15:50
Adj, Osmaston Grange, Chesterfield Road, Belper15:50
Adj, Thorn Tree Inn, Chesterfield Road, Belper15:50
NE-bound, Laund Hill, Far Laund15:50
Opp, Laund Nook, Far Laund15:50
Opp, Laund Avenue, Far Laund15:50
Adj, Lawn Farm, Far Laund15:51
adj, Edensor Drive, Ashford Rise, Far Laund15:52
opp, Astlow Drive, Ashford Rise, Far Laund15:52
opp, Applewood Close, Ashford Rise, Whitemoor15:53
Opp, Loom Close, Gregorys Way, Whitemoor15:54
adj, Nailers Way, Gregorys Way, Whitemoor15:55
S-bound, Gregorys Way End, Gregorys Way, Whitemoor15:56
Opp, Hunter Road, Whitemoor Lane, Whitemoor15:57
Adj, Medical Centre, Whitemoor Lane, Whitemoor15:57
Opp, Morrell Wood Drive, Whitemoor Lane, Whitemoor15:57
Opp, Overlane Nurseries, Over Lane, Whitemoor15:58
Opp, Ashop Road, Over Lane, Whitemoor15:58
Opp, Whitemoor House, Over Lane, Whitemoor15:58
Adj, Hillcrest, Over Lane, Openwoodgate15:59
adj, St Marks Church, Over Lane, Openwoodgate15:59
Opp, Hop Inn, Sandbed Lane, Openwoodgate16:00
Opp, Sandbed Lane Recreation Ground, Sandbed Lane, Openwoodgate16:00
S-bound, Pinchoms Hill, Sandbed Lane, Bargate16:01
S-bound, Highwood Bank, Sandbed Lane, Bargate16:02
adj, The White Hart, Sandbed Lane, Bargate16:03
Adj, Blackbird Row, Belper Road, Bargate16:03
Opp, 65 Belper Road, Belper Road, Bargate16:03
adj, Chapel Street, Belper Road, Holbrook Moor16:03
opp, Post Office, Chapel Street, Holbrook Moor16:04
N-bound, Moorside Lane, Holbrook Moor16:04
Adj, Kinder Crescent, Killis Lane, Holbrook Moor16:05
NE-bound, Hill Top, Killis Lane, Holbrook Moor16:06
Opp, Killis Lane, Belper Road, Kilburn16:07
SE-bound, Rawson Green, Kilburn16:07
Adj, Brickyard Lane, Rawson Green, Kilburn16:08
Opp, Bywell Lane, Kilburn16:09
adj, Infants School, Highfield Road, Kilburn16:09
Adj, Alfred Road, Dale Park Avenue, Kilburn16:10
Adj, Vincent Close, Dale Park Avenue, Kilburn16:11
Adj, Windmill Avenue south end, Elm Tree Avenue, Kilburn16:11
Adj, The Chase, Elm Tree Avenue, Kilburn16:11
adj, Windmill Avenue north end, Elm Tree Avenue, Kilburn16:12
Adj, Cumbersome Corner, Chapel Street, Kilburn16:13
Adj, Bottlebrook, Denby Lane, Kilburn16:13
adj, Denby Lodge, Church Street, Denby16:16
Opp, Church, Church Street, Denby16:17
NE-bound, Church Street, Denby16:18
NE-bound, High Bank, Denby Common16:18
Adj, The Bulls Head, Denby Common16:20
NE-bound, Heanor Road, Denby Common16:20
Adj, Grammer Street, Loscoe Denby Lane, Loscoe16:21
Opp, Scarsdale House Farm, Loscoe Denby Lane, Loscoe16:22
Adj, The Nook, Loscoe Denby Lane, Loscoe16:23
Adj, Grandfield Street, High Street, Loscoe16:23
opp, Loscoe Grange, High Street, Loscoe16:25
Opp, Milward Road, Heanor Road, Heanor16:26
Opp, Watkinson Street, Loscoe Road, Heanor16:26
Adj, Midland Road, Loscoe Road, Heanor16:27
adj, Retail Park, High Street, Heanor16:28
Stop 3, Church, Market Street, Heanor16:30
Opp, Vicarage Gardens, Hands Road, Heanor16:30
Adj, Hands Road 85, Hands Road, Langley16:31
adj, Butchers Arms, Hands Road, Langley16:32
Opp, Recreation Ground, Hands Road, Langley16:32
opp, Infant School, Lacey Fields Road, Langley16:33
Opp, Brookfield Way 20, Brookfield Way, Langley16:33
Adj, Hartside Way, Brookfield Way, Langley16:33
Adj, Meadow Gardens 31, Meadow Gardens, Langley16:33
Adj, Kew Crescent, Breach Road, Langley16:35

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

