WA1 1QE is a postcode in the settlement of Warrington
There are 47 unique locations in this postcode area. Discover more details about each location below:
Amber&Malt is located at coordinates (-2.5942998, 53.3898451).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Old Market Place
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Shop: Alcohol
Iceland is located at coordinates (-2.5949707936505, 53.390791010713).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Warrington Interchange
- Housenumber: 3
- Street: Midland Way
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Frozen Food
- Brand: Iceland
- Brand: Wikidata: Q721810
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Iceland (supermarket)
- Level: -1
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-18: 00; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Opening Hours: Covid19: Same
- Payment: Cards: Yes
- Payment: Cash: Yes
- Payment: Contactless: Yes
- Payment: Credit Cards: Yes
- Payment: Debit Cards: Yes
- Payment: Mastercard: Yes
- Payment: Notes: Yes
- Payment: Visa: Yes
- Payment: Visa Debit: Yes
- Phone: +441925633619
- Website: Https: //www.iceland.co.uk/store-finder/store?StoreID=1320&StoreName=WARRINGTON
Boots is located at coordinates (-2.5968353138422, 53.389332824595).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 089
- Street: Hilden Square
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Pharmacy
- Brand: Boots
- Brand: Wikidata: Q6123139
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Boots (company)
- Dispensing: Yes
- Healthcare: Pharmacy
- Level: 0
Scoop! is located at coordinates (-2.5962380532337, 53.389371171158).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 087
- Street: Hilden Square
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Ice Cream
- Level: 0
- Phone: +441925577007
- Website: Https: //www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant Review-g190764-d3931238-Reviews-Scoop Ice Cream-Warrington Cheshire England.html
The Baked Potato is located at coordinates (-2.594684523812, 53.389389578055).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: G
- Street: Old Market Place
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Fast Food
- Drive Through: No
- Takeaway: Only
WHSmith is located at coordinates (-2.5963740435852, 53.389870418287).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 129
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Newsagent
- Brand: WHSmith
- Brand: Wikidata: Q1548712
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: WHSmith
- Level: 0
- Phone: +441925651376
- Website: Https: //www.whsmith.co.uk/stores/details?StoreID=7322
Next is located at coordinates (-2.5963789370942, 53.389754860505).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 128
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Clothes
- Brand: Next
- Brand: Wikidata: Q246655
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Next Plc
- Level: 0
- Phone: +443330055248
- Website: Https: //www.next.co.uk/stores/
Wilkinson Cameras is located at coordinates (-2.5963543903793, 53.389606850836).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 125
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Camera
- Level: 0
- Phone: +441925638290
- Website: Https: //www.wilkinson.co.uk/
Blow is located at coordinates (-2.5964418070679, 53.389571460888).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 126
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Hairdresser
- Level: 0
- Phone: +441925575099
Ernest Jones is located at coordinates (-2.596528098031, 53.389603206082).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 127
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Jewelry
- Brand: Ernest Jones
- Brand: Wikidata: Q5393358
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Ernest Jones (retailer)
- Level: 0
- Phone: +441925419045
- Website: Https: //www.ernestjones.co.uk/webstore/secure/store/3439/warrington/
Trespass is located at coordinates (-2.5958672474625, 53.389734441289).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 120
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Outdoor
- Brand: Trespass
- Brand: Wikidata: Q17035733
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Trespass (clothing)
- Level: 0
- Phone: +441925629963
- Website: Https: //www.trespass.com/stores/warrington
Kenji is located at coordinates (-2.5958550246619, 53.389678250921).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 121
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Variety Store
- Level: 0
- Website: Http: //www.kenji.co.uk/
Clintons is located at coordinates (-2.5958713979175, 53.389888289271).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 118
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Gift
- Brand: Clintons
- Brand: Wikidata: Q5134299
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Clintons
- Level: 0
- Phone: +441925418290
- Website: Https: //www.clintonsretail.com/stores
Superbowl UK is located at coordinates (-2.5949261665681, 53.390682474564).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 016b
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Leisure: Bowling Alley
- Building: Levels: 2
- Email: [email protected]
- Level: 0
- Phone: +441925407053
- Website: Https: //www.superbowluk.co.uk/warrington
Wilko is located at coordinates (-2.5952167239161, 53.39059160399).
