Buses in the Alresford Post Town Area - View Bus Routes and Stops
Alresford has 0 bus routes which serve 143 bus stops. This page lists the bus stops and bus routes in Alresford and displays them on a map. If you want to find out more details and view bus times or timetables click on a link.
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Interactive Map of Bus Routes and Stops in Alresford,
Click on the stop markers for details about the bus stop. Click on lines for details about the bus routes.
Localities in Alresford
- Beauworth
- Bighton
- Bishop's Sutton
- Bradley
- Bramdean
- Brown Candover
- Cheriton
- Chilton Candover
- Filmore Hill
- Gundleton
- Hinton Ampner
- Itchen Stoke
- Kilmeston
- Lower Wield
- New Alresford
- New Cheriton
- Northington
- Old Alresford
- Ropley
- Ropley Dean
- Ropley Soke
- Swarraton
- Tichborne
- Totford
- Upper Wield
- West Meon Woodlands
Bus Routes in Alresford
Bus Stops in Alresford
- Appledown Close (New Alresford)
- Ashburton Close (New Alresford)
- Auction Rooms (Itchen Stoke)
- Auctions Rooms (Itchen Stoke)
- Bakeland Gardens (New Alresford)
- Bakeland Gardens (New Alresford)
- Beech Road (New Alresford)
- Bowers Grove Lane (Ropley Soke)
- Bowers Grove Lane (Ropley Soke)
- Bridge Road (New Alresford)
- Bridge Road (W-bound) (New Alresford)
- Bridge Road (New Alresford)
- Bridge Road (E-bound) (New Alresford)
- Brislands Lane (Ropley Soke)
- Brislands Lane (Ropley Soke)
- Broad Street (New Alresford)
- Broad Street (adj) (New Alresford)
- Brockwood Turn (West Meon Woodlands)
- Brockwood Turn (West Meon Woodlands)
- Bus Shelter (NW-bound) (Swarraton)
- Bus Shelter (SE-bound) (Swarraton)
- Co-Op (New Alresford)
- Co-Op (opp) (New Alresford)
- Co-Op (New Alresford)
- Co-Op (adj) (New Alresford)
- Cobbs Farm (Bishop's Sutton)
- Cobbs Farm (E-bound) (Bishop's Sutton)
- Cobbs Farm (Bishop's Sutton)
- Cobbs Farm (W-bound) (Bishop's Sutton)
- Darvill Road (Ropley Dean)
- Darvill Road (Ropley Dean)
- Derwent Gardens (New Alresford)
- Dunbridge Lane (opp) (Chilton Candover)
- Elm Road (New Alresford)
- Elm Road (New Alresford)
- Four Ways (Gundleton)
- Four Ways (Gundleton)
- Gascoigne Lane (Ropley Dean)
- Gascoigne Lane (Ropley Dean)
- Gunners Lane (SW-bound) (Brown Candover)
- Gunners Lane (NE-bound) (Brown Candover)
- Hinton Ampner Park (Hinton Ampner)
- Hinton Ampner Park (Hinton Ampner)
- Hinton Hill (Hinton Ampner)
- Hinton Hill (Hinton Ampner)
- Jesty Road (New Alresford)
- Jesty Road (New Alresford)
- Ladycroft Crossroads (New Alresford)
- Ladycroft Crossroads (New Alresford)
- Ladycroft Crossroads (New Alresford)
- Ladycroft Crossroads (SW-bound) (New Alresford)
- Ladycroft Crossroads (New Alresford)
- Ladycroft Crossroads (NE-bound) (New Alresford)
- Library (New Alresford)
- Library (opp) (New Alresford)
- Library (New Alresford)
- Library (adj) (New Alresford)
- Linnets Road H&R (New Alresford)
- Long Barn (New Alresford)
- Long Barn (opposite) (New Alresford)
- Long Barn (New Alresford)
- Long Barn (adjacent) (New Alresford)
- Lovells Walk (New Alresford)
- Manor Farm Crossroads (Bighton)
- Manor Farm Crossroads (Bighton)
- Mill Cross Cottages (Tichborne)
- Mill Cross Cottages (Tichborne)
- Moth Farm (NE-bound) (Brown Candover)
- Moth Farm (SW-bound) (Brown Candover)
- Nettlebeds Lane (Bighton)
- Nettlebeds Lane (Bighton)
- New Cottages (Bramdean)
- New Cottages (Bramdean)
- New Farm Road (New Alresford)
- New Farm Road (W-bound) (New Alresford)
- New Farm Road (New Alresford)
- New Farm Road (E-bound) (New Alresford)
- New Farm Road (New Alresford)
- Nursery Road (New Alresford)
- Old Park Road (Ropley Dean)
- Old Park Road (Ropley Dean)
- Orrs Meadow (Tichborne)
- Orrs Meadow (opp) (Tichborne)
- Orrs Meadow (Tichborne)
- Orrs Meadow (adj) (Tichborne)
- Perins School (New Alresford)
- Perins School (New Alresford)
- Petersfield Road (Ropley Dean)
- Petersfield Road (Ropley Dean)
- Petersfield Road (New Cheriton)
- Petersfield Road (New Cheriton)
- Raebarn Close (Cheriton)
- Raebarn Close (Cheriton)
- Robertson Road (New Alresford)
- Robertson Road (New Alresford)
- Rosebery Road (New Alresford)
- Rushmoor Lane (opposite) (Lower Wield)
- Rushmoor Lane (adjacent) (Lower Wield)
- St Marys Church (Itchen Stoke)
- St Marys Church (Itchen Stoke)
- Sun Hill School (New Alresford)
- The Cricketers (New Alresford)
- The Cricketers (New Alresford)
- The Dean (West Meon Woodlands)
- The Dean (West Meon Woodlands)
- The Fox Inn (Bramdean)
- The Fox Inn (Bramdean)
- The Green (SW-bound) (Upper Wield)
- The Green (NE-bound) (Upper Wield)
- The Pastures (Cheriton)
- The Pastures (Cheriton)
- The Ship (Bishop's Sutton)
- The Ship (opp) (Bishop's Sutton)
- The Ship (Bishop's Sutton)
- The Ship (SE-bound) (Bishop's Sutton)
- The Woolpack Inn (opp) (Totford)
- The Woolpack Inn (o/s) (Totford)
- Tithelands Lane (Bramdean)
- Tithelands Lane (Bramdean)
- Village Hall (Ropley)
- Village Hall (Old Alresford)
- Village Hall (NE-bound) (Old Alresford)
- Village Hall (SW-bound) (Old Alresford)
- Village Hall (o/s) (Northington (Hants))
- Village Hall (opp) (Northington (Hants))
- Village Hall (Bishop's Sutton)
- Village Hall (adj) (Bishop's Sutton)
- Village Hall (Bishop's Sutton)
- Village Hall (opp) (Bishop's Sutton)
- Village Pond (N-bound) (Bradley (Hants))
- Village Pond (SW-bound) (Bradley (Hants))
- War Memorial (Cheriton)
- War Memorial (Cheriton)
- Water Lane (Bishop's Sutton)
- Water Lane (adj) (Bishop's Sutton)
- Water Lane (Bishop's Sutton)
- Water Lane (opp) (Bishop's Sutton)
- Watercress Meadow (New Alresford)
- Watercress Meadow (New Alresford)
- West Tisted Village Hall (SE-bound) (Filmore Hill)
- West Tisted Village Hall (NW-bound) (Filmore Hill)
- Woodcote Manor Cottages (Bramdean)
- Woodcote Manor Cottages (Bramdean)