Adj, Kew Crescent, Breach Road, Langley7:42
opp, Clara Mount Road, Breach Road, Langley7:43
opp, Breach Road, Ilkeston Road, Marlpool7:45
adj, Cemetery, Ilkeston Road, Marlpool7:47
adj, Library, Ilkeston Road, Heanor7:48
Adj, The Crown PH, Ilkeston Road, Heanor7:49
Stop 1, Market Place, Heanor7:50
opp, Retail Park, High Street, Heanor7:51
Opp, Midland Road, Loscoe Road, Heanor7:51
Adj, Watkinson Street, Loscoe Road, Heanor7:51
Adj, Milward Road, Loscoe Road, Heanor7:52
Adj, Loscoe Grange, High Street, Loscoe7:52
Adj, Flamstead Avenue, High Street, Loscoe7:53
opp, The Nook, Loscoe Denby Lane, Loscoe7:54
Adj, Scarsdale House Farm, Loscoe Denby Lane, Loscoe7:55
Opp, Grammer Street, Loscoe Denby Lane, Loscoe7:55
SW-bound, Heanor Road, Denby Common7:56
Opp, The Bulls Head, Denby Common7:57
SW-bound, High Bank, Denby Common7:58
Adj, Church, Church Street, Denby8:00
opp, Denby Lodge, Church Street, Denby8:00
Opp, Bottlebrook, Denby Lane, Kilburn8:02
Opp, Cumbersome Corner, Chapel Street, Kilburn8:03
opp, Windmill Avenue north end, Elm Tree Avenue, Kilburn8:03
Opp, The Chase, Elm Tree Avenue, Kilburn8:03
Opp, Windmill Avenue south end, Elm Tree Avenue, Kilburn8:04
Opp, Vincent Close, Dale Park Avenue, Kilburn8:05
Opp, Alfred Road, Dale Park Avenue, Kilburn8:05
opp, Infants School, Highfield Road, Kilburn8:06
Adj, Bywell Lane, Kilburn8:07
Opp, Brickyard Lane, Rawson Green, Kilburn8:07
NW-bound, Rawson Green, Kilburn8:07
Adj, Killis Lane, Belper Road, Kilburn8:08
S-bound, Hill Top, Killis Lane, Holbrook Moor8:09
Opp, Kinder Crescent, Killis Lane, Holbrook Moor8:10
S-bound, Moorside Lane, Holbrook Moor8:11
adj, Post Office, Chapel Street, Holbrook Moor8:12
W-bound, Chapel Street, Holbrook Moor8:12
outside, 65 Belper Road, Belper Road, Bargate8:12
Opp, Blackbird Row, Belper Road, Bargate8:13
opp, The White Hart, Sandbed Lane, Bargate8:14
N-bound, Highwood Bank, Sandbed Lane, Bargate8:14
N-bound, Pinchoms Hill, Sandbed Lane, Bargate8:15
Adj, Sandbed Lane Recreation Ground, Sandbed Lane, Openwoodgate8:16
Adj, Hop Inn, Sandbed Lane, Openwoodgate8:18
opp, St Marks Church, Over Lane, Openwoodgate8:18
Opp, Hillcrest, Over Lane, Openwoodgate8:18
Adj, Whitemoor House, Over Lane, Whitemoor8:19
Adj, Ashop Road, Over Lane, Whitemoor8:19
Adj, Overlane Nurseries, Over Lane, Whitemoor8:19
Adj, Morrell Wood Drive, Whitemoor Lane, Whitemoor8:20
Opp, Medical Centre, Whitemoor Lane, Whitemoor8:21
Adj, Hunter Road, Whitemoor Lane, Whitemoor8:22
N-bound, Gregorys Way End, Gregorys Way, Whitemoor8:22
opp, Nailers Way, Gregorys Way, Whitemoor8:22
Adj, Loom Close, Gregorys Way, Whitemoor8:23
Adj, Applewood Close, Ashford Rise, Whitemoor8:23
Adj, Astlow Drive, Ashford Rise, Far Laund8:24
opp, Edensor Drive, Ashford Rise, Far Laund8:24
Opp, Lawn Farm, Far Laund8:25
Adj, Laund Avenue, Far Laund8:26
Adj, Laund Nook, Far Laund8:26
SW-bound, Laund Hill, Far Laund8:26
Opp, Thorn Tree Inn, Chesterfield Road, Belper8:27
Opp, Osmaston Grange, Chesterfield Road, Belper8:27
opp, Church Lane, Chesterfield Road, Belper8:28
SW-bound, Market Place, Belper8:28
SW-bound, New Road, Belper8:29
Bay 1, Bus Garage, Belper8:30
opp, The Lion Hotel, Bridge Street, Belper8:31
Adj, Mill, Matlock Road, Belper8:33
adj, St Elizabeths Primary School, School access road, Belper8:35