Here are some details about this location:
Vintage Viola is located at coordinates (-2.5940126758813, 53.389940752359).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 025
- Street: Lyme Street
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Clothes
- Operator: River Reeves Foundation
The Works is located at coordinates (-2.5940043021735, 53.390103418662).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 021
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Books
- Brand: The Works
- Brand: Wikidata: Q7775853
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: The Works (retailer)
- Phone: +441925411477
- Website: Https: //www.theworks.co.uk/Store?storeId=1047
Bodycare is located at coordinates (-2.5950631640235, 53.389544867955).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 046
- Street: Old Market Place
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Chemist
- Brand: Bodycare
- Brand: Wikidata: Q99938329
- Level: 0
- Website: Https: //www.bodycareplus.com/stores/warrington/
O2 is located at coordinates (-2.5951972854037, 53.389537505324).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 045
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Mobile Phone
- Brand: O2
- Brand: Wikidata: Q1759255
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: O2 (brand)
- Level: 0
- Phone: +441925577111
- Website: Http: //www.o2.co.uk/
Chrisholm Hunter is located at coordinates (-2.595390866075, 53.3895712717).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 043
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Jewelry
- Level: 0
- Phone: +441925234508
- Website: Https: //www.chisholmhunter.co.uk/stores/warrington
The Body Shop is located at coordinates (-2.5952345319381, 53.389671922745).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 042
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Cosmetics
- Brand: The Body Shop
- Brand: Wikidata: Q837851
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: The Body Shop
- Phone: +441925415574
- Website: Https: //www.thebodyshop.com/en-gb/store-details/warrington/2333
Deichmann is located at coordinates (-2.5952718252179, 53.389839407882).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 039
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Shoes
- Brand: Deichmann
- Brand: Wikidata: Q664543
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Deichmann SE
- Phone: +441925575324
- Website: Https: //stores.deichmann.com/gb-en/england/warrington/80-golden-square.html
Card Factory is located at coordinates (-2.5952864635977, 53.389907466963).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 038
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Gift
- Brand: Card Factory
- Brand: Wikidata: Q5038192
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Card Factory
- Layer: -1
- Phone: +441925444825
- Website: Https: //www.cardfactory.co.uk/storefinder/
HMV is located at coordinates (-2.5952176870293, 53.390011747358).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 037
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Music
- Brand: HMV
- Brand: Wikidata: Q10854572
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: HMV
- Phone: +448432210354
- Website: Https: //www.hmv.com/store-finder/hmv-warrington
Superdrug is located at coordinates (-2.5948553881268, 53.390155757813).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 36-40
- Street: The Mall
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Pharmacy
- Brand: Superdrug
- Brand: Wikidata: Q7643261
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Superdrug
- Contact: Website: https://www.superdrug.com/store/warrington
- Dispensing: Yes
- Healthcare: Pharmacy
- Phone: +441925639726
Millets is located at coordinates (-2.5951765021931, 53.390102511289).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 035
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Outdoor
- Brand: Millets
- Brand: Wikidata: Q64822903
- Phone: +441925599450
- Website: Https: //www.millets.co.uk/stores/warrington
NM Money is located at coordinates (-2.5951297599112, 53.390215547929).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 033b
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Bureau De Change
- Brand: NM Money
- Brand: Wikidata: Q86529747
Poundbakery is located at coordinates (-2.5947156761104, 53.39020239994).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 031
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Bakery
- Brand: Poundbakery
- Brand: Wikidata: Q21061591
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Poundbakery
- Phone: +441925572546
- Website: Https: //www.poundbakery.co.uk/store/warrington/
Be The Beauty Spa is located at coordinates (-2.5946269599293, 53.39021118797).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 030
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Beauty
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +441925576908
- Website: Https: //www.beatspa.com
Vodafone is located at coordinates (-2.5944508933916, 53.390154053749).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 028
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Mobile Phone
- Brand: Vodafone
- Brand: Wikidata: Q122141
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Vodafone
- Phone: +447717512353
- Website: Https: //www.vodafone.co.uk/help-and-information/store-locator?icmp=uk~1 Consumer~topnav~quicklinks~3 Find A Store&linkpos=topnav~1~3
Shoe HQ is located at coordinates (-2.5945459403247, 53.390213572962).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 029
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Shoes
- Brand: Shoe HQ
- Phone: +441925414111
- Website: Https: //www.loofes-clothing.com/shoe-hq-warrington-i46
Planet Doughnut is located at coordinates (-2.5943561961395, 53.390133069647).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 027
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Fast Food
- Cuisine: Donut
- Disused: Building: Retail
- Drive Through: No
- Not: Name: Donut's Planet
- Phone: +44 1925 694104
- Start Date: 2021-12-10
- Website: Https: //www.planetdoughnut.co.uk
Timpson is located at coordinates (-2.5943310600544, 53.390006006642).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 026a
- Street: Old Market Place
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Locksmith
