TN40 1DT is a postcode in the settlement of Hastings
There are 20 unique locations in this postcode area. Discover more details about each location below:
Bow Ties is located at coordinates (0.47162845, 50.8400088).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 39
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Cafe
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Email: [email protected]
- Contact: Phone: +44 1424 215030
- Contact: Website:
- Opening Hours: We-Su 11: 30-21: 00
- Outdoor Seating: Yes
- Source: Addr: FHRS Open Data
- Takeaway: Yes
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Barracloughs is located at coordinates (0.47156594610675, 50.839954950372).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 41
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Optician
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Email: [email protected]
- Contact: Facebook: Https: //
- Contact: Phone: +44 1424 219543
- Contact: Twitter: Barracloughs
- Contact: Website:
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-17: 15
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 100062588544;100062586850;10002666617;10002649920;100061936795
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Plum Crazy is located at coordinates (0.47148526113748, 50.83994784032).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 43
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Furniture
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Phone: +44 1424 301009
- Opening Hours: Mo
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 100062686044;100062588726
- Wheelchair Accessible: No
Jenningsbet is located at coordinates (0.47139079652338, 50.839987259704).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 45
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Bookmaker
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Email: [email protected]
- Contact: Website:
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-22: 00; Su 10: 00-22: 00
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 100062588725;100062586851
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Stuff & Nonsense in The Big Egg is located at coordinates (0.47130610093716, 50.839979738804).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 47
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Antiques
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Facebook: Https: //
- Contact: Mobile: +44 7518 783265
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 09: 30-17: 30; Sa 10: 30-16: 00
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10002667470;100062588545
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Hair Lounge is located at coordinates (0.47122218263643, 50.839972264659).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 49
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Hairdresser
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Phone: +44 1424 214711
- Opening Hours: Mo-Th 09: 30-17: 30; Fr 09: 30-19: 30; Sa 09: 00-17: 00
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 100060096087
- Unisex: Yes
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Alfredo and Sue Silva's Cafe is located at coordinates (0.47113785, 50.83996475).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 51
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Cafe
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Facebook: Https: //
- Contact: Phone: +44 1424 734908
- Cuisine: Sandwich
- Diet: Vegan: Yes
- Diet: Vegetarian: Yes
- Drinking Water: Refill: Yes
- Drinking Water: Refill: Network: Bexfill
- Ice Cream: Yes
- Lunch: Yes
- Opening Hours: Tu-Sa 09: 30-15: 30
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 100062588546;100062586852;200002905696
- Source: Addr: FHRS Open Data
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Vibrant Mobility is located at coordinates (0.47105080252241, 50.839957102515).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 53
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Mobility
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Facebook: Https: //
- Contact: Phone: +44 1424 216657
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 11: 00-14: 00; Sa 11: 00-13: 00
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10090507933;10090507934;100062588547
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Olive Pine is located at coordinates (0.47096581263601, 50.839949707929).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 55
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Office: Accountant
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Email: [email protected]
- Contact: Mobile: +44 7714 473160
- Contact: Website:
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 100062588724;10093333756
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Western Road Fruiterers is located at coordinates (0.47088275, 50.83994215).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 57
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Greengrocer
- Building: Levels: 3
- Dog: Yes
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 06: 00-17: 00
- Payment: Cash: Yes
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 200002467926;100062588541
- Wheelchair Accessible: No
Sara Lee Trust is located at coordinates (0.47081346731015, 50.839893447615).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 59-61
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Furniture
- Building: Levels: 3
- Charity: Yes
- Contact: Email: [email protected]
- Contact: Facebook: Https: //
- Contact: Phone: +44 1424 733338
- Contact: Twitter: SaraLeeTrust
- Contact: Website:
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 10: 00-17: 00
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10002649601;10002649600;10002649926;100061936776
- Ref: Charity: 1055048
- Second Hand: Yes
- Wheelchair Accessible: No
Shaun M Piper Butchers is located at coordinates (0.47073416785124, 50.839924102543).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 63
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Butcher
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Facebook: Https: //
- Contact: Phone: +44 1424 210829
- Opening Hours: Mo
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 100061936806;10002666620;10002649927
- Source: Addr: FHRS Open Data
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Aspens is located at coordinates (0.47062850204375, 50.839914683429).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 65-67
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Charity
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Facebook: Https: //
- Contact: Phone: +44 1424 819366
- Contact: Twitter: AspensC Shops
- Contact: Website:
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-17: 00; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10002649918;10002667248;10002666732;10002666912;100062686047;10002666238;100062586389
- Ref: Charity: 1171446
- Second Hand: Yes
- Wheelchair Accessible: No
Oriental City UK is located at coordinates (0.47051952103258, 50.839904916136).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 69
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Restaurant
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Facebook: Https: //
- Contact: Phone: +44 1424 225704
- Cuisine: Chinese
- Delivery: No
- Opening Hours: We-Mo 17: 00-22: 30
- Payment: Cash: Yes
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 100060096090
- Source: Addr: FHRS Open Data
- Takeaway: Only
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Seafood is located at coordinates (0.47044507903534, 50.839898283508).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 71
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Seafood
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Phone: +44 1424 219096
- Opening Hours: Tu-Sa 07: 30-15: 30
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 100061936808;100062588579
- Source: Addr: FHRS Open Data
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Dorothy Marchant Florists is located at coordinates (0.47037085, 50.83989175).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 73
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Florist
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Email: [email protected]
- Contact: Facebook: Https: //
- Contact: Phone: +44 1424 213023
- Contact: Website:
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 09: 00-17: 00; Sa 09: 00-16: 00
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 100061936809;100062586853
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
China Garden is located at coordinates (0.47029455, 50.839885).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 75
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Restaurant
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Phone: +44 1424 210330
- Cuisine: Chinese
- Delivery: No
- Opening Hours: 18: 00-23: 00
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 100060096091
- Source: Addr: FHRS Open Data
- Takeaway: Yes
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Copper Moon is located at coordinates (0.47022411264405, 50.839829096427).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 77
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Cafe
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Email: [email protected]
- Contact: Facebook: Https: //
- Contact: Instagram: Coppermoonuk
- Contact: Website:
- Opening Hours: 08: 30-16: 00
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 100062588580;100061936810
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Beachcombers is located at coordinates (0.47010781246481, 50.839903028977).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 79
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Hairdresser
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Facebook: Https: //
- Contact: Phone: +44 1424 213881
- Female: Yes
- Opening Hours: Tu-Sa 09: 00-17: 30
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 100062588550
- Wheelchair Accessible: No
Bex Barbers is located at coordinates (0.4700306082461, 50.839892227487).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 81
- Street: Western Road
- City: Bexhill-on-Sea
- Postcode: TN40 1DT
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Hairdresser
- Building: Levels: 3
- Contact: Facebook: Https: //
- Contact: Mobile: +44 7577 392970
- Male: Yes
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 09: 00-18: 00; Sa 08: 00-17: 00
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 100062586848;10002650078;100061936811;100062586849
- Wheelchair Accessible: No
Location Details
OS Easting (X): | 574065 |
OS Northing (Y): | 107393 |
Latitude (X): | 50.839885 |
Longitude (Y): | 0.470862 |
Postal Area: | TN |
Postal District: | TN40 |
Postal Sector: | TN40 1 |
Nearby Amenities
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