- Brand: Timpson
- Brand: Wikidata: Q7807658
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Timpson (retailer)
- Phone: +441925415389
- Website: Https: //www.timpson.co.uk/stores/warrington-the-mall
River Island is located at coordinates (-2.5967266179079, 53.391008987991).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 002
- Street: Midland Way
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Clothes
- Brand: River Island
- Brand: Wikidata: Q2670328
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: River Island
- Level: 0
New Look is located at coordinates (-2.5961518124884, 53.391060760498).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 005
- Street: Midland Way
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Clothes
- Brand: New Look
- Brand: Wikidata: Q12063852
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: New Look (company)
- Level: 0
- Phone: +441925578420
- Website: Https: //www.newlook.com/uk/store/Warrington-Warrington-GB-2115
Beaverbrooks is located at coordinates (-2.5955209924291, 53.390260777072).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 014
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Jewelry
- Brand: Beaverbrooks
- Brand: Wikidata: Q4878226
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Beaverbrooks
- Level: 0
- Phone: +441925651922
- Website: Https: //www.beaverbrooks.co.uk/stores/warrington
The Fragrance Shop is located at coordinates (-2.5954060366402, 53.390305485032).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Https: //www.thefragranceshop.co.uk/store-finder/warrington
- Housenumber: Unit 015
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Perfumery
- Brand: The Fragrance Shop
- Brand: Wikidata: Q105337125
- Level: 0
- Phone: +441925243587
- Website: Https: //www.thefragranceshop.co.uk/store-finder/warrington
claire's is located at coordinates (-2.5955234196867, 53.390559877041).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: Unit 009
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Fashion Accessories
- Brand: Claire's
- Brand: Wikidata: Q2974996
- Contact: Website: https://stores.claires.com/gb-wrt/warrington/91.html
- Phone: +44 1925 576926
- Website: Https: //stores.claires.com/gb-wrt/warrington/91.html
Barrhead Travel is located at coordinates (-2.595501956176, 53.390504508909).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 010
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Travel Agency
- Phone: +441925909608
- Website: Https: //www.barrheadtravel.co.uk/miscellaneous/new-branches/warrington
Pandora is located at coordinates (-2.5954695448142, 53.390358129711).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 013
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Jewelry
- Brand: Pandora
- Brand: Wikidata: Q2241604
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Pandora (jewelry)
- Email: [email protected]
- Level: 0
- Phone: +441925639968
- Website: Https: //stores.pandora.net/en-gb/gb-wrt/warrington/pandora-jewellery-gb2cf11680.html
The Perfume Shop is located at coordinates (-2.5959154403872, 53.389441891276).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 085
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Perfumery
- Brand: The Perfume Shop
- Brand: Wikidata: Q7756719
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: The Perfume Shop
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-17: 30; Su 11: 00-17: 00
- Opening Hours: Covid19: Same
- Phone: +441925423977
- Website: Https: //www.theperfumeshop.com/store/warrington-the-perfume-shop
Starbucks is located at coordinates (-2.5957832082284, 53.389452042658).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 084
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Cafe
- Brand: Starbucks
- Brand: Wikidata: Q37158
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Starbucks
- Cuisine: Coffee Shop
- Level: 0
- Official Name: Starbucks Coffee
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 07: 30-19: 00; Su 09: 00-18: 00
- Opening Hours: Covid19: Same
- Phone: +441925259159
- Takeaway: Yes
- Website: Https: //www.starbucks.co.uk/store-locator/store/1013127/warrington-golden-square-sc-7-the-mall-warrington-eng-wa-1-1-qe-gb?place=Golden+Square+Shopping+Centre&latLng=53.389459999999985%2C-2.5957100000000066&zoom=15&store=28404-250702&storeDetail=28404-250
White Lace Cakes is located at coordinates (-2.5948144337698, 53.389546716473).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 048
- Street: Old Market Place
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Bakery
- Phone: +441925695226
- Website: Https: //www.whitelacecakesbakery.co.uk
Flanagans Irish Bar is located at coordinates (-2.5948262078814, 53.389595793143).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 048
- Street: Old Market Place
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Bar
- Contact: Facebook: Https: //www.facebook.com/Flanagans-Irish-Bar-315242969311261/
- Phone: +441925639777
Shoe Zone is located at coordinates (-2.5948853425518, 53.389272666909).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 074
- Street: Old Market Place
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Shoes
- Brand: Shoe Zone
- Brand: Wikidata: Q7500016
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Shoe Zone
- Phone: +441925637480
- Website: Https: //www.shoezone.com/Stores/Warrington-1804
Card Express is located at coordinates (-2.5948646450788, 53.38908313853).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 071
- Street: Sankey Street
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Gift
- Phone: +441925245075
- Website: Https: //www.instagram.com/cardexpresswarrington/
Mobile World is located at coordinates (-2.5952212974779, 53.389238225664).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Golden Square Shopping Centre
- Housenumber: Unit 078
- City: Warrington
- Postcode: WA1 1QE
- Building: Yes
- Layer: 1
- Phone: +441925555521
- Website: Https: //mobileworld-phonerepairservice.business.site/
Location Details
OS Easting (X): | 360497 |
OS Northing (Y): | 388283 |
Latitude (X): | 53.389911 |
Longitude (Y): | -2.595413 |
Postal Area: | WA |
Postal District: | WA1 |
Postal Sector: | WA1 1 |
Nearby Amenities
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